In 1980s Italy, a relationship begins between seventeen-year-old teenage Elio and the older adult man hired as his father's research assistant.

Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Hit songs become instant classics. When Mercury's increasingly wild lifestyle starts to spiral out of control, Queen soon faces its greatest challenge yet – finding a way to keep the band together amid the success and excess.

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath that only two teenagers and a group of psychics can stop.

Mehitatud missioon Marsil läheb ootamatult luhta ning sealne meeskond peab tormi tõttu viivitamatult lahkuma nimetatud planeedilt, jättes paratamatult maha ühe astronautidest, Mark Watney, keda nüüd peetakse olevat surnud. Ent teistelegi teadmata elab Mark selle surmava tormi üle. Olles nüüd miljonite kilomeetrite kaugusel Maast ja omades vaid 31 päeva toiduvaru, peab ta nüüd hakkama võõral planeedil ja täiesti üksi toime tulema elus püsimisega ning samal ajal teavitama Maad oma elusolekust. Kui eelnimetatud info lõpuks Maani jõuab, hakkavad NASA ja teised rahvusvahelised teadlased koheselt mõtlema, kuidas tuua "marslane" turvaliselt koju. Ent süümepiinade tõttu Marki meeskonnakaaslastel kannatust nii palju ei jagu ja hakkavad samal ajal koheselt salaja haduma plaani minna ise sellele peaaegu et võimatule päästemissioonile ja tuua enda meeskonnakaaslane tagasi oma koduplaneedile.

Lara Jean's love life goes from imaginary to out of control when her secret letters to every boy she's ever fallen for are mysteriously mailed out.

Film leiab aset aastal 2045, kui maailm on kaose ja kokkuvarisemise äärel. Lunastust leitakse geniaalse ja ekstsentrilise James Halliday loodud kallist virtuaalreaalsuse universumist OASIS-est. Kui Halliday sureb, jätab ta kogu oma üüratu varanduse esimesele, kes leiab kuhugi OASIS-esse peidetud digitaalse lihavõttemuna. Nii saabki alguse kogu maailma haarav võistlus. Kui osalema asub ebatõenäoline kangelane Wade Watts, ootab teda kaelamurdev ja tegelikkust moonutav aardejaht müstikat, avastusi ja ohte täis fantastilises universumis.

Colorado Springs, late 1970s. Ron Stallworth, an African American police officer, and Flip Zimmerman, his Jewish colleague, run an undercover operation to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan.

A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

Kaunis tänavatüdruk Vivian müüb äraelamiseks oma keha. Edward on aga jäine ärimees, kelle jaoks töö on alati esikohal. Nende tutvus algab tavalise lõbutüdruku ja kliendi kohtumisena, kuid eneselegi ootamatult Edward armub Vivianisse ja pakub talle hunniku raha, et naine veedaks temaga terve nädala.

Eepiline märulipõnevik, mis kujutab liitlasvägede sõdurite uskumatut evakuatsiooni Belgiast, Suurbritanniast ja Prantsusmaalt, kui Natsi-Saksamaa sõjavägi neil tee ära lõikas ja neid Prantsusmaal Dunkirki rannal 1940. aastal teise maailmasõja ajal Prantsusmaa lahingus 27. maist 4. juunini piiras.

Peter Parker and his friends go on a summer trip to Europe. However, they will hardly be able to rest - Peter will have to agree to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of creatures that cause natural disasters and destruction throughout the continent.

After his career is destroyed, a brilliant but arrogant surgeon gets a new lease on life when a sorcerer takes him under her wing and trains him to defend the world against evil.

Pingeline lugu briljantselt nutikate peategelastega avab ahnete ja vastutustundetute finantsmogulite räpased telgitagused tavakodanikule arusaadavas ja üllatavalt humoorikas võtmes. Neli tippu pürgivat outsaiderit näevad ette USA kinnisvaraturu mulli lõhkemise 2000ndate aastate keskpaigas ning otsustavad tõmmata suurpangad liistule rünnates neid nende oma mängus nende endi relvadega. Film jutustab reaalsetest sündmustest, mis vallandasid viimase ülemaailmse majanduskriisi.

When three friends finally come to after a raucous night of bachelor-party revelry, they find a baby in the closet and a tiger in the bathroom. But they can't seem to locate their best friend, Doug – who's supposed to be tying the knot. Launching a frantic search for Doug, the trio perseveres through a nasty hangover to try to make it to the church on time.

Following the death of Ellen Leigh, the matriarch of their family, her daughter Annie and the rest of the family start to uncover disturbing secrets about their heritage. Their daily lives are not only impacted, but they also become entangled in a chilling fate from which they cannot escape, driving them to the brink of madness.

An other-worldly story, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962, where a mute janitor working at a lab falls in love with an amphibious man being held captive there and devises a plan to help him escape.

Vignettes weaving together the stories of six individuals in the old West at the end of the Civil War. Following the tales of a sharp-shooting songster, a wannabe bank robber, two weary traveling performers, a lone gold prospector, a woman traveling the West to an uncertain future, and a motley crew of strangers undertaking a carriage ride.

When she learns she's in danger of losing her visa status and being deported, overbearing book editor Margaret Tate forces her put-upon assistant, Andrew Paxton, to marry her.

In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where her older sister also studies. There, she gets no time to settle: hazing starts right away. Justine is forced to eat raw meat for the first time in her life. Unexpected consequences emerge as her true self begins to form.

As the gang return to Jumanji to rescue one of their own, they discover that nothing is as they expect. The players will have to brave parts unknown and unexplored in order to escape the world’s most dangerous game.