Cantinflas is a clumsy fireman, who one day receives the visit of his little goddaughter, whose mother recently died in the jungle. After having work in a few fires, Cantinflas decided to quit and become a policeman, because is less dangerous. Everything goes well until a gang of gangsters kidnap the girl, because of a monetary inheritance.

Polito is the manager of a courier and parcel branch in Yucatán, who seeks to fulfill his dream of receiving a promotion and having a place in Cancun to move in with his wife Teo and son. Pressured by his wife, he will be willing to do anything to get it and he plans a strategy where he will achieve his transfer but a little further north: Tijuana.

Cantinflas, a traveling photographer, is captured by some gangsters while trying to get some flowers for his girlfriend. The gangsters have confused him with the assistant of Dr. Penongo, a scientist who has discovered the formula of a new atomic bomb. Meanwhile, Penongo has suffered a car accident and has lost his memory ...

Cantinflas is a private in the military, who doesn't know anything about discipline or following rules. He only wants to think about his girlfriend, the maid in an opulent hacienda. The owner of the hacienda has an ugly and shy daughter, who is in love with Cantinflas. The problems arrive when the family arranges a wedding between the ugly girl and Cantinflas, who in order to avoid the commitment gets himself arrested. During his punishment, Cantinflas learns to fly with a silly and poorly trained flight instructor.

Rosario, the niece of the rancher, returns to the ranch after ten years of absence. She takes in Margarito, a worker at the ranch, who is immediately smitten by her. Rosario is rescued from a runaway horse by the Seven Men, an outlaw a la Robin Hood that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He also happens to be the twin brother of Margarito, unbeknownst to him. The confusion between Margarito and the Seven Men generates great comical situations in the film.

It is the story of a sportsman who is a little bit dumber than most people but nevertheless he succeeds in getting a job at a sports article saler's. Having this job is the beginning of a lot of funny problems he causes due to his dumbness.

It's about a country doctor that comes to the city while a clinic is built in his home town... he rubs off his care and compassion on others at the hospital with his humor and wit.

Follows Diogenes as he goes about his day as a police officer. He's prone to do things the right way, surrounded by a pretty much corrupt & citizen distant police department, & always resolves his duties with a personal method.

Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.

Buvęs slaptasis agentas, o dabar vienišas nevykėlis, Brainas privalo nusileisti buvusios žmonos reikalavimui ir duoti sutikimą savo dukrai atostogoms kelionei po Europą. Naivę merginą, o taip pat ir jos draugę pagrobia albanų banditai ir ruošiasi parduoti jas į albanų vergiją. Susijaudinęs tėvas tuoj pat vyksta į Prancūziją tam, kad išgelbėtų savo dukrą...

An account of karate competitor Choi Yeung-Eui who went to Japan after World War II to become a fighter pilot but found a very different path instead. He changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama and went across the country, defeating martial artists one after another. This film concentrates on the period when he is still young, and developing his famous karate style, Kyokushin.

Gauche is a diligent but mediocre cellist who plays for a small town orchestra and the local cinema in the early 20th century. He struggles during rehearsals and is often berated by his conductor during preparations for an upcoming performance of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony. Over the course of four nights, Gauche is visited at his mill house home by talking animals as he is practicing.

Sissi is now the empress of Austria and attempts to learn etiquette. While she is busy being empress she also has to deal with her difficult new mother-in-law, while the arch-duchess Sophie is trying to tell the emperor how to rule and also Sissi how to be a mother.

Immediate delivery recounts the misadventures of Feliciano Callosum (Cantinflas), a postman who is recruited by the secret counterintelligence service (called XU-777 secret agency), and must uncover an international conspiracy.

Trovador seeks to write an immortal bolero, but the inspiration does not reach him. That's why the Devil appears to him and decides to make a pact: his desired bolero in exchange for his soul. Trovador accepts, and in his way will cross the Gitana, a woman with whom he will begin a passionate romance that perhaps serves him to write his song.

Senas niurzgalius ir šykštuolis Ebenyzeris Skrudžas gyvena be meilės. Jam niekas neįdomu, jo niekas nedžiugina, nestebina, nesuteikia džiaugsmo. Vienintelį malonumą patiria nuolat varinėdamas savo ištikimą tarną. Tačiau vieną stebuklingą naktį Skrudžo gyvenimas pasikeičia. Į nepakartojamą kelionę senąjį bambeklį pasiima trys šventų Kalėdų dvasios: Praeities, Dabarties ir Ateities Kalėdų. Dvasios jam aiškiai ir nedviprasmiškai parodo jo didžiuotis pagrindo nesuteikiančią praeitį, skaudžią dabarties pasaulio tiesą ir ateityje slypinčius pavojus, jei Skrudžas nepasistengs tapti geresniu žmogumi.

Robinas Hudas pabėga iš nelaisvės ir grįžta į Angliją. Garsusis ir kilnusis plėšikas, pasiryžęs atkeršyti savo tėvo žudikui Notingemo šerifui, pasitraukia į Šervudo girią ir kartu su laisvės ir teisybės ištroškusiais tėvynainiais iki paskutinės strėlės kovoja už savo idealus.

Cantinflas is a man who hangs around the studios and helps anyone who needs his advice while at the same time envisioning his own versions of how certain scenes should be shot. Both angles provide ample opportunities for very witty, subtle barbs at the foibles of the industry.

Mažai kas tikėjo, kad tokia kelionė apskritai įmanoma. Juk keliautojas, norėdamas įveikti šį maršrutą, turės naudoti maksimalų greitį. Be to, jam reikės tinkamos transporto priemonės, atitinkančios būtinas savybes. Pagrindinis veikėjas buvo visiškai įsitikinęs savo žodžiais ir jėgomis. Fogas pradeda savo kelionę iš Anglijos. Po to lauks Prancūzija, Kinija, Amerika ir kitos šalys. Retkarčiais jaunam vyrui teks susidurti su rimtomis bėdomis, kurios neigiamai veikia jo maršrutą ir turimą laiką.

Kultinės „Matricos" trilogijos kūrėjai Andy'is ir Lana Wachowski'ai nukelia mus į tolimą ateitį, kurioje kosmoso užkariavimas jau seniausiai virtęs realybe. Galingos kitų planetų gyventojų šeimos valdo ne tik valstybes, bet ir atskiras planetas, tačiau Žemės gyventojams visa tai dar nežinoma. To nežino ir įprastą gyvenimą Žemėje gyvenanti mergina Jupiterė Džouns (aktorė Mila Kunis). Nors jos gimimo momentu žvaigždės jai pranašavo ypatingą likimą, kiekvieną dieną Jupiterė tuo tiki vis mažiau. Tačiau... Vieną dieną ją susiranda iš kosmoso atvykęs genetiškai modifikuotas super-karys Keinas (Channing'as Tatum'as). Apstulbusiai merginai karys atskleidžia jos paslaptį: Jupiterės genai rodo ją kilus iš labai senos ir garbingos giminės - teisėtų Žemės šeimininkų, ir kad jai lemta pakeisti tvarką Visatoje. Problema, kad tai sužinojęs vienos galingiausių Visatos dinastijų atstovas Balemas Abrasaksas nusprendė merginą nužudyti, o Žemę panaudoti savo reikmėms...