Koreja v tridesetih letih minulega stoletja, obdobje japonske okupacije. Japonska dedinja Hideko živi odmaknjeno v velikem podeželskem poslopju s svojim dominantnim stricem. Za hišno pomočnico s stricem najameta novo dekle Sookee, ki pa ima skrivnost. V resnici gre za žeparko v službi sleparja, ki se pretvarja, da je japonski grof. Ta poskuša lady zapeljati v poroko, nato pa jo oropati in zapreti v norišnico.

Resnična biografska zgodba o temnopoltem Solomonu, ki sredi 19. stoletja v New Yorku svobodno dela in srečno živi z družino. Zlobna dvoličneža mu ponudita delo, vendar ga ugrabita in na jugu ZDA prodata v suženjstvo. Med mukotrpnim delom na bombažnih poljih zamenja več lastnikov, dokler ne pristane pri sadističnem Edwinu, ki uživa v zlorabljanju sužnjev. Solomon kljub vsem krivicam ne obupa in išče način, kako bi se vrnil k svoji družini. Film je prejel Zlati Globus za najboljšo dramo.

Lucas is a young man who lives with his religious aunt Lourdes in a quiet country town. He helps his aunt by holding religious meetings with the ladies of the area, in the living room, playing biblical songs on the keyboard. This quiet life will end as soon as the charitable aunt communicates the arrival of another nephew, Mario, just out of jail. The clash of reality between the cousins ends up causing unusual situations, and an unexpected attraction among the boys.

When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!

Film je umeščen deset let po dogodkih iz prvega dela in se začne z zgodbo o družini Sully. Odkar se je odločil trajno prenesti človeško zavest v telo Avatarja in postati novi vodja naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully s svojo družino živi na Pandori. Z Neytiri sta ustvarila družino in dobila otroke. Kolonizacijske sile se vrnejo na Pandoro, da bi oživile prvotno iskanje, zaradi česar Jake in Neytiri pobegneta iz svojega doma in raziskujeta doslej še neznane dele Pandore, da bi srečala ljudstvo Metkayine, klan domorodcev, ki živijo obdani z morjem.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

A week in the life of Paterson, a poet bus driver, and his wife Laura, a very creative artist, who live in Paterson, New Jersey, hometown of many famous poets and artists.

In 1630, a farmer relocates his family to a remote plot of land on the edge of a forest where strange, unsettling things happen. With suspicion and paranoia mounting, each family member's faith, loyalty and love are tested in shocking ways.

Esra leads two parallel lives. In her daily life the vivacious and spirited Esra adores her family but feels caged in her relationships. In her dream life, she yearns to discover the identity of the man who visits her dreams. While in waking life she struggles in vain, in her dream life she evolves in secret. But what if waking and dreaming were never separate and the real secret is shored by all?

Okoreli stari prevarant Roy Courtnay vrže oko na novo žrtev: nedavno ovdovelo, premožno Betty McLeish. Roy jo namerava omrežiti in ji vzeti vse. Že od prvega srečanja jo začne Roy mrežiti s svojimi običajnimi manipulacijami in lažmi, Betty pa se zdi prevzeta od šarmantnega starega kavalirja in med njima se začne uglajena romanca. Ampak tisto, kar naj bi bila še ena goljufija naivne ženske, se nazadnje sprevrže v igro mačke in miši z najvišjimi stavami. Zahrbtne prevare bodo oba pahnile na minsko polje nevarnosti, spletk in izdaj, ki oba protagonista povezuje še iz njune daljne preteklosti. V filmu prvič skupaj nastopita britanski igralski legendi Helen Mirren in Ian McKellen; prinašata duhovit, nepredvidljiv triler o večletnih skrivnostih in lažeh, ki jih prikrivajo ljudje.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

A $10-million diamond rip-off, a stolen identity, a new life married to a diplomat. Laure Ash has risked big, won big. But then a tabloid shutterbug snaps her picture in Paris, and suddenly, enemies from Laure's secret past know who and where she is. And they all want their share of the diamond heist. Or her life. Or both.

When a warlock threatens Wendy the Good Little Witch, she and her aunts hide out at a resort where Casper the Ghost is vacationing with his uncles. Although Casper and Wendy are told ghosts and witches don't get along, the two are kindred spirits! This spooky family-friendly adventure finds Casper and Wendy bridging the ghost-witch divide to battle the warlock who is intent on destroying Wendy.

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

Režiser sage o Harryju Potterju predstavlja novo akcijsko različico večne zgodbe o džungelskem bojevniku Tarzanu in njegovem boju za pravico in svobodo. Postavni Tarzan je po srečanju s srčno izbranko Jane zapustil divjino in se vrnil v Veliko Britanijo, kjer je prevzel vlogo uglednega aristokrata. Ko ga zaprosijo, naj se vrne v Kongo, kot trgovski odposlanec, ne sluti, da je zakorakal v spletko pohlepnega in maščevalnega belgijskega oficirja Leona. Ko se v smrtni nevarnosti znajde tudi Jane, mora Tarzan v sebi najti svoje divje korenine in na pomoč poklicati vse svoje živalske prijatelje.

V nadaljevanju priljubljene francoske komedije o večkulturni družni se zakonca Claude in Marie Verneuil spopadata z novo krizo. Kot pripadnika katoliškega meščanstva, ki gojita vrednote stare tradicionalne Francije, težko sprejmeta najnovejšo novico. Zakonci štirih hčera so se odločili zapustiti Francijo zaradi različnih razlogov. Različne komične življenjske situacije ves čas zahtevajo, da sta oče in mama odprtega duha.

Recently orphaned, a young boy is taken in by his godmother who is shocked to realize that she can see the boy's imaginary friend: a flamboyant, French magician named Bogus.

Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.