Dokumentarni film Wernera Herzoga o 'Čovjeku grizliju' Timothyju Treadwellu i kako je izgledalo trinaest ljeta u nacionalnom parku na Aljasci u pokušaju jednog čovjeka da zaštiti grizlije. Film je pun jedinstvenih slika i pogleda u duh čovjeka koji se žrtvovao za prirodu.

Just out of jail, crumpled English archaeologist Arthur reconnects with his wayward crew of tombaroli accomplices – a happy-go-lucky collective of itinerant grave-robbers who survive by looting Etruscan tombs and fencing the ancient treasures they dig up.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

A father goes all out to clear his daughter from any wrong doing in the murder of his fiancée. When all evidence points to her, he takes matters into to his own hands to save his daughter and outwit the judiciary system.

An undocumented immigrant finds a human heart in one of the toilets of the west London hotel where he works with other undocumented immigrants.

A razor-wielding serial killer is on the loose, murdering those around Peter Neal, an American mystery author in Italy to promote his newest novel.

Kad poznati znanstvenik profesor Marchand misteriozno nestane, komesar Juve odmah posumnja u Fantomasa...

London publicist Helen, effortlessly slides between parallel storylines that show what happens when she does or does not catch a train back to her apartment. Love. Romantic entanglements. Deception. Trust. Friendship. Comedy. All come into focus as the two stories shift back and forth, overlap and surprisingly converge.

After moving to Pasadena, Texas, country boy Bud Davis starts hanging around a bar called Gilley's, where he falls in love with Sissy, a cowgirl who believes the sexes are equal. They eventually marry, but their relationship is turbulent due to Bud's traditional view of gender roles. Jealousy over his rival leads to their separation, but Bud attempts to win Sissy back by triumphing at Gilley's mechanical bull-riding competition.

After a couple finds a traumatized child of unknown origins, wife Paula must decipher the girl's strange behaviors to unlock her identity and dark past.

Escaped convict Sam Gillen single-handedly takes on ruthless developers who are determined to evict a widow with two young children.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

Tommy Jarvis vraća se na grob Jasona Voorheesa kako bi se uvjerio da je masovni ubojica zaista mrtav, no slučajno ga oživi i sad tinejdžer Tommy mora zaustaviti Jasonovo bezumno ubijanje i vratiti ga natrag u grob.

Sportska novinarka u New Yorku, prava zavodnica, neočekivano se zaljubi u muškarca s kojim je trebala imati samo avanturicu. Hoće li konačno završiti u ozbiljnoj vezi?

Poručnik Lefty (Dennis Hopper) istražuje smrt dvojice momaka na proputovanju kroz Teksas i koji su isječeni motornom pilom završili na dnu rijeke. Poručnika to sve podsjeća na događaje od prije 13 godina kada su slična iskustva imali njegovi nećakinja i nećak Sally i Franklin. Lefty kreće u potragu, a prvi trag mu je radio emisija u koju su se dvojica nastradalih javili baš neposredno prije tragičnih događaja. Mlada radio voditeljica će se nakon puštanja snimka pogibije naći na udaru Leatherfacea i njegovog brata Chop Topa. Mlada voditeljica nakon tog incidenta kreće za dvojicom kanibala i ubojica, a za njom kreće i Lefty

A bizarre accident lands Frank Harris in Cool World, a realm of cartoons. Years later, cartoonist Jack Deebs, who's been drawing Cool World, crosses over as well. He sets his lustful sights on animated femme fatale Holli Would, but she's got plans of her own to become real, and it's up to Frank to stop her.

Tamnoputi revolveraš Jim West zapravo je tajni agent američkog predsjednika Ulyssesa S. Granta. Nastoji razotkriti urotu u koju je upleten bivši južnjački general McGrath i pri tome za partnera dobiva drugog tajnog agenta, Artemusa Gordona. On je stručnjak za prerušavanje i potpuna suprotnost Westu, jer se grozi revolvera i nasilja te radije koristi vlastite izume. Njihovu početnu netrpeljivost u drugi plan baca otkriće da iza generala McGratha stoji opasni Arlis Loveless, koji je oteo svoje kolege i prisilio ih da rade na njegovom projektu kojem je konačni cilj uništenje Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Među otetim znanstvenicima nalazi se i otac lijepe plesačice Rite Escobar, koja se agentima pridruži u potrazi.

Four friends break into an abandoned insane asylum in search of a death certificate which will grant one of them a large inheritance. However, finding it soon becomes the least of their worries in a place haunted by dark memories.

Tijekom proslave mature na luksuznom brodu, srednjoškolce terorizira probuđeni Jason Voorhees. Moraju pobjeći njegovom ubojitom divljanju ili umrijeti u mračnim vodama New Yorka.

A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.