Synopsis 1. "Today's Superpower" (26min, 오늘의 초능력, o-neul-eui cho-neung-ryeok) by Lee Min-seob People who claim to be able to use superpowers once a day gathered! But why can't they use their superpowers? Do they really have superpowers in the first place? 2. "1+1" (30min, 1+1) by Han Jay "Toot! I'm 1+1!" One day, the same alter ego as me appeared! 3. "Jangah & Chichung" (35min, 장아치청, jang-a-chi-cheong) by Kim Tae-hoon-II "Burp!" Once you start burping, there's nothing you can do. A comedy action movie limited to 60 minutes, filled with real superpowers by superheroes. 4. "LOVE SICK" (23min, 러브씩, reo-beu-ssik) by Jung Seung-hoon A year after the end of the zombie crisis, Seung-beom prepares an unforgettable proposal for his girlfriend Ji-yoon who saved him.

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

Three girls divided by personalities, cultural backgrounds and principles have one thing in common, their love for music.

Romulas ir Remas - du, vienas kitam ištikimi broliai piemenys yra priversti leistis į kelionę, kuri baigsis vieno iš brolių tapimu didingiausios kada nors egzistavusios imperijos įkūrėju ir valdovu. Tačiau, išrinktojo likimas pareikalaus nužudyti savo paties brolį.

Prabėgus šešeriems metams po dukros pagrobimo, neviltyje esantis tėvas yra nusamdomas nužudyti fantasinio romano autorių, bet paaiškėja, kad romano pasaulis kertasi su tikruoju pasauliu.

Conducting clandestine experiments within the morgue at Miskatonic University, scientist Herbert West reveals to a fellow graduate student his groundbreaking work concerning the re-animation of fresh corpses.

009 Re:Cyborg follows a group of nine cyborgs, each of them created by a shadowy organization for use as weapons against humanity. The group turns on their creators to protect the population instead, using the powers given them to fight their creators.

Six high schoolers stuck in a murderous time loop must find the scattered remains of an unknown victim to break the curse and finally see another day.

Būdama 40-ties ji nusprendžia daryti tai, ką nori, ir sakyti, ką nori.

Kanalizacijos tuneliuose dirbęs vyras randamas negyvas. Tyrėjai neabejoja, kad jis pasitraukė iš gyvenimo savo noru. Bet policija vis tiek areštuoja solidaus amžiaus savamokslį muzikantą, kuris organizuoja koncertus ir mėgsta atlikti savos kūrybos dainas. Vyras išgirsta kaltinimą, kad tai jo dainos žodžiai paskatino nusižudyti skurdžiai gyvenusį darbininką. Byla nugula tarp daugelio kitų keistų bylų Bombėjaus teisme. Būrys paprastų žmonių stumdosi tvankioje salėje ir kantriai laukia savo bylos nagrinėjimo. Teisėjams tai – eilinė darbo diena. Bet kaip visagaliais besijaučiantys, žmonių likimus ramiai nulemiantys teisininkai elgiasi namuose, parduotuvėse, kai baigiasi darbo valandos teisme? Kuo skiriasi privilegijuotos profesijos atstovas nuo teisiamo piliečio? Ar iš tiesų galima visapusiškai pasitikėti jų profesionalumu, objektyvumu ir sąžiningumu?

In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road…

Filmo pagrindinis veikėjas – detektyvas Han Do-kyung, kuris metų metus paslapčia dirba korumpuotam Anamo merui Park Sungbae. Tačiau siužeto pradžioje situacija pasikeičia – Han Do-kyung negailestingo prokuroro Kim Cha-in yra verčiamas prisidėti prie mero veiklos tyrimo, siekiant atskleisti jo nešvarius darbelius. Išsigandęs ir užspęstas, detektyvas Han įtikina savo jaunesnį partnerį Sunmo perimti jo darbą merui, tačiau laikui bėgant veikėjų reikalai susipainioja netikėtais būdais. Padėčiai vis blogėjant, pasidaro aišku, kad šiame žvėriškame pasaulyje išgyvens tik negailestingiausi.

The veteran detective Seo Do-cheol and his team at Major Crimes, relentless in their pursuit of criminals, join forces with rookie cop Park Sun-woo to track down a serial killer who has plunged the nation into turmoil.

When twin girls are found dead in their family’s barn, reality star turned TV-reporter Meredith Phillips and her de-facto camera crew are dispatched to rural Wisconsin to investigate the gruesome deaths. In their relentless drive to break the story, the reporters become entangled in a deadly mystery and uncover the small town’s shocking secret. Edited together from the crew’s multiple cameras, the film documents their struggle to survive the most terrifying night of their lives and becomes the only evidence of a crime too horrific to imagine.

Court huntsman, Søtoft, is courting his daughter Else’s lady-in-waiting, Miss Engelke. That’s why it’s a bit of a punch in the stomach when, late one evening, he discovers his son Ove in close contact with her. Chamberlain von Plessen, who had been gossiping to Søtoft and is himself spying on the young couple, is going to set fire to the room they’re in. The hurt Søtoft wants to leave the young couple to their cruel fate – that is until he discovers that it’s not Engelke, but his daughter Else, who is trapped in the flames with her brother. (

A group of old college friends reunite on a Caribbean scuba diving trip exploring the wreckage of a WWII battleship and find themselves trapped inside the underwater labyrinth of rusted metal surrounded by great white sharks.

Peteris Bowmanas – amerikiečių inžinierius, dirbantis vienoje iš Lotynų Amerikos šalių, pagrobiamas. Už įkaitą nusikaltėliai pareikalauja 3 mln $ išpirkos. Žmona Alice tikisi vyro darbdavio ir draudimo kompanijos paramos. Deja, pasirodo, žmogaus gyvybė tokios sumos neverta...Likusi viena, ryžtinga moteris nusprendžia nepasiduoti ir bet kokia kaina išlaisvinti artimą žmogų. Ji kreipiasi pagalbos į kompaniją “Pagrobimas ir išpirka”. Vienas profesionaliausių derybininkų su teroristais Terry Thornas imasi narplioti beviltiškos bylos. Viskas susipainioja, nes Alice, gelbėdama vyrą, nesugeba atsispirti vyriškam Terrio žavesiui...Užsimezga netikėtas, negalimas ryšys...

Two septuagenarians go to Tuscany to prevent their old friend from killing the man who cuckolded him fifty years ago.

Four teenaged lads set off to get laid in order to stay alive. However, the boys have to attract the girls first in order to complete their mission. Otherwise, they will be hunted and killed by a vicious Werewolf which only seems interested in Virgins.

A horror-comedy slasher set in the '80s about a woman wrongfully fired from her office job and forced to take on a temporary job on a crime scene clean-up crew. With a maniacal serial killer on the loose leaving them lots of work, did he ever leave the scene of the crime?