A comedy show.
In a Russian coastal town, Kolya is forced to fight the corrupt mayor when he is told that his house will be demolished. He recruits a lawyer friend to help, but the man's arrival brings further misfortune for Kolya and his family.
Jau kelis dešimtmečius skaitytojus šiurpinęs vienas populiariausių Styveno Kingo romanų atgyja kino ekranuose ir pasakoja apie nedidelį ir iš pažiūros niekuo neišsiskiriantį JAV miestelį Derį. Jei ne viena siaubinga aplinkybė: kartas nuo karto jame dingsta vaikas. O suaugusieji gyvena toliau, lyg nieko nebūtų nutikę. Dingus Džordžiui, jo vyresnysis broliukas Bilas (aktorius Jaeden‘as Lieberher‘as) kartu su dar šešiais draugais įsipainioja į keistų, nepaaiškinamų ir siaubingų įvykių voratinklį, kurio centre – vis dažniau jiems pasirodantis kraupus klounas Penivaisas (akt. Bill‘as Skarsgård‘as).
A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father.
Wart is a young boy who aspires to be a knight's squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for him beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give him an education, believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn't quite work out that way.
A drama about the less known aspects of the trading activity inside one of the biggest banks in the world - Société Générale. The movie tracks the rise and fall of anonymous trader turned superstar turned escape goat - Jérôme Kerviel - just as the 2008 financial crisis was unfolding
Have you ever read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies connected to every website you visit, phone call you make, or app you use? Of course you haven’t. But those agreements allow corporations to do things with your personal information you could never even imagine. This film explores the intent hidden within these ridiculous agreements, and reveals what corporations and governments are legally taking from you and the outrageous consequences that result from clicking “I accept.”
Dinamiško detektyvinio tyrimo maršrutas nuveda 400 metų senumo simbolius šifruojančius mokslininkus į paslaptingas kriptas, pavojingas katakombas, ne mažiau paslaptingas apleistas bažnyčias su slaptais senoviniais ženklais, bibliotekų archyvus ir šimtmečius nebenaudojamą iliuminatų slėptuvę - bene labiausiai įslaptintą vietą Žemėje.
Britų rašytojo Johno le Carre'o detektyvinio romano ekranizacija apie šnipų korupciją, lojalumą, išdavystes ir moralę. Didžiosios Britanijos centrinė žvalgyba, kodiniu pavadinimu „Cirkas“, vis dar stipriai atsilieka nuo didžiausių ir įtakingiausių kolegų.
In 1985, against the backdrop of Thatcherism, Brian Jackson enrolls in the University of Bristol, a scholarship boy from seaside Essex with a love of knowledge for its own sake and a childhood spent watching University Challenge, a college quiz show. At Bristol he tries out for the Challenge team and falls under the spell of Alice, a lovely blond with an extensive sexual past.
A comedy that follows a group of friends as they navigate their way through the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood.
All the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas, but plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various misadventures get them into some compromising situations that threaten to derail the big event.
Sakoma, jog namai saugo prisiminimus. Tačiau vienas vyras pasiryžtų net žudyti, kad tik galėtų pamiršti namus... Šeima (vaidina Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz) apsigyvena svajonių name. Tačiau jie nežino, jog čia įvyko keletas kraupių žmogžudysčių, o žmogžudys tyko naujų aukų... Vilas Etentonas – daug pasiekęs leidėjas iš Niujorko. Tačiau, pavargęs nuo didmiesčio tempo, jis nusprendžia kartu su žmona Libe ir dviem dukrelėm persikraustyti į žavų miestelį Naujojoje Anglijoje. Bet įsikūrusi naujame name, kuris iš pirmo žvilgsnio atrodo tobulas, šeima sužino, jog čia įvyko kelios žiaurios žmogžudystės. Šiame name buvo nužudyta motina su vaikais.
Tai animacinė nuotykių komedija apie vieną žymų oro lenktynininką Dustį. Ilgą laiką pirmavęs, šį kartą jis turės susitaikyti su liūdna situacija – lėktuvo variklis taip gerai nebeveikia ir Dustis daugiau nebelenktyniaus. Taigi jis pakeičia pavarą ir įsijungia į naikintuvų kovas. Dustis ir dar keletas lėktuvų veteranų įsijungia į ugnies tramdymo nuotykį. Visi jie kovos žūtbūtinėje kovoje prieš nesutramdomą ugnį. Šį kartą Dustis sužinos, kas yra tikras herojiškumas. Disnėjaus “Mašinų” istorijas primenanti juosta, pakels mus visus aukščiau nuo žemės.
An underground MMA fighter must confront his sister and his past in an adventure through parallel universes
Plastic surgeon Michel Saint-Josse is on his way to Spain where he hopes to spend a stress-free holiday in a luxury hotel with his teenage daughter Vanessa. When his car breaks down near a camping, Michel accepts the offer of help from an extrovert gigolo camper named Patrick Chirac. Whilst their car is being repaired, Michel and Vanessa agree to stay in Patrick’s well proportioned tent, not knowing that, thanks to a series of mishaps, it will be their home for several days...
Jack is caught with the wife of his employer, a Vegas thug. The thug sends goons after Jack, who convinces his best friend, Pilot, to flee with him. Pilot insists that they head for Seattle, but doesn't tell Jack why. The goons learn from Pilot's drug source where the youths are headed, and they follow, hell bent on breaking Jack's feet. On the road, Jack and Pilot give a ride to Cassie, a distressed young woman. She and Jack hit it off. They pick up an aging stoner headed to Seattle for Kurt Cobain's memorial, and they help a circus sideshow family. Why is Pilot so set on Seattle, will the goons catch Jack, and is there any way the friends' competing needs can be resolved?
Malo and Stéphane are two students who are kind of losers and have just started high school. Their plan to become popular: to host a German exchange student with a lot of style. Too bad for Malo, who gets stuck with a Goth who will make his life hell.
In the near future, breathable air is nonexistent. Virtually all of humanity has disappeared, and those chosen to reestablish society reside in a controlled state of suspended animation. Two engineers tasked with guarding the last hope for mankind struggle to preserve their own sanity and lives while administering to the vital task at hand.