V lesnej chate na okraji Castle Rock, mestečka uprostred oregonských lesov, dvanásťročný Gordie La Chance spriada plány na neobvyklý výlet, ktorý by mal navždy zmeniť jeho život. Jeho najlepší kamarát Vern totiž počul, ako jeho starší brat hovorí s priateľom o nájdení mŕtvoly hlboko v lesoch a Gordie spolu s bojazlivým Vernom, tvrďasom Chrisom a odvážnym Teddym zorganizuje výpravu za dobrodružstvom, ktorá sa zmení v odyseu, pri ktorej chlapci spoznajú predovšetkým sami seba. Cesta začína nevinne, ale sen o tom, že sa stanú hrdinami mesta, všetkých štyroch podrobí skúške, akú si nedokázali predstaviť.

Lisbela is a young woman who loves going to the movies. Leléu is a con man, going from town to town selling all sort of things and performing as master of ceremonies for some cheesy numbers, such as the woman who gets transformed into a gorilla. He gets involved with Linaura, a sexy and beautiful woman who happens to be the wife of the most frightening hitman of the place. The hitman finds out his wife's affair and goes after Leléu, who has to leave in a hurry. In another town, he meets and falls instantly in love with Lisbela, who is engaged to Douglas, a hillbilly who tries hard to pass for a cosmopolitan Rio de Janeiro dweller.

Private Investigator Philip Marlowe is hired by wealthy General Sternwood regarding a matter involving his youngest daughter Carmen. Before the complex case is over, Marlowe sees murder, blackmail, deception, and what might be love.

A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.

Michel Poiccard je po vražde policajta na úteku. Stretáva mladučkú Patriciu, kolportérku novín na Champs-Élysées. Patricia sa však zjavne nechce celkom zaviazať vzťahu s Michelom, ich vzťah nadobúda dramatický spád...

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

Traveling businessman David Mann angers the driver of a rusty tanker while crossing the California desert. A simple trip turns deadly, as Mann struggles to stay on the road while the tanker plays cat and mouse with his life.

Neúnavný policajt Alex Murphy neľútostne zasahuje proti akejkoľvek kriminalite okolo seba. Vedci a lekári ho zostavili ako neporaziteľného kyborga „ROBOCOPA“, ktorý bojuje proti zločinu. Odolný voči strelám a bombám, vyzbrojený tými najmodernejšími zbraňami si ROBOCOP rýchlo získava meno v uliciach Detroitu plných násilia. Ale napriek novému drsnému zovňajšku sa ROBOCOP vo vnútri trápi, útržkami spomienok z predchádzajúceho života a živo si vybavuje hrôzy svojej vlastnej smrti rukami brutálnych zabijakov. Nechce iba spravodlivosť... chce sa pomstiť!

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

The last of Rohmer's Six Moral Tales. Frederic leads a bourgeois life; he is a partner in a small Paris office and is happily married to Helene, a teacher expecting her second child. In the afternoons, Frederic daydreams about other women, but has no intention of taking any action. One day, Chloe, who had been a mistress of an old friend, begins dropping by his office. They meet as friends, irregularly in the afternoons, till eventually Chloe decides to seduce Frederic, causing him a moral dilemma.

Prvá polovica 16. storočia. Iba tisíc dní prežila po boku kráľa Henricha VIII. jeho druhá žena, mladučká Anna Boleynová. A z tohto tisíca dní bol iba jediný, kedy sa ich láska stretla a obaja boli dokonale šťastní. Kráľova prelietavosť sa Anninej krásy čoskoro nasýtila, a keď mu ani ona nedokázala dať vytúženého syna, začal premýšľať, ako by sa jej mohol zbaviť. Keď Anna Boleynová začne namiesto nelegitímneho zväzku usilovať o manželstvo, kráľ Henrich VIII. sa na jej popud zbaví Kataríny Aragónskej a ožení sa s ňou. Tento akt však zapríčiní roztržku medzi Korunou a cirkvou. Annina neschopnosť porodiť kráľovi vytúženého syna však zapríčiní, že Henricha sa začne obzerať po vhodnejšie kandidátke...

Doctor Hugo Hackenbush, Tony, and Stuffy try and save Judy's farm by winning a big race with her horse. There are a few problems. Hackenbush runs a high priced clinic for the wealthy who don't know he has his degree in Veterinary Medicine.

The epic tale of the development of the American West from the 1830s through the Civil War to the end of the century, as seen through the eyes of one pioneer family.

The boys get arrested for robbing an ATM machine and spend 18 months in jail. When the get out, they decide to pull off "The Big Dirty" which is to steal a large amount of coins because they are untraceable and quit their life of crime forever

An American couple drift toward emptiness in postwar North Africa.

A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects.

Attractive Manhattanite Allison Jones has it all: a handsome beau, a rent-controlled apartment, and a promising career as a fashion designer. When boyfriend Sam proves unfaithful, Allison strikes out on her own but must use the classifieds to seek out a roommate in order to keep her spacious digs.

Brad sa trápi, pretože sa mu nepodarilo získať dievča svojich snov, miestnu krásku menom Brooke. Keď už sa na jednom večierku zdá, že dôjde k zblíženiu, Brad má problém. Podstúpi nočnú "tortúru" pri zháňaní tak obyčajnej veci, ako je kondóm. Jeho najlepšia kamarátka Leah si všíma mladíkove besnenie a zároveň si uvedomuje, že jej Brad nie je vôbec ľahostajný. Má však iba 24 hodín na to, aby si získala jeho srdce.

In this reworking of "No, No, Nanette," wealthy heiress Nanette Carter bets her uncle $25,000 that she can say "no" to everything for 48 hours. If she wins, she can invest the money in a Broadway show featuring songs written by her beau, and of course, in which she will star. Trouble is, she doesn't realize her uncle's been wiped out by the Stock Market crash.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.