An 8 year old boy must return his friend's notebook he took by mistake, lest his friend be punished by expulsion from school.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.

A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

Jacek climbs into the taxi driven by Waldemar, tells him to drive to a remote location, then brutally strangles him, seemingly without motive.

As the young girls have discovered the truth about the cruel fate of a magical girl, one magical girl after another is destroyed. Throughout it all, there is one magical girl who continues to fight alone - Homura Akemi. Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part II: Eternal is a retelling of the second half of the TV anime series.

In the Sengoku period, a woman and her daughter are raped and murdered by soldiers during a time of civil war. Afterwards, a series of samurai returning from the war through that area are found mysteriously dead with their throats torn out. The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero to quell what is evidently an Onryō ghost. He encounters the two beautiful women in an eerie, beautiful scene. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.

Nanni Moretti recalls in his diary three slice of life stories characterized by a sharply ironic look: in the first one he wanders through a deserted Rome, in the second he visits a reclusive friend on an island, and in the last he has to grapple with an unknown illness.

For more than 15 years, two Marseille friends and criminals battle the law, rival gangs, prison authorities and even mined beaches in order to survive.

Didžiojo nuosmukio metu viską praradusi, vieniša moteris leidžiasi į kelionę po Jungtinių Amerikos valstijų vakarus, gyvendama tarsi šių dienų klajoklė – savadarbiame namelyje ant ratų. Po ekonominio mažo Nevados miestelio žlugimo, Fern susipakuoja savo mantą į furgoną ir leidžiasi į kelią, tyrinėdama gyvenimą už įprastos visuomenės ribų, kaip šiuolaikinis klajoklis. Trečiajame režisierės Chloé Zhao vaidybiniame filme vaidina tikri klajokliai - Linda, Svankė, Bobas – kaip Fern mentoriai ir bendražygiai, nukeliantys ten, kur niekada nebuvote, supažindina su nuostabiais žmonėmis, apie kuriuos mažai ar nieko nežinojote, ir palieka jus kupinus jausmų, kurių galbūt nejutote, bet džiaugiatės šia kelione ir joje pasikeitėte. Vienas iš dalykų, kuriuos šiame gyvenime labiausiai mėgsta klajokliai, yra tai, kad nėra galutinio atsisveikinimo. Sutinki šimtus žmonių ir niekada neatsisveikini. Klajokliai tiesiog sako „pamatysiu tave kelyje“.

Nusikaltėlių vadai išvengę kalėjimo per kelias dienas ima kristi kaip musės, visi mano, kad tai kažkoks vidinis gaujos karas, bet Haris įsitikinęs, kad rankas čia yra pridėję saviškiai arba kažkas apsimetantis policininkais.

Introverted Girona student Nacho meets two delinquents from the city's Chinatown and gets caught up in a summer onslaught of burglaries and hold ups that will change his life.

A struggling young writer finds his life and work dominated by his unfaithful wife and his radical feminist mother, whose best-selling manifesto turns her into a cultural icon.

Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.

While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.

Mike Hamilton, a Philadelphia lawyer, comes to Naples to settle the estate of his long estranged "black sheep" brother. Once there, he discovers that the deceased has left an 8 year old boy who is being raised by Michael's sister-in-law Lucia Curcio. To make matters worse, Lucia happens to be a sexy nightclub dancer.

Yann Madec, long-time best mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dream come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop in Cape Verde to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a stowaway on board, a Senegalese teenager named Moussa. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Moussa’s presence, Yann hesitates… Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.

Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.

Pagrindinis filmo veikėjas Vicas Davisas dirba slaptojoje tarnyboje, kurioje ne kartą rizikavo savo gyvybe dėl visuomenės saugumo. Vieną dieną jis atvažiuoja į koledžą pasiimti sūnaus ir yra netikėtai įtraukiamas į sūnaus bendrakursės pagrobimo operaciją. Mergina yra vieno iš JAV Aukščiausiojo Teismo teisėjų dukra, ir, aišku, tokiu būdu nusikaltėliai darys spaudimą valdžios institucijoms sprendžiant vieną labai svarbų klausimą. Vicas nedelsdamas imasi šio reikalo, nes puikiai supranta, kad merginos gyvybei pavojus realus, o teisėjas netrukus priims vieną sprendimą, kuris turėtų pakeisti šalies ateitį ir įtakos tūkstančių paprastų amerikiečių gyvenimus. Ar Davisas gali įvykdyti šią misiją? Ar pavyks rasti pagrobtą merginą ir sugrąžinti ją namo?

When the puzzle box is once again solved, Pinhead and his legion demolish all who dare oppose them. But standing in his way is the only person who has defeated Cenobites of the past.