يعود رجل عصابات يهودي سابق في عصر الحظر إلى الجانب الشرقي الأدنى من مانهاتن بعد أكثر من ثلاثين عامًا ، حيث يتعين عليه مرة أخرى مواجهة الأشباح والندم على حياته القديمة.
A troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone.
يرصد الفيلم قصة رون وودروف (ماثيو ماكونهي)، رون كان مدخنًا ومعاقرًا للخمر وللمخدرات بالإضافة إلى أنه كان كثير العلاقات وعنصريًا. بعد أن يصاب رون في العمل يذهب للمستشفى وهناك يخبره الأطباء بأنه مصاب بمرض نقص المناعة المكتسبة (الإيدز) وربما سيموت خلال شهر. في البداية يعيش رون في حالة إنكار ممزوجة بالغضب ويكتشف أنه لن يقدر تحمل تكلفة الدواء. يقرر رون بذل كل السبل المتاحة من أجل إنقاذ حياته ليجد نفسه يساعد من كان يبغضهم.
قصة مروعة تقع في أبعد نطاقات كوكبنا، في مشهد صحراوي صارخ حيث تنكسر الإنسانية، ومعظم الناس يتشاجرون من أجل ضرورات الحياة. في هذا العالم يوجد اثنان من المتمردين الهاربين الذين قد يتمكنون من استعادة النظام. هناك ماكس، رجل أعمال وقليل الكلام ، يسعى إلى راحة البال بعد فقدان زوجته وطفله في أعقاب الفوضى. و فريوسا، وهي امرأة تعتقد أن طريقها إلى البقاء على قيد الحياة يمكن تحقيقه إذا استطاعت أن تعبر الصحراء مرة أخرى إلى وطن طفولتها.
Two neurotics, working for a suicide hotline on the night of Christmas Eve, get caught up in a catastrophe when a pregnant woman, her abusive boyfriend, and a transvestite visit their office.
Sleight of hand magician Ricky Jay blends light comedy and close-up magic to entertain a live audience. He discusses everything from the birth of the classic cup and balls trick to 14th century poetry.
A serial-killer frightens Paris by phoning young ladies at night, telling them insults about their lives. Minos, as he calls himself, wants to prevent the world from free women and he targets at first these ones. Commissaire Letellier is given the investigation and he has hard work with the maniac.
French secret service agent Josselin Beaumont is dispatched to take down African warlord N'Jala. But when his assignment is canceled, he's shocked to learn that his government is surrendering him to local authorities. He is given a mock trial and sentenced to 20 years of hard labor. But Beaumont escapes from prison and vows not only to avenge himself against his betrayers but also to finish his original assignment.
يشرع جون غاريتي وزوجته المنفصلة وابنهما الصغير في رحلة محفوفة بالمخاطر للعثور على ملاذ بينما يندفع مذنب مدمر نحو الأرض. وسط روايات مرعبة عن مدن تدمرت ، فإن تجربة جاريتي هي الأفضل والأسوأ في الإنسانية. مع اقتراب العد التنازلي لنهاية العالم، تبلغ رحلتهم المذهلة ذروتها في رحلة جوية يائسة في اللحظة الأخيرة إلى ملاذ آمن محتمل.
Two gay men living in St. Tropez have their lives turned upside down when the son of one of the men announces he is getting married. They try to conceal their lifestyle and their ownership of the transvestite club downstairs when the fiancée and her parents come for dinner.
Two buddy farmers are visited by aliens who like their domestic cabbage soup.
A clique of four young teachers at a high school looks critically at their colleagues. To avoid falling in the same routine, they bring new ideas into the school lessons and play little games and pranks in their spare time -- sometimes get even more childish than their pupils. When they get opposition from the other teachers, they play tricks to get rid of them.
Fush and Ballestrat are the heads of each department of the French police. Both have the task of combating serious crime and cleaning up the underworld.
بعد الاستيقاظ في مستشفى مصابًا بفقدان الذاكرة ، يجب على الأستاذ روبرت لانغدون والطبيبة أن يسابقا الزمن لإحباط مؤامرة عالمية قاتلة.
Chronic serial womanizer Stephane Margelle drops his wife Sophie off at the airport so she can go away for Easter weekend. He immediately picks up beautiful young Julie, who has just had a fight with her married boyfriend. He gets her back to his apartment and is preparing for a sexy weekend, when his wife suddenly returns home. He makes up a bizarre, on-the-spot, spur-of-the-moment story that the gorgeous girl is actually his long-lost daughter. Julie plays along, but this leads to a whole series of increasingly ridiculous lies and comical situations (such as when her real mother shows up).
April 5, 1943: a battalion of the Foreign Legion arrives in El Ksour, Tunisia, to escort a fortune in gold bars to the home front. A German ambush awaits, and all but four die. Thanks to the street smarts of Sergeant Augagneur, the Legionnaires successfully counter attack. The bank manager and his seductive wife arrive, and so does a German lieutenant, whom the French arrest. Augagneur wants to steal the gold; warrant officer Mahuzard wants to do his duty. A series of alliances form and break apart, the group dwindles in number, and the gold heads south toward Betahoua. But in whose possession?
In Paris , Commissioner Stan Jalard and Inspector Simon Lecache plan to quit the police to go and enjoy a more peaceful life in the West Indies. In a nightclub, during a routine visit, they spot Schneider, a dreaded gangster and public enemy. At the time of his arrest, Simon is killed at close range by the criminal. Stan then decides to stay in the police to avenge Simon. Being the godfather of Christian, Simon's son, who sometimes lives in a boarding school, sometimes at home, he takes charge of his education. Two years later, Stan has been promoted, and he's told that Schneider had resurfaced in the capital. A long hunt begins.
Nazis take over an ancient fortress that contains a mysterious entity that wreaks havoc and death upon them.
Eight people embark on an expedition into the Congo, a mysterious expanse of unexplored Africa where human greed and the laws of nature have gone berserk. When the thrill-seekers -- some with ulterior motives -- stumble across a race of killer apes.
On his latest expedition, Dr. Rick Marshall is sucked into a space-time vortex alongside his research assistant and a redneck survivalist. In this alternate universe, the trio make friends with a primate named Chaka, their only ally in a world full of dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures.