Remy, a resident of Paris, appreciates good food and has quite a sophisticated palate. He would love to become a chef so he can create and enjoy culinary masterpieces to his heart's delight. The only problem is, Remy is a rat. When he winds up in the sewer beneath one of Paris' finest restaurants, the rodent gourmet finds himself ideally placed to realize his dream.

To je četrto leto Harryja Potterja na čarovniški šoli Bradavičarki.Harry, Ron in Hermione se veselijo mednarodnega finala v qidditchu.

Sledite dogodivščinam Belle, bistre mlade ženske, ki se znajde v gradu princa, ki je bil spremenjen v skrivnostno zver. Belle se s pomočjo začaranega grajskega osebja kmalu nauči najpomembnejše lekcije - da prava lepota prihaja od znotraj.

The true story of technical troubles that scuttle the Apollo 13 lunar mission in 1970, risking the lives of astronaut Jim Lovell and his crew, with the failed journey turning into a thrilling saga of heroism. Drifting more than 200,000 miles from Earth, the astronauts work furiously with the ground crew to avert tragedy.

A taped performance of the Encanto Live-to-Film Concert Experience at the Hollywood Bowl. The original cast puts on a miracle of a concert as they sing the favorite songs, accompanied by a full orchestra and 50 person ensemble, and the Hollywood Bowl transforms into Casita!

A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.

Alex the lion is the king of the urban jungle, the main attraction at New York's Central Park Zoo. He and his best friends—Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippo—have spent their whole lives in blissful captivity before an admiring public and with regular meals provided for them. Not content to leave well enough alone, Marty lets his curiosity get the better of him and makes his escape—with the help of some prodigious penguins—to explore the world.

In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten with the leading lady.

Steven Spielberg in Peter Jackson prinašata epsko pustolovščino Tintina, v kateri najslavnejši stripovski poročevalec in njegov zvesti pasji tovariš odkrijeta modelček ladje z eksplozivno skrivnostjo. Radovednost ju žene v svet starodavnih skrivnosti in nemilost neusmiljenega zlikovca Ivana Ivanoviča – ki meni, da je Tintin ukradel neprecenljivi zaklad strahopetnega pirata Reda Rackaha. S pomočjo svojega psička, nergaško zbadljivega kapitana Haddocka ter detektivske dvojice Thompson & Thompson se Tintin poda na pot okrog sveta, da bi z bistroumnostjo in iznajdljivostjo prehitel svoje sovražnike v lovu na poslednje počivališče Samoroga; ladijske razbitine, ki menda skriva velikansko bogastvo, a se je drži starodavno prekletstvo.

Čemerni mamut Manfred, zgovorni lenivec Sid in pretkani sabljasti tiger Diego se vračajo na velika platna, kjer jim preglavice znova del led, oziroma njegovo taljenje. Ledena doba se namreč bliža koncu in dolini grozi velika poplava, zato morajo trije prijatelji pred nevarnostjo posvariti ostale prebivalce. Film je sinhroniziran v slovenščino.

Forlorn heiress Penelope Wilhern is cursed, and the only way out is to fall in love with someone of suitable stock. But how can she find her soul mate when she's sequestered inside her family's estate with only her parents to keep her company. This untraditional fairy tale about a girl who bucks convention to create her own happy ending.

Dvojcka Jared in Simon s sestrico Mallory in mamo za vedno zapustita varno zavetje svojega skromnega doma v New Yorku in se preselita v stricevo vilo na podeželju. Kmalu po prihodu se zacnejo v hiši vrstiti nenavadni dogodki, za katere vsi krivijo Jareda, ceprav on vztraja, da je nedolžen. Ko se Jared, Simon in Mallory odlocijo raziskati posest in priti resnici do dna, hitro odkrijejo, da je hiša njihovega strica Arthurja Spiderwicka v resnici magicna in polna nenavadnih bitij. Pustolovšcina se tako lahko pricne.

One year after their incredible adventures in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan Pevensie return to Narnia to aid a young prince whose life has been threatened by the evil King Miraz. Now, with the help of a colorful cast of new characters, including Trufflehunter the badger and Nikabrik the dwarf, the Pevensie clan embarks on an incredible quest to ensure that Narnia is returned to its rightful heir.

Chaos reigns at the natural history museum when night watchman Larry Daley accidentally stirs up an ancient curse, awakening Attila the Hun, an army of gladiators, a Tyrannosaurus rex and other exhibits.

Doormat Wesley Gibson is an office worker whose life is going nowhere. He meets a sexy woman named Fox and discovers that his recently murdered father - whom Wesley never knew - belonged to the Fraternity, a secret society of assassins which takes its orders from Fate itself. Fox and Sloan, the Fraternity's leader, teach Wesley, through intense training, to tap into dormant powers and hone his innate killing skills. Though he enjoys his newfound abilities, he begins to suspect that there is more to the Fraternity than meets the eye.

This time around Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their pesky cousin Eustace Scrubb find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to a fantastic Narnian ship headed for the very edges of the world.

Režiser kultnih filmov Vod smrti, Wall Street in Rojen 4. julija predstavlja zgodbo trojice prijateljev, ki se ukvarja s pridelavo in prodajo prvovrstne marihuane. Idilično sožitje najboljših lastnosti miroljubnega Bena, agresivnega Chona in zapeljive O zmoti mehiški mamilarski kartel. Preden lahko zbežijo, neizprosni kriminalci pod vodstvom krute Elene in njenega sadističnega pomagača Lada ugrabijo O, zato se morata Ben in Cho spustita v neizprosen boj prevar, laži in krvavih obračunov.

After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the far North, unaware that it's part of her destiny.

During a space voyage, four scientists are altered by cosmic rays: Reed Richards gains the ability to stretch his body; Sue Storm can become invisible; Johnny Storm controls fire; and Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong … thing. Together, these "Fantastic Four" must now thwart the evil plans of Dr. Doom and save the world from certain destruction.

The Fantastic Four return to the big screen as a new and all powerful enemy threatens the Earth. The seemingly unstoppable 'Silver Surfer', but all is not what it seems and there are old and new enemies that pose a greater threat than the intrepid superheroes realize.