Set in a surface mine, two boys sink into a seemingly innocent power game with Mother Nature as the sole observer.

Na začiatku 18. storočia vládne Veľkej Británii kráľovná Anna, posledná z rodu Stuartovcov, ktorá sa do histórie zapísala skôr neslávne. Je plachá a prehliadaná, trpí bolestivou dnou a nie je ani veľmi vzdelaná, čo z nej činí perfektnú obeť manipulátorov. Jej jedinou oporou v živote je lady Sarah. Sarah sa vďaka tomu dostala do najvyšších kruhov anglickej aristokracie a za neistú kráľovnú prakticky vládne sama. Spoza kráľovninho trónu robí všetky dôležité rozhodnutia ohľadne chodu štátu. Zároveň si svoju pozíciu ostro stráži a nikoho, kto by sa pokúsil kráľovnú ovplyvniť, k nej nepustí. Podcenila len svoju sesternicu Abigail, ktorá na dvor prišla prosiť o prácu služobnej potom, čo jej rodina zbankrotovala. Sarah ju z ľútosti prijala. Netuší však, že by ctižiadostivá Abigail mohla ohroziť jej rolu kráľovninej favoritky. Zatiaľ čo Abigail vďaka svojej obľube u panovníčky rýchlo stúpa spoločenským rebríčkom, od Sarah sa začína priazeň odvracať.

Triad boss Lung, who has just escaped being killed in an assassination attempt hires the killers Curtis, James, Mike, Roy and Shin for his protection. Their grown solidarity is under compulsion when Lung orders Curtis to kill Shin in punishment for his affair with Mrs. Lung.

Joe Castleman sa práve dozvedel, že získal Nobelovu cenu za literatúru a jeho žena Joan nemôže byť šťastnejšia. Lenže od chvíle, ako prídu do Štokholmu na slávnostný ceremoniál, rastie medzi nimi napätie, a to z viacerých príčin. Problémom je napríklad prítomnosť neodbytného životopisca, zaznamenávajúceho život a dielo oceneného spisovateľa, atraktívna mladá fotografka, ktorá im pripomína takmer zabudnuté indiskrétnosti, ale aj večne podráždený syn David, žijúci v otcovom tieni. Situácia vyústi do radikálneho rozhodnutia, ktoré urobí ostýchavá Joan počas slávnosti odovzdávania Nobelových cien. Prenikavá štúdia o celebritách, manželstve a kreatívnej tvorbe, ktorá sa dômyselne pohráva so známym tvrdením, že za každým veľkým mužom stojí veľká žena.

Bruno's plan to win back his ex-girlfriend hits a snag when he becomes attracted to her boyfriend.

New York Harlem, 70. roky minulého storočia. Očami Tish Rivers je prerozprávaný ľúbostný príbeh medzi devätnásťročnou Tish a jej priateľom, umelcom Alonzom Huntom prezývaným aj Fonny. Tish a Fonny sa priatelia od detstva a snívajú o spoločnej budúcnosti v manželstve. Fonnyho ale zatknú a uväznia za zločin, ktorý nespáchal...

An aging woman and her nurse develop a friendship that inspires her to unearth unacknowledged longing and thus help her make peace with her past.

One of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time, Marie Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontlines of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless.

Medicine, money and morality clash when a hospital's Heart Transplant Selection Committee has only minutes to decide which of three patients on the transplant list will receive a heart that has suddenly become available.

David Berman and his friends, all Holocaust survivors, have only one purpose: to go to America as soon as possible. For this they need money. Close to his aim, David is not only deprived of his savings but also overtaken by his shady past.

An act of civil disobedience turns into a standoff with police when homeless people in Cincinnati take over the public library to seek shelter from the bitter cold.

To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.

A therapist loses her grip on reality when a ten-year-old boy claims he can control her future.

Tridsiatnik Mauro žije na rímskom sídlisku Tor Bella Monaca. Na tomto mieste sa aj obyčajné veci, ako je skutočná práca, či život s priateľkou, menia na nedostupné sny. Obzvlášť, keď sa vaši priatelia rozhodnú okradnúť čínsku mafiu...

This cinematic journey into the waters off East Africa chronicles the story behind artist Damien Hirst's massive exhibition of oceanic treasures.

Madeline has become an integral part of a prestigious physical theater troupe. When the workshop's ambitious director pushes the teenager to weave her rich interior world and troubled history with her mother into their collective art, the lines between performance and reality begin to blur. The resulting battle between imagination and appropriation rips out of the rehearsal space and through all three women's lives.

Eliseo is ugly, lame and single. He hasn't met the woman of his life and has never known love. Nati is ugly, missing a breast and separated. She found the man of her life but, even so, has never experienced true love. Eliseo thinks that the worst of his life is still to come. Nati thinks that the best of her life is still to come. The death of Eliseo's mother reunites them twenty years on in a last chance to find happiness and love. But what happens when the woman of your life is married to your brother

After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.

Bilbao, Spain. After breaking up with Elisa, his girlfriend for several years, Txema meets Claudia, a gorgeous Argentinian girl, in a very awkward situation. They become friends so soon and so easily that Txema misinterprets Claudia's feelings for him.

A man and his brother on a mission of revenge become trapped in a harrowing occult experiment dating back to the Third Reich.