COAL COUNTRY tells of the dramatic struggles around the use and acquisition of coal.

Writing against oblivion: The film captures the names of the 66000 Austrian victims of the Shoa written by hand on the Prater Hauptallee in Vienna.

시청자들의 사랑을 받고 있는 국산 캐릭터 ‘뽀로로’가 친구들과 함께 쿠키 왕국에 크리스마스를 배달한다는 내용. 국산 애니메이션으로는 드물게 두 번째 시리즈까지 만들어진 ‘뽀롱뽀롱 뽀로로’의 특집 프로그램. 뽀로로네 집에서 크리스마스를 준비하던 중 산타할아버지로부터 크리스마스 준비를 도와달라는 편지를 받고 일어나는 에피소드를 흥미 있게 그려냈다. 크리스마스 이브, 뽀로로와 친구들은 독감에 걸려 꼼짝 못하게 된 산타의 심부름을 하게 된다. 신타의 사절단이 되어 사탕과자나라 '쿠키캐슬'에 토핑을 전달하는 임무를 맡게 된 뽀로로 일행은, 토핑을 빼앗기 위해 쫒아온 겨울마녀와, 세상을 얼려버리려는 초콜릿 백작에 맞서는 험난한 여행을 시작하게 되는데… 크리스마스를 지켜내고 그 의미를 살리기 위한 뽀로로와 친구들의 한바탕 뒤죽박죽 펼쳐지는 유쾌한 대소동.

A short film about a group of friends whom summon the ghost of a deceased woman mourning his child.

Hins Cheung teamed up with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO) for three concerts in November 2011. In the nearly two-hour performance that was divided into themed sessions of Love, Inspiration, Freedom, and Eternity - or LIFE collectively - the singer's wonderfully infectious voice melded perfectly with the breathtaking musical accompaniments of the HKPO on a set consisting of more than 20 songs. Besides delivering orchestral versions of his own hits, Hins also paid tribute to yesterday's great singers with his renditions of classic numbers from Danny Chan, Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, and Deanie Ip; he even sang a Kit Chan song while playing the harp on a midair platform!

The first name in skateboarding footwear and apparel introduces its highly anticipated first-ever feature-length global skateboarding video, PROPELLER. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Greg Hunt and featuring full parts from some of the biggest names in modern skateboarding alongside appearances from legends and true pioneers, PROPELLER presents a sweeping snapshot of modern skateboarding that only Vans can deliver.

A drama of the personal saga of a young man struggles with the contradictions within his own social class and the demands of a dysfunctional political family in the Philippine Islands.

This picture will not leave anyone indifferent. We are talking about Afghanistan, or rather about the victims of the "unknown" war: soldiers who performed their international duty, widows and mothers. The creators of this sharp and harsh tape raised questions, most of which were hushed up. In their work, the truth about the war in Afghanistan, about what the war cost our people, appears uncut and uncomplicated.

페라리를 필두로 한 유럽 브랜드들이 상위권을 휩쓸던 1960년대 르망24시. 포드 GT40은 1966년 르망에서 1, 2, 3위를 휩쓰는 기염을 토하며 레이싱 역사 상 가장 인상 깊은 장면 중 하나를 연출한다. 영화는 오리지널 GT40의 혈통을 이어받고 1966년 르망 승리의 50주년을 맞아 컴백하는 신형 포드 GT에 대한 이야기를 다룬다. 알려지지 않은 수많은 뒷야야기들과 함께 세계에서 가장 유명한 레이싱 전문가들과의 인터뷰를 보여 준다. 포드 가의 구성원에 대한 이야기들과 함께 헨리 포드가 왜 그렇게 르망 24시에 매달렸는지에 대한 궁금증 또한 다룬다.

A divorcée leaves New York to visit her grandfather's farm and recover in the Midwest, where she unexpectedly falls in love with a married farmer.

A gunfighter and a cowboy help a Mexican girl avenge the land-related murder of her parents.

In a filthy bayou, a "redneck" tries to get out of his daily life through creation. A process that turns out to be dangerous and uncontrollable.

A woman is trying to find out what happened to her missing younger sister, when she discovers a sinister online bulletin board on mass suicide that leads her to a small isolated village where desperate teenagers gather to find death.

Through the power of imagination, Barney takes BJ, Baby Bop, Rachel and Jackson to visit a real farm! Once there, they get a chance to see how crops are grown and how real animals are taken care of. They also meet Farmer Dooley and his wife, who involve them in a varety of fun activities - including preparing for a big barn dance.

The lives of a newly married couple and their mutual friend unravel after the wife becomes the victim of a gang rape during a honeymoon.

The latest film by the director of popular Lithuanian comedies.

The story of how Marlon Brando plucked Judge, an obscure but idealistic Los Angeles architect from his stable existence and convinced him that he should build the world’s first ecologically perfect retreat on a tiny and uninhabitable Tahitian island. Based on a memoir by Bernard Judge