Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.

During the Swedish invasion of Poland, the brave warrior Andrzej Kmicic, considered a traitor to the nation, fights for a country, redemption and love across the 17th-century Polish territories.

Marceau Léonetti, a competent and energetic officer stops by chance the son of an influential lawyer driving under the influence of alcohol. A few months later, the lawyer falsely accuses Léonetti as being violent and incompetent. As a result Marceau is transferred to a small police station, where he meets young and beautiful Jeanne. Soon they are faced with a tough investigation.

For more than 15 years, two Marseille friends and criminals battle the law, rival gangs, prison authorities and even mined beaches in order to survive.

During World War II, French Commandos join forces with a German officer in order to survive the African desert.

In this action comedy the French boxer Jo Cavalier is charmed on the train to Berlin for the Olympics in Hitler's Germany by the little boy Simon Rosenblum who asks his autograph; when it turns out his adorable young fan is a Jewish orphan in danger of persecution, he risks his one shot at Olympic glory to save Simon and his family, helped only by a German officer-gentleman who became his friend in World War I, by an adventurous escape to Switzerland, Nazi troops on their heals and braving impossible odds in roller coaster-style.

ფრანსუა მერლინი ჯაშუშური რომანების ავტორია, რომელმაც უკვე 42 რომანი დაწერა საიდუმლო აგენტ ბობ სენტ-კლერზე. ის მუდამ საბეჭდ მანქანასთან ზის და მუშაობს რის გამოც ცოლმა მიატოვა, მაგრამ მისი რედაქტორი შარონი ყოველთვის უკმაყოფილოა მერლინის ნამუშევრებით და უფრო უკეთესს ითხოვს.

A hit man searches for an alcoholic prostitute who has witnessed a crime and fled to Madrid.

უკომპრომისო პოლიციის კომისარი მარსელის მთავარ ნარკობარონზე ნადირობს. კრიმინალური ავტორიტეტი ცდილობს შეიძინოს კომისარი, ისევე როგორც ბევრი სხვა მის წინ, მაგრამ მთავარი გმირი უარს ამბობს გარიგებაზე და მარტო აგრძელებს ბრძოლას.

პირადი დეტექტივი როჯერ პილარი ცდილობს მიაღწიოს მიუდგომელ დაუნდობელ მკვლელს, სახელად ჰოუკს, რომელიც გამოუცდელ ახალგაზრდებს თავის გაბედულ დანაშაულებში თანამონაწილეებად იყენებს და შემდეგ ცივსისხლიანად ანადგურებს მათ. მაგრამ ამ ბიჭებიდან ერთ-ერთი სასწაულებრივად გადარჩა და გმირი აწყობს მას ციხიდან გაქცევას, რათა მისი დახმარებით ქორი იპოვოს.

When seven archaeologists find an ancient Inca temple, they become victims of an ancient curse. Back in Europe, one by one they fall into a deep sleep and only once a day, all at the same time, they wake up for a few minutes and experience hallucinations where the sinister living mummy of Rascar Capac appears.

Francois always despised the textile barons who ruled his local town. But he fell in love with the family heiress Gilberte. Ten years ago, he would have married her. Now only hatred holds them together. Francois is accused of murder. A hooker and a football star lie slaughtered. He thinks he has been framed by the mob. Going underground, he finds that the trail leads all the way to the top - to Gilberte's family. He needs friends. And friends are hard to come by in his town.

Victor Vautier is incorrigible: he's in constant motion, working several cons at once, using different names and changing disguises. He's charming and outrageous, incapable of uttering a sentence that isn't embellished or an outright lie. His life goal is to make enough money to build a sea wall to protect Mont-Saint-Michel. Charlotte, a parole officer, shows up: she's young and seems taken in by Victor. He discovers she lives above the Senlus Museum, where her parents are the curators. With two pals he decides to steal a priceless El Greco triptych and then ransom it back to the cultural ministry. What will Charlotte do when she realizes he's used her to make a fortune?

Lepetit, an ambitious and determined man, is named the new CEO of a department store. His mission is to improve the store's financial position. He decides that the human factor will be his catchword and introduces new methods, which he also applied to himself. But tensions slowly arise between members of the staff.

Dressed as a clown, the clever rascal Grimm holds up the most secure bank of Montreal and takes 30 hostages. While confusing and ridiculing the police with his strange behavior, he calmly manages to rid the bank of a fortune. But then an unsatisfied companion arouses trouble...

After the failure of his recent criminal exploits, international con artist Alexandre Dupré sets off for Venice to try to dupe some Japanese business men into buying a fake copy of a stolen Caneletto. On the aeroplane, a stranger asks him to look after his briefcase until after they have landed. Alexandre agrees, but the stranger is shot dead soon after and Alexandre himself becomes the target of enemy agents who are keen to recover the briefcase...

Nick Randall is a Los Angeles-based bounty hunter and an ex-CIA operative who is asked by a former co-worker to help track down terrorist Malak Al Rahim. However, Malak Al Rahim is also looking for Randall, and Randall's employers tell him where to find him. This results in the death of his best friend, Sgt. Danny Quintz, and his girlfriend, Terry, eventually forcing a showdown on the waterfront.

Alice Tomaso gets out of jail, and goes looking for Léo and Julien, one of whom, it appears, is her father. On the way, she steals the wrong car - one belonging to the Russian mafia, and arrives at her destination with a gang of thugs out looking for her and the car.

თაფლობის თვის შემდეგ რობერტი და კეტრინი ბრუნდებიან რობერტის მშობლების სახლში. მალე ახალდაქორწინებულებს ტყუპები - ორი ბიჭი შეეძინათ. სახლში აურზაური იწყება, ბებია-ბაბუის უკმაყოფილება იწყება. მაგრამ ეს მხოლოდ დასაწყისია, გადის კიდევ დრო და კიდევ რამდენიმე ბიჭი იბადება...