One of the world's biggest bands returns to the scene of their Live Aid triumph (one year earlier in 1985) to play all their greatest hits in front of a packed Wembley Stadium.
When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.
Javier se ha casado con María, el amor de su vida, y ahora lo único que desea es estar feliz con ella el resto de su vida, pero el destino se la quita poco después de la boda. Ahora Javier está enredado en sus emociones: ¿cómo aceptará la muerte de su mujer para encontrar nuevamente el amor?
Ancient Korea, 1506. The tyrannical King Yeonsan-gun of Joseon is overthrown by his half-brother Jung-jong, whose reign begins with a blood bath. Over the years, traitors plot against him, sinking the kingdom into chaos. In 1528, frightened rumors come to royal palace, regarding a mysterious creature, known as Monstrum by the peasants.
FTB turi „Mindhunters“ padalinio agentų mokymo programą, mokančią juos sekti serijinius žudikus. Agentų grupė ruošiasi baigti sunkų mokymo kursą. Jiems liko tik vienas paskutinis įrodymas: savaitgalį praleido atokioje saloje spręsdamas fiktyvų nusikaltimą, tačiau niekas iš jų nežino, kad tarp jų yra serijinių žudikų, apmokytų pagal naujausias nužudymo technikas ir įpratusių mąstyti greičiau nei jie daryti. Lėtai, metodiškai, žudikas juos pašalina po vieną. Atsiradus nusikaltimams, agentai pradeda nepasitikėti vieni kitais, todėl visi įtariami ir jiems gresia mirtingumas.
A psychotic killer is on the prowl, who continues to slaughter young women while an innocent man is wrongly accused and sentenced for crimes he could never have committed. A determined detective arrives on the scene and soon becomes obsessed with the case while under pressure from the prosecutor to see a man hang.
After being a victim of rape within their own home, Diana chooses to keep the trauma secret. Mario, her husband, also has something to hide. The silence takes the couple's account over the day turns gradually into a peculiar form of violence.
Ted Morgan has been treading water for most of his life. After his wife leaves him, Ted realizes he has nothing left to live for. Summoning the courage for one last act, Ted decides to go home and face the people he feels are responsible for creating the shell of a person he has become. But life is tricky. The more determined Ted is to confront his demons, to get closure, and to withdraw from his family, the more Ted is yanked into the chaos of their lives. So, when Ted Morgan decides to kill himself, he finds a reason to live.
Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial killers end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.
Two high school filmmakers decide to create the illusion of a haunting on an unsuspecting neighbor.
1980 m. Londoną sukrėtė teroro aktas, nukreiptas prieš Irano ambasadą. Grupė nežinomų žmonių įsiveržė į ambasados pastatą ir paėmė įkaitais visus darbuotojus. Valdžia bando susitarti su teroristais, tačiau ar jų reikalavimai yra įgyvendinami?...
Andrew Niccol‘as („Gataka“, „Įkalinti laike“ režisierius ir „Trumano šou“ scenaristas) sugrįžta su nauja utopine juosta, puikiai derinančia pramogą ir moralines dilemas. Naujausiame savo filme „Anon“ režisierius pasakoja istoriją apie netolimą ateitį, kuomet, prisidengiant kova su nusikaltimais ir visuomenės saugumu, paprastų žmonių gyvenimas vis labiau sekamas ir kontroliuojamas. Kiekvienas bet kurio žmogaus žingsnis matomas, įrašinėjamas ir kontroliuojamas. Nusikaltimų mažėja, bet kartu su jais nebelieka ir privatumo bei anonimiškumo. Pagrindinis juostos herojus, patyręs ir sąžiningai savo pareigas einantis policininkas Salas Frydlandas (aktorius Clive‘as Oven‘as) nuoširdžiai tiki taikomų priemonių reikalingumu. Tirdamas neišaiškintų nusikaltimų virtinę, vyras susiduria su neįtikėtinu ir neįmanomu dalyku: jauna moterimi (ją įkūnija Amanda Seyfried), kuri, pagal oficialius įrašus, neturėtų egzistuoti.
Desperate for a job to help him support his family, Jim Norman takes a position teaching high school in the town where his brother was murdered in front of him by teenage bullies twenty-seven years before. The teens who committed the crime are long dead, but now the kids in Jim's new class keep dying and being replaced by new students who look like the deceased hoodlums.
Puikiam studentui Džefui Čangui rytoj laukia svarbiausias interviu gyvenime. Tačiau šiandien vis dar yra jo gimtadienis, kuris prasideda kaip atsitiktinė šventė su draugais ir virsta ištvirkimo naktimi, galinčia sugriauti jo gyvenimo planą.
One year later, Michael Myers' traumatized young niece is horrified to discover she has a telepathic bond with her evil uncle... and that he is on the way back to Haddonfield to begin the carnage again.
A story set in Indochina in 1959, a lawless land controlled by the criminal class: Vietnamese warlords and European war-criminals. Den-Dhin-Chan Labor Camp is run by four such dangerous men. The worst prison in the land, it is here that an Irish, former-champion boxer Martin Tillman has made a name for himself fighting tournaments, on which wealthy criminals gamble in high stakes events. When Tillman is due for release, he just wants to return home, but the corrupt forces running the jail will do everything in their power to keep him locked down. When all that Tillman holds dear is taken away in a vicious act of violence, he is forced to confront the men responsible and take his revenge. The birth of a legend.
Trys koledžo studentai, ieškodami pramogų, apsigyvena nuošaliame sename name. Mėgaudamiesi būsimu nuotykiu, jie net neįtaria, kad savo buvimu pažadino paslaptingą senovinę būtybę, atsakingą už visą pasaulio blogį. Būtybė, kuriai su ja anksčiau susidūrę žmonės davė mistinį pavadinimą – „Bye Bye Man“, nes jos tikrojo vardo niekas nežino. Šalia jos atsidūrusiems žmonėms yra vienintelė viltis: nekalbėti ir net negalvoti apie paslaptingąją jėgą. Nes priešingu atveju blogio įsikūnijimas užvaldo jį pažadinusių žmonių sąmonę ir priverčia daryti siaubingus nusikaltimus. Pajutusi būtybės jėgą, trijulė suvokia, kad privalo bet kokia kaina neleisti blogiui ištrūkti apleisto namo. Dabar tik nuo kiekvieno iš jų priklauso ir likusių dviejų draugų, ir visos žmonijos likimas.
Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father's video store to liquidate the property and sell off his assets. As they dig through the store, they find a VCR board game titled 'Beyond the Gates' that holds a connection to their father's disappearance and deadly consequences for anyone who plays it.
David's turning 50 and having a Mid-life Crisis! He isn't sure his "perfect husband" loves him, and if he's chosen the right career. Aging is something he never thought about, but now he is faced with making the rest of his life count and hopes his close friends can help. Realizing that he may only have about 35 years left, he must figure out his life to ensure happiness and fulfillment. Fate changes everything when he meets a 15-year younger man who shows him that age does not matter, and that maybe his future happiness is right in front of him.
A group of friends return home with a friend to help him share a secret only to learn that sometimes older secrets are even more deadly.