A boy is left alone in a Jewish neighborhood in the year of 1970, where both world cup and dictatorship happen in Brazil.
A Sardinian fisherman has promised the moon to the woman he loves. And Sardinian men always keep their promises.
Dėl asmeninių problemų profesionalią beisbolo karjerą baigęs sportininkas netikėtai susipranta ir atgauna jėgas. Jam padeda jaunas vyrukas, sergantis Dauno sindromu. Šis jaunuolis dirba parduotuvėje. Štai čia ir užsimezga draugystė.
Filmo veiksmas vyksta Bukarešte, praėjus trims dienoms po teroristinio išpuolio Paryžiaus „Charlie Hebdo“ redakcijoje. Keturiasdešimtmetis daktaras Laris su šeima atvyksta į tėvų namus, kur visa šeima mini tėvo mirimo ketvirtines. Kurdamas realaus laiko iliuziją Puiu beveik trijų valandų filme stebi komiškų ir dramatiškų situacijų kupiną šeimos mikrokosmosą, kur kiekvienas yra susitelkęs ties savo realybe, dabarties ir praeities interpretacija. Belaukiant kunigo skamba ne tik indai ir stiklai, bet ir šeimos paslaptys. Rumunų Naujosios bangos režisierius populiarų dramos prie vakarienės stalo žanrą įvelka į Lietuvai artimų ritualų ir mentaliteto rūbą.
Minsk, Belarus, 1996. Velya, an aspiring DJ, wants to move to Chicago to make her dreams come true, but bureaucracy, a phone line and the human condition will put obstacles in her way that will be difficult to avoid.
An insider's look at the fake news phenomenon and the consequences of media misinformation. Interviews from those who have been accused of spreading it themselves are featured in variety throughout the film.
„Pasukęs į kairę“ jaunas vyras persikelia į tėvų namus ir tęsia teisinę dvikovą su išspyrusia į lauką žmona dėl 4 metų dukrelės globos. Atlis netrunka pajausti karo atmosferą ir pas tėvus, kurių ilgalaikis konfliktas su kaimynais įgauna nesuvaldomą pagreitį. Jie ginčijasi dėl kieme išsikerojusio seno medžio, kurio šakos uždengia saulę, o nuolatinis šešėlis trukdo kaimynams želdinti žolę. Kai nemandagūs įžeidimai ir smulkios niekšybės tampa neveiksmingos, abi šeimos pereina prie sunkesnės artilerijos. Paslapčia apgadinamas nekilnojamasis turtas, išeina iš automobilių padangų oras, paslaptingai dingsta katinas, Atlio tėvas įsitaiso stebėjimo kamerą, o neištvėręs patyčių ir paragintas valdingos žmonos kaimynas nusiperka benzininį pjūklą.
The film narrates a utopian abandonment, consensual and festive of the market economy and high productivity. The population decides on a number of resolutions beginning with "We stop everything" and the second "After a total downtime will be revived-reluctantly-that the services and products including lack will prove intolerable. Probably: water to drink, electricity for reading at night, the TSF to say "This is not the end of the world, this is an 01, and now a page of Celestial Mechanics". The implementation of these resolutions is the first day of a new era, Year 01. The Year 01 is emblematic of the challenge of the 1970s and covers such diverse topics as ecology, negation of authority, free love, communal living, rejection of private property and labor.
Two brothers Tito and Paco have the same dream: to break into the rap music world. Paco is a born performer and Tito knows how to write like no other but ambition, life, and love for the same woman will test their bond.
A mob accountant accepts to be witness for the prosecution at a trial involving Mafia higher-ups. Seven cops are tasked with escorting him and his family alive from Palermo, Sicily to Milan, in the North – but it won't be easy.
When a young woman meets an aspiring saxophonist in her father’s record shop in 1950s Harlem, their love ignites a sweeping romance that transcends changing times, geography, and professional success.
England, December 1926. Although her personal life is in tatters, the famous writer Agatha Christie decides to leave everything behind to help unravel an unsolved murder committed on a train six years ago, unable to imagine the disproportionate consequences that such a selfless act will cause.
Former top U.S. security adviser Elizabeth "Libby" Lamm is threatened by associates from her dark past including Rachel Burke a steely, commanding politician with an unwavering knack for achieving her goals. Colluding with Rachel is Adrian, an unyielding, patriotic chief of staff. Martin harbors another type of obsession with Libby in this story of betrayal and regret.
1942 metų Niujorkas. Visur įlendantis, įkyrus fotografas, rusų emigrantų sūnus Leonas Bernšteinas, pramintas Bernziniu, naktimis slankioja po ištuštėjusias gatves, lanko pavojingas naktines užeigas bei prabangius barus ir atkakliai ieško sensacijų, lyg grobuonis puola ten, iš kur nuotraukos patektų į pirmuosius spaudos puslapius. Dar iki atvykstant policijai jis jau fotografuoja nusikaltimo vietą, todėl jo nemėgsta nei nusikaltėliai, nei policija. Kartą, kai žavi elegantiško naktinio klubo savininko našlė Kei paprašo Leono padėti atsikratyti ją šantažuojančio gangsterio Portofino, fotografas sutinka jai padėti. Tačiau šantažuotojas randamas savo bute nužudytas ir Bernzinis supranta, kad tiek jam, tiek našlei gresia pavojus. Juk žmogžudyste domisi ir FTB, ir labai galingi gangsterių bosai...
When housewife Frances Hannon is abducted and buried alive, detective Madeline Foster is brought in. With only 24 hours before Frances' oxygen runs out, Madeline pursues the trail laid by a killer calling himself Harry Houdini. After capturing him, Madeline brings Harry back to the police station, but is unable to get him to confess where Frances is buried. As time runs down, Harry gets inside the head of unstable, alcoholic Madeline.
In the late 1800s, a fanatical religious leader, a renegade Sheriff, and a former prostitute collide in a blood triangle on the rugged plains of the New Mexico Territory.
A young woman, Eve, fights back and manages to escape a malicious abductor. However, after discovering she may not be the only victim, Eve unravels a darker truth and decides to turn the tables on her captor.
At a picturesque lakeside estate, a love triangle unfolds between the legendary diva Irina, her lover Boris, and the ingénue Nina.
Eva is a young and independent cartoonist who returns to Málaga (Spain) to spend the summer holidays. There she meets her mother and Gema, her best friend. What she does not expect is to meet again with Rubén, her old boyfriend, with whom she has not had any contact since he broke off all relations with her unexpectedly, without farewells, six years ago. Eva will have to think about whether to give Rubén a second chance while she remembers her past, as well as the reason why the young man decided to get away from her.
When investment banker Linda Bachmann and her team arrive at Lord and Lady Macintosh's country estate, the signs are not good for a relaxing weekend in Scotland: the annual balance sheet is lousy, colleagues are suspicious of themselves and their boss, and it works the rumor that soon a compliance employee will restructure the team. To top it all off, the property is not very comfortable, cook Helen's skills cannot hide that, and the methods of the young seminar leader Rebecca also seem rather questionable. When first the Lord's favorite peacock and then the Lady's favorite goose disappear, further arguments and chaos are inevitable. And finally it starts to snow...