The riots that were to spread across the whole of France in 2005 began in Clichy-sous-Bois outside the gates of Paris. What has happened since then? A school class in the Banlieue rehearsing a play discover the subversive power of appropriation.



该纪录片通过观察记录Oskar Gröning (Accountant of Auschwitz) 的庭审过程揭露了纳粹分子在二战期间的罪行

The true story of how Dave Fishwick, a working class man and self-made millionaire, fought to set up a community bank so that he could help the local businesses of Burnley not only survive, but thrive. In his bid to help his beloved community, he has to take on the elitist financial institutions of London and fight to receive the first, new banking license to be issued in over 100 years.

A police officer gets assigned to investigate a crime scene in a town and finds out about a chain of crimes surrounding it. He begins digging deeper and finds out there’s more to it than what’s on surface.

Morocco, from the past to the present. Five people who are connected to each other – Abdallah, Salima, Joe, Hakim, and Inès – without realizing it. Different faces, different struggles, but one same breath. One city, Casablanca as a fragment of reality, as the myth of a film entirely shot in Hollywood studios, which reality has come back to claim.

After a violent car crash, Marilyn must take care of her man, who suffers from severe head trauma.

An orphan boy of mixed race finds family with the newly arrived white village doctor in Hawaii. The boy can run like the wind, and begins bringing Doc's medicine to coffee pickers throughout the mountainous region. On an errand, the medicine runner meets the daughter of the plantation owner and a forbidden, young love blossoms like the white "Kona Snow" of the surrounding coffee trees.


A sincere doctor Das works at a private clinic, where he meets the dreaded don Deva who arrives injured. After the treatment, Das and Deva form a deep friendship until Deva's mafia background and gruesome history causes a rift in their bond.

Lauren, a lovely 29-year-old it-girl, tries to break into the world of fashion by skimming Parisian parties. Olivia, a 28-year-old psychologist, has two obsessions: to save the confectionery of her parents, and to find her ideal husband. At the age of 26, Salma, a fiery young history teacher, still lives with her mother in the suburbs. Their roads have no reason to cross - until the day when, on the death of their biological father that they never knew, they inherit together a splendid Parisian apartment. For these three sisters who have nothing in common, cohabitation will prove to be explosive, to say the least.

汤姆(克里斯汀史莱特饰演)与叔叔理察共同经营着运钞车事业,一日,他们载着三百万美金的现钞前往杭汀堡小镇,没想到,一场连续大雨造成洪水泛滥,镇民全部紧急撤退,全镇空无一人。叔侄俩被困在大洪水中,求救无门之时,一群由吉姆(摩根弗里曼饰演)所率领的歹徒团团包围住他们……吉姆是一个职业小偷,对于偷盗生涯已厌倦,决定利用此次洪水作为最后机会,大干一票后退休,隐居到一个热带小岛上,两方对峙在大洪水当中,汤姆誓死保护小镇的财产,靠站矫健的身手与过的机智,他带着三百万现金徒步逃走,一场紧张的追杀就此上场!在节节高升的洪水之中,人性的力量与大自然的力量展开对抗……   最后警察都因这笔巨款动了心,为了私吞巨款杀死同伴,成为最真正的歹徒,相反小偷吉姆数次良心发现,救了汤姆的性命。在这样的关键时刻他得到一位美女的帮助,她就是为保护小镇教堂--一座著名的古迹--而留下来的卡伦。到最后,直到州警察局最后派人救了他。



A father enlists the help of an airport employee on a quest to find his daughter's teddy.



  西班牙一處攝影棚正在預錄新年特別節目,台上正在熱歌勁舞,突然大型攝影搖臂從天而降,砸爛一個台下觀眾的腦袋。但節目必須繼續,其貌不揚但懷抱明星夢的魯蛇大叔因此得到遞補當觀眾的機會,殊不知這個錄不完的節目根本是場奪命實境秀。互扯後腿的主持人算不了什麼,還有追星迷妹想盡辦法要榨偶像的「精」,瘋狂粉絲因愛生恨要天王的命,加上身邊坐了個掃把星!攝影棚外街頭暴動,棚內歌舞昇平,但兩邊都出人命。   2012 年的焦點導演伊格萊希亞已成為金馬奇幻影展的固定班底,每有新作,一定報到。他瘋狂的想像力和華麗的場面調度,總能帶來雲霄飛車般的觀影快感。這次除了集合《女巫不該讓男人流淚》班底又跳又鬧,還請出西班牙傳奇天王拉法爾,邊逃命邊獻唱經典名曲。教你捧腹大笑又尖叫,但他的諷刺手法,總會在你心底發酵。
