A war drama of motor torpedo boats which did much unsung work in WW2, but the naval battles merely provide an exciting story in which an even more special romantic drama is wrapped up.
Returning to the village where a year before he had killed Hirate, a much-admired opponent, Zatoichi encounters another swordsman and former rival in love.
"Popeye" Doyle travels to Marseilles to find Alain Charnier, the drug smuggler that eluded him in New York.
A group of young boys, and one girl, find and steal a Jaguar convertible, and decide to drive to the sea. What starts out as a lark deteriorates into a rather grueling journey.
Mūsų mylimas veikėjas, Batuotas Katinas Pero pakliūna į laukinius vakarus. Šiuose laukiniuose kraštuose romantika atsiskleidžia su nesuskaičiuojamais pavojais, o drąsa ir veikėjų gerumas užgožia piktų nusikaltėlių piktadarystes. Netikėtai Pero ir jo naujas draugas Džimis atsiduria mažame miestelyje, kur valdžia užgrobė pinigų padirbinėtojai. Ne gi Pero galėtų ramiai žiūrėti, kaip piktadarys akivaizdžiai atlieka savo juodus darbelius! Mūsų veikėjas kartu su pelių indėnų gentimi susidoros su piktadariaus.
Tedas, toli gražu ne pats mikliausias keliautojas, ir jo švelniai tariant keistoki draugai leidžiasi ieškoti nenaudėlio milijonieriaus, pagrobusio Sarą. Tedo mylimoji aptiko, kur paslėpti legendinio karaliaus Mido lobiai, ir piktadarys nori juos užgrobti. Tedo ir jo komandos laukia sunki užduotis – suardyti milijonieriaus planus ir išlaisvinti Sarą.
Standartinė Robino Hudo istorija: blogasis princas Džonas skriaudžia žmones tuo metu,kai karalius Ričardas yra išvykęs. Robinas Hudas pavogia pirkinius iš mokesčiu rinkėjų, laimi šaudymo iš lanko varžybas, nugali šerifą ir išgelbėja tarnaitę Marijaną. Tačiau šis filmas yra kitoks todėl, kad tai yra režisieriaus Melo Brukso filmo parodija.
Stanley Windrush has to interrupt his university education when he is called up towards the end of the war. He quickly proves himself not to be officer material, but befriends wily Private Percival Cox who knows exactly how all the scams work in the confused world of the British Army. And Stanley's brigadier War Office uncle seems to be up to something more than a bit shady too - and they are both soon working for him, behind the enemy lines.
Britannia Hospital, an esteemed English institution, is marking its gala anniversary with a visit by the Queen Mother herself. But when investigative reporter Mick Travis arrives to cover the celebration, he finds the hospital under siege by striking workers, ruthless unions, violent demonstrators, racist aristocrats, an African cannibal dictator, and sinister human experiments.
An evil witch brings back to life the infamous Elizabeth Bathory, who was executed several hundred years previously for murdering young women and bathing in their blood.
A legendary poker playing outlaw, Triggerman, arrives to town for the wildest gambling tournament this side of the west. As the tournament begins he'll get caught up in a violent showdown as bandits try to cheat their way to the finals. With his hand on the trigger this outlaw won't let anything come between him and his winning hand.
Kažkur toli vandenyne plūduriuoja specialiai įrengta mokslinė bazė "Aquatica", kurios pagrindinė dalis yra giliai po vandeniu. Trečiame lygyje, į kurį galima patekti tik liftu, esančioje kompiuterizuotoje laboratorijoje yra atliekami naujoviški eksperimentai. Mokslininkai yra įsitikinę, kad ryklio smegenyse gaminamas proteinas gali būti puikiausias vaistas nuo Alzheimerio ligos. Povandeninėje laboratorijoje "Aquatica" titano tvora apjuostame baseine plaukioja trys rykliai. Po neįprastų tyrimų proceso, kai jiems dirbtinai padidinamas smegenų tūris, šie rykliai tampa žymiai didesni, greitesni, pavojingesni ir protingesni, nei kiti šios žuvų žudikių rūšies atstovai. Kai vienas iš bandomųjų ryklių netikėtai pabėga ir naktinei vakarienei pasirenka jachtoje plaukiojančias dvi poreles, įvykiai tampa nebenuspėjami.
When an in-flight collision incapacitates the pilots of an airplane bound for Los Angeles, stewardess Nancy Pryor is forced to take over the controls. From the ground, her boyfriend Alan Murdock, a retired test pilot, tries to talk her through piloting and landing the 747 aircraft. Worse yet, the anxious passengers — among which are a noisy nun and a cranky man — are aggravating the already tense atmosphere.
An ex-con man and his five trained Dobermans help a Treasury Dept. agent stop a racketeer and his gang.
GENTLEMAN'S CHOICE is the story of a truly nice guy who became a total jerk when he was drinking. When the STEROID GHB was added to the mix he became truly dangerous. A trained architect and judo competition winner from England, and a man with strong will and ambition, Chris Adams sought fame and fortune in America. He achieved it as a professional wrestler in the mid-1980 s as Gentleman Chris Adams. At the peak of his career, he was performing in front of tens of thousands in stadiums and arenas with wrestling legends including Kerry and Kevin Von Erich. Adams submitted to the temptations that accompany fame and fortune. As soon as things were starting to go really well, other things started to go seriously wrong. He got involved with the wrong crowd, accidentally killed a girlfriend, assaulted men and women, spent time in prison, and ultimately perished at the hands of his best friend.
It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination.
Jess Tyler lives a quiet life next to an abandoned mining factory by himself in the desert. His life is turned upside down when a sexually provocative young woman comes to visit him and tells him she's his daughter. Jess finds it hard to adapt to his newfound parenting role, as a mutual attraction grows between them.
Several people disappear from and at the sea. Their bodies are found gnawed to the skeleton, even the marrow is missing. The scientists have no idea which animal could do such things. Dr. Turner begins to suspect that the company which builds a tunnel beneath the bay might have poisoned the environment and caused an octopus to mutate to giant dimensions...
A Secret Service agent (Wilson) battles an arms dealer who is creating a cyborg army.
A hot air balloon crew and a dog find themselves on an island with scantily-clad part-alien women, zombies, and other monsters.