《小马国女孩:单曲循环》(英语:My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass)是四部时长近一小时的《小马国女孩》特别篇中的第四部及最后一部。 在这部特别篇中,余晖烁烁和萍琪派因能亲临现场看她们最爱的乐队在星璇音乐节上的表演而兴奋不已,但小马国的魔法使得余晖一次次被困在音乐节的第一天。

Someone begins taunting Aurora Teagarden with cryptic clues left at crime scenes, so the librarian-turned-crime buff attempts to figure out who is behind the creepy “game.” But when the people closest to Aurora become targets, the game takes on a much more dangerous edge as it points to a planned murder. The 10th installment in Aurora Teagarden Mysteries.

看见作为同伴的望月芽心被拥有着玄内样子的谜之男人伤害了,缅因猫兽再一次暴走。「你是不应该诞生的...」在现实世界消失了的缅因猫兽,正式这扭曲的本身。因为拥有过于强大的力量,是毁灭世界的钥匙。在西岛大吾和望月博士面前现身的哈克兽向他们说明了真相。为了保持世界的协调和恒常性,要将过于强大的缅因猫兽视为危险,将其除掉。 由于暴走的缅因猫兽的出现,现实世界也出现了各种崩坏,倒计时已经开始。各地都接连不断的发生变异,通过扭曲而出现的数码兽们都在等待着那个时刻的来临。被选召的孩子们被赶出了发生异常的数码世界,回到了现实世界,之后因为和自己的数码兽在一起而被人们驱赶。虽然大家都变得孤立无援,但是还是在拼命的寻找对策。另外,残酷的命运,也向着比任何人的灵魂都要真正且纤细的八神光逼近着...现在,冒险将再一次进化。


In the winter of 1968, in a small village in the mountains, the story follows three children who embark on a daring quest to evade the ominous Monster of Many Noses, a formidable figure deeply ingrained in Catalan folklore. This sinister character is known for hunting down children who have spun too many lies on the final day of the year. But the children are not the only ones gripped by fear; the film also explores how lies from the past can have a haunting presence. The film follows a proven formula of taking a deeply rooted legend from Catalan folklore and transforming it into a universal story. The Monster of Many Noses is a captivating exploration of history, myth, and the human condition.


  莱斯利(奎恩·拉提法 Queen Latifah 饰)是一名经验丰富的康复训练师,著名NBA球星斯科特(科曼Common 饰)是她的客户。实际上,莱斯利对斯科特的感情可不是医生对病人这么简单,一直以来,她都默默的爱慕着斯科特,只不过她觉得自己和这位球场上的巨星身份地位相差甚远,于是选择将这份感情默默的埋藏在心底。   在一场比赛中,科特身受重伤,即将面临告别赛场的命运,此时莱斯利挺身而出,开始为他进行精密而细致的康复训练。让莱斯利没有想到的是,科特竟然和自己的好朋友摩根(宝拉·巴顿 Paula Patton 饰)走到了一起,看到整日出双入对的两人,莱斯利的心里非常的不是滋味

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

01-殖民卫星滚落事件 02-元组高达迷之场面集锦 03-严蛇武(高达)传说 由于第1作‘机动战士SD高达MK-I’大受欢迎,1989年6月发售了OVA‘机动战士SD高达MK-II’。内容包含‘殖民卫星滚落事件’、‘元组高达迷之场面集锦’、‘严蛇武(高达)传说’这三段故事收录其中。   ‘殖民卫星滚落事件’是为了欣赏在“宇宙太空殖民地 趣乐”上举办的可疑舞台秀而前来的SD角色们无法无天大闹一场的故事。因为豪华的舞台秀而兴奋起来的(?)高达和SD女性们演出性感舞台(←死灵的盂兰盆舞?)这类谜一般的可看之处也非常多(笑)。  ‘元组高达迷之场面集锦’是将高达系列作品的副标题都改成冷笑话,如此过度大胆的内容,就连对高达毫不知情的人也能够感受到乐趣(!?)。  ‘严蛇武(高达)传说’是为了拯救被囚禁的公主,剑士阿姆罗、魔术师卡密儿、扒手杰特这3个勇者,接受国王的命令前往讨伐住在吉翁山的大魔王夏亚这样一个原创故事。  仿佛是美好过去的RPG游戏一般的气氛搭配像是“さらわれた(被抓走了)→皿割れた(盘子破了)”这种脱力系的同音笑话,会让人有种满脑子傻呼呼的幸福感吧~(笑)。

Eva and Carlos are a marriage in destruction. Only Jonah, the son they once had together, keeps them together. Now Jonás has just died in an accident thousands of miles from home during a visit to his paternal grandparents, and nothing unites Eva and Carlos anymore. Without the resources to bring Jonah back, but without the heart not to do so, they will try to get the money they need to recover their son's body at any price.




Did the Nazis ever see Charlie Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator'? Yugoslavia, 1942 - The young Serbian projectionist Nikola Radosevic decides to teach the German oppressors a lesson they won't forget. The beginning of a true and astonishing World War II resistance story.