A little boy is having trouble falling asleep because there are monsters in his bedroom

The International League of Conservation Photographers and the Gitga'at first nation people of British Columbia in their search for the illusive spirit bear. Their mission is to create images of this rare bear and the ecosystem that it relies on before a proposed oil pipeline from the Alberta tar sands threatens to SPOIL it. The spirit bear, globally rarer than the panda, only lives on the north coast of British Columbia and gives and inspiring look at the interconnectedness of this coastal ecosystem existing in symbiosis with the indigenous communities there for thousands of years.

A Halloween practical joke turns a family tradition into a night of comic terror when two young teens don't believe their cousin's dad killed Dracula. Insisting on proving it, Dad picks up a shovel and starts to dig.

Amitz Dolniker, an Israeli politician who speaks way to much has a heart attack in the middle of his speech. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital the doctor orders him to "go someplace quite, rest, and don't make speeches". His young assistant immediately suggest they go to Switzerland, however Dolniker had taken a vow not to leave Israel unnecessarily, so he comes up with a different idea - going to a remote village where they have never heard of him, so he would not be asked to make any speeches. As they arrive, it turns out that not only the villagers have never heard of Dolniker, but they have also never heard of running water, electricity, phones, and most importantly: TV, Radio, and newspapers... so its only a matter of time before Dolniker or the villagers go bananas...

Sometime long ago, probably a few years before moving picture photography was supposed to have been invented, a woman named Anne (Lucille Fluet) is discovered to have miraculous powers. She can magically transform ordinary objects when she sneezes. She has even brought the dead back to life. We know about her, because she sneezed a movie camera into existence, and the film was (miraculously, of course) preserved in the Egyptian desert. However, she didn't live so long ago that she wasn't hounded by life insurance salesmen, just like everyone else in the modern era. Rather than being outcaste for her abilities, she is valued by a group of science-oriented men, who also manage to record on a sneezed-into-existence phonograph the sound which is later to be added to the film by its "discoverers."

Two teen song-writers saddle up their West coast '65 Mustang convertible and head East, answering the call to Yasgur's farm, to debut their original music at the Woodstock Music Festival.

A journey of love and finding ones true self in a time of crisis.

Freeze frame: the most absurd technique since the invention of the moving image. Through an elaborate process of duplicating the same image over and over again, it creates the illusion of stillness. In this stop-motion film, identical figures try to perform the hopeless task of preserving blocks of ice, like archivists. The repetitive movements reanimate the animals captured inside the blocks.

Raj interrupts his studies, disappointing everyone but his kind sister-in-law, Geeta Bhabhi, who encourages him to pursue new interests in music. Raj's life is given fresh excitement when Priya comes into it.

This typical Mexican musical comedy was released at a time when two of its actresses, Ana Berta Lepe who appears in a few numbers and Evangelina Elizondo who is featured as a woman with problems in the romance department, were involved in serious, separate scandals. While these scandals may have promoted attendance at its opening, audiences will really respond the most to the songs in this film, everything from "St. Louis Blues" to "Tipi-Tipi-Tin." The songs outweigh the plot itself, and do much to alleviate the otherwise weak storyline.

Kiki, a wealthy socialite, confides in her best friend Maxine that her husband is cheating on her, and is in danger of losing her rather large fortune. The two women make a deal to uncover the truth, but not all is as it seems. Throw in a gigolo, a pornstar and lashings of camp and you are in for the funniest, stupidest, campest ride of your life.

A drama about love, secrets, and acceptance Blood Type: Unknown follows wannabe novelist Caitlyn Landale on her journey to embracing her dreams. Wondering if life is not as exciting or magical as her stories, her views are forever altered when she meets the bitter-viewed Adam Godfrey. But when her feelings for the mysterious Adam Godfrey grow unconditionally strong she soon finds herself captured in a four centuries old secret that she never expected.

Game of Death - Bruce Lee Cut

A clip in the Science Please. collection, The Wonderful World of Colour uses archival footage, animated illustrations and amusing narration to explain how the cones of the retina enable us to perceive the spectrum of colours.

'Cactus Boy' tells the story of Winston Prickle, a grown man who decides to break up with his childhood imaginary friend, Cactus Man.

A female gunslinger is the Old West who specialized in revenge murders.