Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!

Due to a female passenger falling out of her top whilst running for the bus Stan is distracted and crashes the bus resulting in the depot managers car being written off. As a result Stan, Jack and Blakey are fired. Stan and Jack soon get new jobs as a bus crew at a Pontins holiday resort but discover that Blakey has also gotten a job there as the chief security guard.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Phase Gaye Re Obama is a comedy set against the backdrop of global recession/meltdown that originated in USA. The film traces the journey of OM Shashtri, an American citizen of Indian origin, who loses all his wealth overnight to the global recession & has been asked to vacate his home by the bank unless he pays up $100,000 (mortgaged amount) within 30 days. Seeing no other option Om comes to India to sell a small piece of an ancestral property. But within days of landing in India he is kidnapped by a 'recession-hit' underworld gang those who think that he is still a millionaire. What happens to Om, is he able to save his home, how did the 'poor' gangster cope with their 'poor' catch & what do small town Indian gangsters have to say to President largely forms the rest of the story. The film, showcases how global recession/ meltdown impacted lives from an America based businessman to underworld dons in the dusty plains of small town India.

Documental sobre la práctica cruel de la tortura cometida por los Estados Unidos en Afganistán, Irak y la Bahía de Guantánamo (Cuba). La película cuenta como telón de fondo con la historia de un taxista afgano inocente que fue detenido, torturado y asesinado en 2002.

En 1999, la UNSC (United Nations Scientific Council) ha reunido a todos los grandes monstruos en una zona de la isla de Ogasawara denominada Monsterland, con el objetivo de estudiarlos a fondo, controlándolos mediante un complejo campo electromagnético. Entre los monstruos kaijus se encuentran nada menos que: Godzilla, Mothra, Ghidorah, Rodan, Baragon, Varan, Kumonga, Manda, Minilla, Gorosaurus y Anguirus. Sin embargo los Kilaaks, una raza extraterrestre, pretende esclavizar la Tierra y boicotea los sistemas de comunicación de la isla y controla mentalmente a los monstruos, que se lanzan a una frenética carrera de destrucción por todo el mundo.

Animation created in Flash and After Effects looking at mans relationship with the natural world.

Tres simios, la doctora Zira, Cornelius y el doctor Milo, han conseguido sobrevivir al desastre nuclear en su planeta y, tras arreglar la nave de los humanos, viajan en el tiempo hasta llegar a la Tierra de finales del siglo XX. Al llegar, mientras son estudiados en un centro de investigación para determinar su nivel de inteligencia, se niegan a revelar lo que saben sobre la civilización humana.

Cuando descubre que el coronel Trautman ha caído en manos soviéticas en Afganistán, Rambo regresa al servicio para intentar liberar a su amigo. Después de contactar a la resistencia afgana, entra en la zona sitiada por las tropas enemigas…

Bibi y Tina han pensado un plan para promocionar la granja de vacaciones Martinshof y también para ocuparse del enamoramiento de Bibi.

Estados Unidos, 1991. Tras una epidemia que mató a todos los gatos y perros de la Tierra, los hombres decidieron adoptar como mascotas a los monos, que acabaron convertidos en sirvientes. Se creó entonces un centro para civilizar a los ejemplares salvajes, por medio de la violencia. Armando ha criado en secreto a César, el hijo de dos simios parlantes: Zira y Cornelius. Cuando César comprueba lo que los hombres están haciendo con los de su especie, manifiesta públicamente su desacuerdo y, desde ese momento, se ve obligado a ocultarse. Al descubrir que puede comunicarse con los suyos telepáticamente, empieza a tramar una insurrección: incita a la desobediencia general, arma a los suyos y empieza a entender que la inteligencia es poder.

Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.

En un futuro postapocalíptico, la humanidad es daltónica. Un científico brillante muere repentinamente, dejando su precioso maletín lleno de una droga sintética altamente adictiva que permite a la gente ...

SUMMARY:- A girl wakes up early in the morning to witness an immense Pain in her groin area & discovers blood on the bedsheet which makes her very uncomfortable to face her father. The next series of events lead her to understand whether she can speak about it or not, moreover, an important incident is highlighted between the use of face mask and sanitary pads as both are used for protection purposes. In this, her father get involved consciously and maintains stability and at the same time respecting her daughter's emotion in order to make her understand about the scenario, makes it even more effective love & affection for the father-daughter duo in facing each other and also towards the society.

El ejército norteamericano quiere asegurarse de que todos los reclutas, incluso los más torpes, sean debidamente adiestrados en sus cuarteles. con este fin se elabora un programa que dirige la comandante Shelton. En el primer ejercicio, el recluta Meredith C. Bixby demuestra que, a pesar de poseer un gran talento, en el manejo de las armas es un auténtico inútil.

Kirsty Cotton ha crecido y ahora está casada con Trevor Gooden. El cual sufre un accidente grave de carretera del que es el único superviviente. En respuesta a este accidente, Trevor se encuentra en un universo extraño y próximo del infierno. El misterio se lo llevará poco a poco a Pinhead...

After their teacher fails them, two high school students decide to teach the imperious, demanding instructor a lesson by falsely accusing her of the murder of a missing student.

A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.