While vacationing with a friend in Paris, an American girl is kidnapped by a gang of human traffickers intent on selling her into forced prostitution. Working against the clock, her ex-spy father must pull out all the stops to save her. But with his best years possibly behind him, the job may be more than he can handle.
Two co-dependent high school seniors are forced to deal with separation anxiety after their plan to stage a booze-soaked party goes awry.
Nick Naylor is a charismatic spin-doctor for Big Tobacco who'll fight to protect America's right to smoke -- even if it kills him -- while still remaining a role model for his 12-year old son. When he incurs the wrath of a senator bent on snuffing out cigarettes, Nick's powers of "filtering the truth" will be put to the test.
In a bad neighborhood, on his way to a laundromat to do his laundry, Frank Castle witnesses a ruthless street gang harassing several people.
James Bond v Rusiji išče ukradene kode za velikansko vesoljsko orožje s kodnim imenom Goldeneye, ki lahko proti Zemlji izstreli smrtonosen elektromagnetni pulz. Bondu se po robu postavi sovražnik, ki je sposoben predvideti vsak njegov korak: njegov nekdanji sodelavec ter bivši agent 006, zdaj pa odpadniški terorist Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean). Bond mora obračunati tudi s Trevelyanovo zaveznico, zapeljivo in neusmiljeno morilko Xenio Onatopp (Famke Janssen). Med reševanjem sveta Bondu na pomoč priskoči Natalya Simonova (Izabella Scorupco), ruska strokovnjakinja za satelite. V po vrsti sedemnajstem filmu o slavnem britanskem vohunu v režiji Martina Campbella agenta 007 prvič upodobi Pierce Brosnan.
The Daywalker known as "Blade" - a half-vampire, half-mortal man - becomes the protector of humanity against an underground army of vampires.
Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.
Načrt je bil brezhiben, izpeljan do popolnosti in imeli so jasno pot pobega. Edini dejavnik tveganja, ki ga glavni kriminalni um Charlie Croker ni mogel preprečiti, je prišel od enega od članov tolpe, ki so ga sestavljali njegov notranji mož Steve, računalniški genij Lyle, voznik Rob, strokovnjak za eksplozive "Levo uho" in veteran John-Bridger . Potem ko sta v močno varovanem beneškem palazzu udarila osupljiv milijon dolarjevski udarec, sta Charlie in tolpa šokirana, ko sta ugotovila, da ju je izdal eden od njih. Zdaj ne gre več za plen, ampak za maščevanje. Potem na sceno stopi lepa Stella, strokovnjakinja, ki se pridruži Charlieju in tolpi, ko se vrnejo v Kalifornijo v iskanju izdajalca.
Chev Chelios, a hit man wanting to go straight, lets his latest target slip away. Then he awakes the next morning to a phone call that informs him he has been poisoned and has only an hour to live unless he keeps adrenaline coursing through his body while he searches for an antidote.
Nekdanji vojaški policist Jack se odloči uveljavljati zakone na lastno pest, toda ob nepojasnjenem množičnem zločinu ga oblasti znova zaprosijo za pomoč. Med raziskovanjem Jack naleti na srhljivo spletko, njegovo predano iskanje resnice pa ga znova pripelje v navzkrižje z zakoni. Čeprav mu policija sledi na vsakem koraku, je odločen razkrinkati zločine ruske mafijske organizacije in kriminalce zlepa ali zgrda soočiti z roko pravice.
Arthur Bishop is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code requiring professional perfection and total detachment. One of an elite group of assassins, Bishop may be the best in the business - with a unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. When Harry McKenna, his close friend and mentor, is murdered, Harry's son comes to him with vengeance in his heart and a desire to learn Bishop's trade, signaling the birth of a deadly partnership.
Frank Martin je najboljši v svojem poslu. Nekdanji specialec dela kot prenašalec. Prevaža to, kar od njega zahteva naloga, naj gre za predmete ali ljudi. Ob tem nikoli ne postavlja vprašanj o ničemer. On samo dostavi, kar mu je naročeno. Frank se je iz Francije preselil v Miami, kjer prijatelju na uslugo prevaža premožno Audrey Billings in njenega sina Jacka. Frank ni pričakoval, da se bo navezal na malega Jacka, ki ga vozi v šolo in iz nje. Ko nekega dne Jacka ugrabijo, mora Frank uporabiti vse svoje veščine, da bi dečka našel in ga živega pripeljal v mamin objem. Istočasno mora ugrabiteljem preprečiti njihov načrt s smrtonosnim virusom.
Disgraced ex-England football captain, Danny 'Mean Machine' Meehan, is thrown in jail for assaulting two police officers. He keeps his head down and has the opportunity to forget everything and change the lives of the prisoners. When these prisoners have the chance to put one over the evil guards during a prison football match, Danny takes the lead.
Optimus Prime in preostanek Avtobotov se vrača v nadaljevanju akcijske uspešnice Michaela Baya iz leta 2007 "Transformerji".
Frank Martin puts the driving gloves on to deliver Valentina, the kidnapped daughter of a Ukranian government official, from Marseilles to Odessa on the Black Sea. En route, he has to contend with thugs who want to intercept Valentina's safe delivery and not let his personal feelings get in the way of his dangerous objective.
A sheriff's deputy fights an alternate universe version of himself who grows stronger with each alternate self he kills.
Yamakasi - Les samouraïs des temps modernes is a 2001 French movie written by Luc Besson. It demonstrates the skills of the Yamakasi, a group of traceurs who battle against injustice in the Paris ghetto. They use parkour to steal from the rich in order to pay off medical bills for a kid injured copying their techniques.
Xander Cage je XXX, nekdanji zmagovalec X-iger in profesionalni športnik ekstremnih športov, ki preživi s prodajo videov svojih neverjetnih podvigov, ki po vsem cuperu pošiljajo adrenalin. Toda po neštetih srečanjih z zakonom se bo njegov svet lotil še bolj skrajnega tečaja ... Ker Xander ne ve, da ga je "vohunil" Augustus Gibbons, veteranski agent Agencije za nacionalno varnost, ki najde v obupnih razmerah v oddaljenem Pragi, kjer je njegovo tajno operacijo ubila tolpa gangsterjev s svojim stilom, ki se imenujejo Anarhija 99, ki jo je vodil brutalni nekdanji poveljnik ruske vojske Yorgi.
Cabbie-turned-chauffeur Jimmy Tong learns there is really only one rule when you work for playboy millionaire Clark Devlin : Never touch Devlin's prized tuxedo. But when Devlin is temporarily put out of commission in an explosive accident, Jimmy puts on the tux and soon discovers that this extraordinary suit may be more black belt than black tie. Paired with a partner as inexperienced as he is, Jimmy becomes an unwitting secret agent.
The fast-paced action movie is again set in the criminal underworld in France, where Frank Martin is known as The Transporter, because he is the best driver and mercenary money can buy. In this installment, he meets Anna and they attempt to take down a group of ruthless Russian human traffickers who also have kidnapped Frank’s father.