Identical twins Kate and Chris Lockhart plot to be the other sister – at Kate’s office and Chris’ school – and take on planning their sister’s Christmas events. One rule, though: no romance.
Five-time Emmy nominee and Golden Globe winner Henry Winkler stars in The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, the story of what happens when you open your heart to the power of Christmas. Disenchanted single mom Jennifer Cullen (Brooke Burns) is a Scroogette when it comes to anything Christmas. In fact, even her six-year-old son, Brian, is having trouble believing in Santa Claus. But when her Uncle Ralph (Henry Winkler) visits and brings a fellow passenger from his flight named Morgan Derby (Warren Christie), Jennifer s dubious heart awakens to the possibility that perhaps Christmas really does hold miracles. It s uplifting and laugh-packed and a story that will inspire the whole family to believe.
Life is good for marketing professional Allison, she’s well on her way to earning a stellar promotion all while dating equally successful co-worker Bryce. Her biggest rival for the position, Vanessa, has the boss’ eye, but Allison has a plan. To win the promotion, she needs to impress her boss, Nathan, at their annual company retreat. Of course, she has a head start since she used to be a camp counselor. The only caveat, this year’s trip happens to be the site of Allison’s first heartbreak: her old camp. And who should still be working there but the handsome as ever ex-boyfriend who broke that teenage heart, Cody. But was it all a misunderstanding? Allison’s tasked with navigating not only the obstacle course but her relationships…past and present.
Maddie, a high-powered marketing executive, is on her way to a client’s wedding but her plans are derailed by car trouble. When a fork in the road leads her to Christmas Valley, a town in love with Christmas, an unexpected encounter and a group of strangers that start to feel like family will have her questioning what she’s really been missing in life.
Hovorí sa, že Vianoce sú najkrajšie obdobie roka. Ale určite nie pre mamy! Tri matky rebelky už majú dosť večného upratovania, varenia, vyzdobovania a zháňania perfektných darčekov pre celú rodinu (a občas aj pre seba, aby oteckovia nemali starosti). Preto sa vzbúria a rozhodnú, že tento rok si Vianoce konečne chcú poriadne užiť aj ony. Akurát netušia, že čoskoro sa ohlásia hostia, ktorí s ich predstavou dokonalých sviatkov asi nebudú úplne súhlasiť – ich vlastné matky...
Twenty years after saving a frail sapling from a cutting crew, Molly Logan learns that the bank is foreclosing on her parents' Christmas tree farm. Can the tree she spared rescue the holiday?
Two escaped convicts pose as children's summer camp staff in order to evade capture and learn about caring for others in the process. Sumrak has been in prison since he was 16 years old but is pushing thirty now, is well acquainted with prison gang culture and covered with tattoos. Evgeni Koltsov is a former police officer unjustly imprisoned and destined for a death sentence from the other inmates if he stays in prison.
Jessica Perez , nesmierne talentovaná organizátorka prominentných svadieb vždy urobí pre svojich klientov prvé aj posledné. Jej nevestou je aktuálne popová hviezda Renee, ktorá je náročná a potrpí si na luxus. Jessica si myslí, že má všetko pod kontrolou, keď ju zrazu Renee nečakane požiada, aby osobne odcestovala na Aljašku a priniesla špeciálny druh ruží, tzv. vianočný kvet. Iba dva týždne pred svadbou cestuje Jessica do Corona Creek zohnať tieto špeciálne puky kvetov. Mesto sa jej zapáči a obzvlášť sa jej zapáči Matt Holden. Keď snehová metelica uväzní Jessicu v meste, preskočí medzi nimi iskra a Jessica uvidí festival kvetov na vlastné oči. S poruchou lietadla a romantickým dôvodom na to, aby zostala na festivale, no s miliónom povinností doma dokáže Jessica objaviť ducha Vianoc a dostať sa späť do New Yorku včas na svadbu.
Susan is a newspaper staffer who decides to generate some Christmas spirit by writing an article about her family’s storied 100-year-old, hand-carved, heirloom Christmas angel. This leads her to accidentally meet Brady, a cute, upbeat artist who insists that he and Susan become fast friends (at least). It turns out that this angel also has the spiritual power to bring people together – as it seems to be doing with Susan and Brady. What’s behind this enchanted ornament? As time moves on, more about this captivating artifact is revealed.
