Dotyk zla nesie malé mestečko ležiace na americko-mexickej hranici. Jeho otlačok sa prenáša aj na hlavných hrdinov tohto mračného thrilleru: na mexického šéfa oddelenia boja s narkotikami Migela Vargasa (Charlton Heston), meniaceho sa z poriadkumilovného muža a policajta na pomstychtivého blázna, na jeho nevinnú ženu Susan (Janet Leigh), ponorenú zločincami do drogového tranzu, na amerického policajta Hanka Quinlana (Orson Welles), predávajúceho svoju dušu diablovi bohatstva...

Brick a Meggie majú v manželstve vážne problémy. Zatiaľ čo Brick sa utápa sám v sebe , Meggie hľadá z tejto situácie východisko. Strhujúce výkony Paula Newmana, Elizabeth Taylor a Burla Ivesa urobili z tejto adaptácie príbehu Tennessee Williamsa jeden z najúspešnejších filmov v histórii Hollywoodu.

A mild-mannered doctor is trained in the art of ass-kicking commando vengeance by a no-nonsense ghetto kid in an effort to regain a family heirloom from Uganda’s toughest gang.

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.

Paris, France, 1942, during the Nazi occupation. Robert Klein, a successful art dealer who benefits from the misfortunes of those who are ruthlessly persecuted, discovers by chance that there is another Robert Klein, apparently a Jewish man; someone with whom he could be mistakenly identified, something dangerous in such harsh times.

A film about the first Laibach album officially released in Yugoslavia. The record came out despite the political ban that was in place on the band's name at the time, in 1985 - but without the name or a title. A black cross on the cover was enough.

Fúsi finds comfort in the familiarity of his routines, until an involuntary dance class forces him to encounter the real world.

Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-making documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the spirit of her uncannily lucid writing: the film simultaneously expands and zeroes in, covering a vast stretch of turbulent cultural history with elegance and candor.

As his life comes to its end, famous Hollywood director Orson Welles puts it all on the line at the chance for renewed success with the film The Other Side of the Wind.

Three generations of women who seek to murder their husbands share a solidarity for one another which brings about three copy-cat drownings.

Náuka o snoch je podivným výletom do ríše snov. Romantická fantázia sa odohráva v chaotickom mozgu výstredného mladíka Stephana Mirouxa (Gael Garcia Bernal), ktorého sny neustále napádajú realitu. V snoch sa z neho stáva charizmatický televízny moderátor. V skutočnosti má však len nudnú prácu vo vydavateľstve. Zamilovaný je do susedky Stephanie (Charlotte Gainsbourg), ktorá je síce z počiatku Stephanom okúzlená, ale neskôr je zmätená jeho detinskosťou a labilným postojom k realite. V snahe získať si jej srdce sa mu snaží pomôcť kolega Guy (Alain Chabat), ale jeho rady nepadajú na úrodnú pôdu a Stephan sa ešte viac upína k svojim snom, v ktorých chce hľadať potrebné odpovede.

Pining for a lavish life abroad, a lazy but lovable guy next door crafts a scam to avoid a career in nursing and find a wealthy spouse to secure a visa.

In June 1940, during the Dunkirk evacuation of Allied troops to England, French sergeant Julien Maillat and his men debate whether to evacuate to Britain or stay and fight the German troops that are closing-in from all directions.

A common friend's sudden death brings three men, married with children, to reconsider their lives and ultimately leave the country together. But mindless enthusiasm for regained freedom will be short-lived.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

Hope, an abandoned crew member aboard the derelict chemical hauler Otranto, has spent a year trying to keep her ship and herself alive as both slowly fall apart. After discovering hidden cargo, she risks it all to power up the broken ship in search of human life. Alien: Alone is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.

Desperate to flee but consumed by fear, Alejandra, a young mother and working housewife, is trapped in a violent and unsatisfying relationship with her husband, Angel. She leans on her brother Fabián for support, but he has secrets of his own. All of their lives are turned upside down by the arrival of the mysterious Veronica. She convinces them that in the nearby woods, inside an isolated cabin, dwells something not of this world that could be the answer to all of their problems... something whose force they cannot resist and with whom they must make peace or suffer its wrath.

Plukovník James Braddock žije dvanásť rokov v presvedčení, že jeho vietnamská manželka Lin Tan Cangová zahynula aj s ich synom Vanomv apríli roku 1975 počas nepokojov vo Vietname. Braddock síce spočiatku odmieta veriť, že by to mohlo byť inak - ale po rokoch získa jasné dôkazy o tom, že jeho manželka a syn ešte žijú! Rozhodne sa preto podstúpiť náročnú cestu do Vietnamu, aby oboch našiel a priviedol do Spojených štátov. Vietnamský generál Quoc však dostane z Braddockovej misie veľký strach a pokúša sa ju všetkými prostriedkami prekaziť...

Mike Blueberry ako mladé ucho prichádza na divoký západ, aby ho strýko naučil, ako sa stať mužom. Smrť jeho milenky ho dostane do spoločnosti miestnych Indiánov, ktorí sa s ním spriatelia. Po návrate do civilizácie sa stane rukou zákona - miestnym šerifom. Po čase sa v okolí objaví muž zodpovedný za život mnohých ľudí (aj jeho milenky). Pátra tu po poklade a tajomstve Indiánov. Mike sa bude musieť vydať na duchovnú cestu, aby ochránil tajomstvo Indiánov a zároveň vyhral boj so svojim vnútorným démonom.

As the streets of Los Angeles overflow with camera-wielding gawkers seeking to capture images of a bizarre police pursuit, the same people who sought to exploit the suffering of others for amusement on the Internet become the stars of a gruesome viral video from which no one gets out alive.