A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Anwar, a maverick detective works in a small detective agency in Kolkata. He has a habit of getting involved in the personal lives of his cases. In one such instance, he takes a case in his rural homeland and is forced to confront his own romantic tragedy.

A young writer embarks on a journey to find out more about the taxi business in Lagos by becoming a taxi driver, he meets a young lady along the way and becomes fond of her.

Na velšské ovčí farmě jsou vykopány záhadné starověké předměty, což spustí rozsáhlý archeologický průzkum, který odhalí hrob keltského bojovníka pohřbeného v bohatě zdobeném voze. Podle datace pochází z jednoho z nejkrvavějších období dějin, římské invaze do Británie a povstání královny Boadicey. Na úpatí pohřebiště tým narazí na dávno zapomenuté hradiště, takže můžeme sledovat forenzní vykopávky tohoto 2 000 let starého místa, prohlédnout si místní artefakty z doby železné, které znovu ožívají, a objevit pozoruhodný i násilný příběh války odporu na divokém západě římské říše.

A young man from Barcelona (Marc) arrives to Venice and confronts his father (Paco), who has not seen since he was two years old. This sudden encounter with his forgotten son both shocks and pleases Paco. Marc, filled with long repressed resentments, discovers in Paco a welcoming individual. The emotions seem to move towards a feeling of connection and understanding between father and son. But Paco's semi-lies, his complex and opaque past, his unclear present, quickly transforms the encounter into a muddy pool of emotional uncertaintie.

Three siblings navigate the aftermath of their father’s death.

Professor Strudel relates the story of how he managed to catch and stuff Woody Woodpecker... or did he?

Evgeny Chebatkov's touching story about his father, who was in prison for 25 years, studying English in the small Kazakh town of Ust-Kamenogorsk, alcohol and Muslim friends.

When growing up in a community where gang violence is a way of life and Basketball is a way to escape it.

Třicet jedna zvrácených příběhů od kolektivu tvůrců milujících žánr, Fun Size Horror: Cílem prvního dílu je ochladit a potěšit fanoušky hororu. Od klasických slasherů a creature feature až po hororové komedie a strašidelné filmy, to vše v podobě kousků o velikosti sousta. Stejně jako pytlík halloweenských sladkostí po noci plné koled, i Fun Size Horror: V tomto svazku najdete spoustu nečekaného a nechybí ani hrozba občasného ostří žiletky. Zbývá jen jedna otázka: Trick or treat?

An encounter of novelist Lúcio Cardoso and poet Murilo Mendes haunting ghosts with their characters.

“PURSUITERS” is a comedy film where three friends set up a yard sale to buy a game they really want. They end up selling one of the friends grandmas ashes, so now they have to go run around town looking for it.

Korean short film about a schoolboy, Hye Sung Won, who struggles with his feelings of inadequacy and tries to rationalize his guilt over a betrayal to his cherished and seemingly perfect friend, Jeong Hyuk Moon.

Eddie Black is a first year college student on the honor role, but after financial hardship and a broken heart, he attempts refuge in a street gang called Decepticons.