Po ťažkom rozchode Marie, kedysi zamilovaná do Vianoc, stráca vianočnú náladu. Matka sa jej snaží pomôcť a posiela jej vianočné ozdoby z detstva. Vždy, keď jej príde poštou ozdoba, stane sa v jej živote niečo pozitívne. Zoznámi sa aj s príťažlivým susedom Natom a keď spolu oslavujú blížiace sa Vianoce, pocíti, že medzi nimi preskočila iskra. Keď Máriin šéf poverí Máriu editovaním knihy muža, ktorý jej spôsobil smútok, prepadnú ju pochybnosti z minulosti a dokonca pošle Nata preč. Cíti sa stratená a hľadá vianočný zázrak, ktorý by jej a Natovi vrátil sebavedomie. S blížiacimi sa Vianocami musí Mária počúvať hlas svojho srdca v práci i láske a dúfať, že jej čarovné vianočné ozdoby prinesú ešte jeden zázrak.
Filmový štáb sa chystá narušiť vianočný pokoj idylického mestečka nakrúcaním filmu so známou hviezdou Jessicou McEllisovou. Starosta je spočiatku proti, ale čoskoro sympatie medzi ním a herečkou prerastú do niečoho viac. Začínajúci vzťah však komplikuje žiarlivý bývalý manžel, zvedaví novinári a samotná Jessica.
Sara Shaw is the type of woman who prefers to sit on the sidelines at work, but when her big idea for a Christmas initiative is stolen, she makes a wish to Santa that she'll finally have the courage to stand up for herself. Santa grants her wish, but only gives her 48 hours. As the clock ticks, Sara will discover how to channel the Christmas magic and speak her mind all on her own.
Set in 1990s Belfast, a woman is forced to betray all she believes in for the sake of her son.
Celý svet Celie Banksovej (Marguerite Moreau) sa točí okolo jej sedemročnej dcéry Lilly (Isadora Swann). Po tom, ako pred tromi rokmi stratila svojho manžela, sa Celia vzdala aj lásky. Lilly však nechce, aby jej mama strávila ďalšie vianočné sviatky sama. Rozhodla sa preto poslať list spoločnosti Santa, Inc., ktorá odpovedá na detskú poštu zasielanú na Severný pól, s jediným želaním - aby jej mama bola znova šťastná. Lillyn list dostal "na vybavenie" vyhorený autor kníh pre deti Jake Platt (Mike Faiola) a prvý raz po rokoch má inšpiráciu písať. Keď si Celia prečíta Jakeovu úprimnú odpoveď, obaja nadšene pokračujú v tejto staromódnej korešpondencii a s každým listom sa ich vzájomne city prehlbujú - práve v čase Vianoc.
When an idealistic romantic gets fired from his day job, he is offered a "one-time gig" to break up a girl's relationship for her disapproving parents. This "one-time" gig spreads through word-of-mouth and he ends up becoming a professional match-breaker. However, he ends up falling for one of his clients and must figure out how to balance his secret job with his love-life.
Dateless for the Christmas ball, 39-year-old bachelor, King Charles of Baltania, tracks down his American college sweetheart, only to discover Allison has never been married, yet raised a 17-year-old daughter, Lily, who mathematically might be Charles' biological princess.
With Christmas approaching, a struggling single mom finds herself working as a department store Santa Claus, as a real-life angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance.
Medzinárodní priemyselní špióni na čele s Petrom Beaupreom (Olek Krupa) chcú získať tajný raketový čip ukrytý v detskom autíčku. Keď ich tašku na letisku vezme popletená pani Hessová (Marian Seldesová), autíčko od nej doputuje k malému Alexovi Pruittovi (Alex D. Linz). Zločinci rýchlo vypátrajú, kto ho má, ale netušia, že v malom chlapcovi majú silnejšieho a prefíkanejšieho protivníka.
After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a battle of cowboys versus dinosaurs.