Zé is a very poor man whose most prized possession is his donkey. When his donkey falls terminally ill, Zé makes a promise to Saint Bárbara: If his donkey recovers, he will carry a cross - like Jesus - all the way from his city to Saint Bárbara's church, in the state capital. Upon the recovery of his donkey, Zé leaves on his journey. He makes it to the church, but the priest refuses to accept the cross once he discovers the context of Zé's promise.

This classic Greek comedy revolves around the constant fights between Zikos who works as a clerk at a small grocer's shop and the shop's owner. Zikos just can't keep his mouth shut every time his boss behaves as being an aristocrat. Things go even worse when Zikos finds out that his boss, by taking advantage of his wealth and with the help of the local match-maker, is planning to marry a young poor girl living in the same neighborhood.

In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

Eftixios is a very decent, low profile man in love with his employee , an ambitious girl who wants to be an actress .Their life becomes upside down when a friend butcher wants to enter filming business.

A transfer student at a rough high school tries joining the cheer-leading squad and finds that she not only has to face off against the head cheerleader, but also against her former school in preparation for a cheer-off competition.

Nensė užaugo ir tapo psichiatre, kuri specializuojasi sapnų terapijoje. Vietos ligoninėje ji susitinka su grupe vaikų, kurie susiduria su Fredžiu Kriugeriu - tuo pačiu demonu, su kuriuo ji kadaise susidūrė sapnuose. Viena iš jų - Kristen, kuri turi galią į savo sapnus pritraukti kitus žmones. Bendradarbiaudama su šiai bylai paskirtu gydytoju Nensė padeda vaikams suvokti savo ypatingus gebėjimus košmarų pasaulyje. Kai Fredis pagauna vieną iš globotinių, ji vadovauja gelbėjimo operacijai į Kriugerio valdas, tikėdamasi visiems laikams pribaigti jo dvasią.

The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster's myth.

Melanie Carmichael labai pasisekė – jai ne tik pavyko pasprukti iš Alabamos, bet ir šio bei to pasiekti. Melanie ruošiasi tekėti už Niujorko mero sūnaus, tačiau tam yra šiokių tokių kliūčių – pasprukdama iš Alabamos ji pamiršo nutraukti pirmąją sanduoką...

A troubled young man is drawn to a mythical place called Midian where a variety of friendly monsters are hiding from humanity. Meanwhile, a sadistic serial killer is looking for a patsy.

The early years of young Michael Myers and the events leading up to his fateful Halloween night murder rampage in the quiet town of Haddonfield, Illinois.

Littlefoot and his friends the gang in their next when a swarm of leaf gobblers had destroyed their homes and this forces them to find a new home but yet find an mysterious island.

A student's premonition of a deadly rollercoaster ride saves her life and a lucky few, but not from death itself – which seeks out those who escaped their fate.

A four-member teen girl group named the Cheetah Girls go to a Manhattan High School for the Performing Arts and try to become the first freshmen to win the talent show in the school's history. During the talent show auditions, they meet a big-time producer named Jackal Johnson, who tries to make the group into superstars, but the girls run into many problems.

Redžiui pirmoji diena laisvėje nebuvo sėkminga. Kalėjimo autobusas sprogsta, jį bando nužudyti, o jo prabangus automobilis tampa metalo krūva. Todėl jam vėl tenka susivienyti su senu pažįstamu policininku Džeiku Keitsu. Džeikas ir toliau nemoka gyventi, turi daug problemų ir jam reikia sugauti pabėgusį iš kalėjimo žudiką maniaką. O dabar jiems su Redžiu reikia per 48 valandas rasti ir likviduoti pavojingą narkotikų prekeivį. Buvęs kalinys ir nenuorama policininkas vėl stoja į kovą...

Praėjus 5 metams, ten kur košmaruose lankydavosi kruvinasis Fredis Kriugeris, nežinodami apie šių namų praeitį, čia atsikrausto nauja šeimyna. Netrukus jis ir vėl apsireikš jaunojo Džesio Valšo sapnuose, bandydamas užvaldyti ne tik jo mintis, bet ir kūną. Džesio mergina Liza, bando padėti atsikratyti įkyrių vizijų, tačiau ar užteks jos meilės nugalėti įsikūnijusį demoną.

After a young man's premonition of a deadly race-car crash helps saves the lives of his peers, Death sets out to collect those who evaded their end.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

Gauja terorizuoja miestą, apiplėšinėja bankus ir parduotuves. Kovoti su nusikaltėliais skiriami Policijos akademijos studentai. Linksmoji kompanija, kurios patikimiausias ginklas mėlyna uniforma ir sėkmingai susiklosčiusios aplinkybės, nepalieka jokių šansų patiems talentingiausiems vagims.

A wealthy man is responsible for his friend’s daughter, who has come to Athens to study. The girl messes up his life and soon falls in love with him. Although he behaves like a father to her, he is tempted and jealous and flirts with her in front of a charming classmate of her, who is also interested in the girl.