Fran, a single mother, is selflessly devoted to her children. But something is lacking in her life, and that something is the love of a man her own age. Her efforts to juggle a love life with her home life are largely unsuccessful.

A successful TV executive changes his identity and moves to a poor neighborhood in search of real human connection. There, he falls for an aspiring actress trying to start her career at the channel he runs.

City Hunter, Saeba Ryo, after months of idleness, finally scores a client and it is none other than the beautiful Mega City TV newscaster, Sayaka, who fears for her life. What's more, the enemy are her employers who are ready to resort to any means necessary to kill her. Ryo takes on the might of a TV station in a bid to save Sayaka, but finds that all is not what it seems...

Flora a Víctor sú dokonalí rodičia: moderní, zábavní a milujúci. Skrátka rodičia, akých by chcelo mať každé dieťa. Všetko sa však zvrtne v deň, keď sa rozhodnú rozviesť a objaví sa pracovná príležitosť, o ktorej celý život snívali. Je tu len jeden problém: opatrovníctvo ich troch detí. Ani jeden z nich nie je ochotný ustúpiť. Na príkaz sudcu sa teda Alexia (Sofía Oria), Sara (Laura Quirós) a Juan budú musieť rozhodnúť, s kým zostanú: s mamou alebo s otcom. Od tejto chvíle si bývalí manželia vyhlasujú vojnu bez možnosti prímeria. Obaja urobia všetko, čo je v ich silách, aby nedostali deti do starostlivosti.

Two teenage boys from inner-city Cork steal bicycles and ride off on a 160km quest to find an unrecovered bale of cocaine worth 7,000,000 euros.

V opustenej budove sa pokazí natáčanie nízkorozpočtového zombie hororu. Protivný režisér svojím nepríjemným správaním privedie hercov a štáb na pokraj síl, keď odhalí svoj plán, ako vniesť do projektu energiu a vzrušenie: oživiť skutočnú, starodávnu zombie kliatbu. V šialenom jednom zábere, v ktorom lietajú časti tiel a tekutiny, herci bojujú o život s nemŕtvymi a ich režisérom, až kým film nedospeje do šokujúceho záveru a nenabehnú titulky... ale je to celý príbeh?

Three people who have lost everything, a soldier tired of fighting, a young woman and a little girl, pose as a family to escape the civil war in Sri Lanka. They emigrate to France and settle in a chaotic neighborhood on the outskirts of Paris, where apparently the law no longer exists; but they, who barely know each other, struggle to survive there, even when the ghosts of war begin to haunt them again.

A hedonistic bachelor - he is his rich family's black sheep - falls for a suicidal mental patient.

Aj keď si mnohí myslia, že ľudia okolo stovky musia byť nevrlí a nepríjemní, u Alana Karlssona to neplatí. S ním je aj Stalin vtipný a zostrojenie atómovej bomby je len malá nepríjemnosť pri podávaní čaju. Práve preto má storočný starček toľko priaznivcov – dokáže vidieť všetko s humorom. Film rozpráva o šialenom životnom príbehu svojhlavého muža, ktorý v deviatich rokoch ukončil školskú dochádzku, nadobudol široké znalosti z oblasti výroby výbušnín, nikdy sa nezaujímal o politiku, ale napriek tomu bol vždy nejako zapletený do veľkých historických udalostí 20. storočia. Zároveň sa viac-menej nechcene skamarátil s vtedajšími lídrami krajín ako napríklad generálom Francom alebo s Harrym Trumanom a Winstonovi Churchillovi dokonca zachráni život…

When a greedy bear steals a magic stone to keep the forest’s water for himself, a brave hedgehog and a timid squirrel must work together to retrieve it.

Granted unprecedented access, Berlinger captures renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins behind the scenes of his mega seminar Date with Destiny, pulling back the curtain on this life-altering and controversial event, the zealous participants and the man himself.

In an hour-long special performance recorded on a crowded Rival in Stockholm in April 2016 summarizes the comedian Al Pitcher his three sold-out tours: Coffee Tour, Tour and assumes Nääämen It's Al Pitcher. No highlights the Swedes and our idiosyncrasies as Al. He makes us laugh at ourselves with a big heart and lots of love, which made his previous tours to the real audience hits. In this show, we get the best of the best from this talented comedian's repertoire.

Paul Exben is a success story – partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error.

The true story of Madalyn Murray O'Hair -- iconoclast, opportunist, and outspoken atheist -- from her controversial rise to her untimely demise.

Winning your childhood sweetheart can create more problems than it solves.

Sadoun is France’s best soccer player whose extra-curriculum pleasures are damaging his play and new contract negotiations. Dispatched by his scheming agent to his home village, he ends up reconciling with his father, relating to his fatherless niece, who dotes on him, and training his local children’s team, whom he takes to championship glory.

After a yachting accident, a millionaire and his wife are shipwrecked on a desert island along with their former deckhand, Manuel.

A disgraced former cop, fresh off a six-year prison sentence for attempted murder, returns home looking for redemption but winds up trapped in the mess he left behind.

When he's caught up in a deadly conspiracy, an unemployed greeting card writer must create the perfect card for a new holiday to save his skin.

Marianne, 44, has been living with the lawyer Gustaf in a conventional sexless marriage for way too long. She wants a separation, but Gustav settles for a trial separation. As Marianne indulges in being newly single, Gustaf is perplexed by the sudden turn of events and in his confusion makes a completely irrational career change: he quits his job to start writing poetry. Meanwhile, Marianne meets the artist Rodolfo, the complete opposite of Gustaf; intriguing, emotional, impulsive. And horny.