A young girl gets so scared by the horror movie her older brother watches that she can’t sleep at night. Worse, the creatures from the film torment her, and she has to find a way to get through the night in this dialogue-free stop-motion film

On July 9th GCW presents Fight Club Houston straight from Premier Arena in Houston, Texas. The lineup is almost completed, check it below: AJ Gray vs Bryan Keith Nick Gage vs Sadika Joey Janela vs Dante Ninja Mack vs Jack Cartwheel Effy vs Gino Jimmy Lloyd vs Carter Lucha Scramble .... more to be added soon!

See how Teyana Taylor dreamed up her most ambitious show to date: House of Petunia. Take an unfiltered look into the creative process for Teyana's iconic performance at Red Bull Music Festival New York.

Dom, 36 years old, is a sailor on board of the fishing boat Petit Gael II from the port of Les Sables d'Olonne, a small town in western France. He is used to leave for the open sea for at least three weeks in a row. Despite of his absences, his teenaged children decided to live with him since the divorce of the parents. But when his daughter Mailys gets pregnant, Dom understands that he will have to choose between the sea and his family.

미국 대통령인 제임스 마샬(President James Marshall: 해리슨 포드 분)은 러시아의 고관들이 운집한 대형 룸에서 파시스트 독재자인 라덱 장군이 최근 카자흐스탄에서 저지른 인권을 유린하는 폭거는 더이상 용납하지 않을 것이라는 열정적인 연설을 한다. 아울러 마샬은 정치적 독재를 겨냥한 총체적 전쟁의 포성을 알리는 조치로 라덱 장군을 체포하기 위해 전개한 러시아와 미국의 합동 작전의 성과를 치하한다. 이 연설이 끝난 후 마샬은 아내(Grace Marshall: 웬디 크로슨 분)와 딸(Alice Marshall: 리슬 매튜스 분)과 함께 워싱턴으로 돌아가기 위해 대통령 전용기, '에어 포스 원'에 오른다. 그러나 이 비행기는 러시아의 저널리스트로 위장한 발레라(Valera: 게리 올드만 분)가 이끄는 테러리스트들에 의해 공중 납치를 당하게 된다. 이들의 목적은 억류 중인 독재자 라덱 장군을 석방하려는 것. 그러나 라덱 장군이 석방될 경우 수백, 수천 명이 더 죽임을 당하게 된다는 것을 아는 백악관의 부통령(Vice President Kathryn Bennett: 글렌 클로즈 분)은 속수무책의 상황에 빠지고 미국의 막강한 군사력도 난감한 상황에 봉착하게 된다. 이들 테러리스트의 만행을 저지시키는 임무는 전적으로 단 한 사람, 미국 대통령 제임스 마샬의 어깨에 달려 있다. 테러리즘과는 추호의 타협도 용납하지 않겠다는 그의 용기와 확신은 대통령 전용기 안에 그의 가족이 함께 억류되어 있는 상황에서 시험대에 오르게 되는데.

Collage of dramatic scenes, some exaggerated to comic effect, with asynchronous sound from well known classic, operatic, and rock and roll music – with different approaches to love, suffering, and death.

A group of male cadets tangle with a gang of robbers before they even enter the Hong Kong Police Academy, where they are trained by a fierce police chief. They must deal with the robbers successfully if the want to prove to their superiors their worthiness in the police force. Things get complicated when one of the cadets falls in love with the chief's daughter.

Marco the Monkey works as a beach officer. But he spends most of his time trying to win the heart of the beautiful Lulu. He is just about to succeed, when Marco's rival, Carlo, builds a gigantic monkey-shaped casino right on Marco's beach. Lulu is fascinated by the charming Carlo. Jealously Marco starts an undercover investigation of Carlo's strange casino. Soon he discovers the truth. Carlo will take over the island and force Lulu to marry him! When Marco tries to arrest Carlo a problem rises. Literally from the ground. Because Carlo's Casino is a giant robot.

An insane gore filled zombie anthology.

A Prince is suffering from winter doldrums; his palace alchemist gives him some magical doodads to ease his distress.

[HBO] HD. Comedian/TV host/actress Ellen DeGeneres performs her stand-up routine in this riotous special.

A radical trans street preacher and her followers prophesy the end of the world with salvation only for those who denounce heterosexuality. Men must be women! Women must be men! All sexual intercourse must be interracial! PRAISE HER!

Short film that portrays the feeling of having anxiety. Based on the experience of the author having generalized anxiety disorder and how, if it is not treated, it can feel like it consumes you.

A kid's artistic expression turns to obsession as the paint blisters on a canvas.

In WWI Germany, a famous conductor is attacked and transformed into a vampire, and must now choose between the woman he loves and avenging his only son's murder.