James wakes up in the middle of night after a nightmare regarding war and deaths.

The story of the onset of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City in the early 1980s, taking an unflinching look at the nation's sexual politics as gay activists and their allies in the medical community fight to expose the truth about the burgeoning epidemic to a city and nation in denial.

Nemecko. Súčasnosť. Učiteľ gymnázia Rainer Wenger sa rozhodne behom týždňového projektu na tému "Štátne formy" vyskúšať jeden pokus, aby priblížil študentom počiatok diktatúry. Pedagogický experiment s ničivými následkami. Najskôr to začalo neškodne s pojmami ako disciplína a pospolitosť, ale behom niekoľkých dní sa teória zmenila v prax. Názov projektu: Vlna. Už tretí deň začínajú študenti tých, ktorí zmýšľajú inak, odstrkovať. Keď sa situácia na turnaji vo vodnom póle nakoniec vyhrotí, rozhodne sa učiteľ experiment zrušiť. Príliš neskoro! Vlna sa už dávno dostala mimo kontrolu ...

Two mental patients with opposite personalities ditch their Tuscan hospital and embark on an unpredictable exploration of the real world.

Čo ak bola každá voľba, ktorú v živote urobíme, vopred rozhodnutá? Čo keď neexistujú žiadne náhody a naše osudy boli už dávno predurčené? Uprostred hroznej búrky sa schádza desať ľudí, z ktorých každý má svoje tajomstvo. Vodič limuzíny (John Cusack), televízna hviezda 80. rokov (Rebecca DeMornayová), policajt (Ray Liotta), ktorý preváža vraha (Jake Busey), prostitútka (Amanda Peetová), novomanželia (Clea Duvallovcov a William Lee Scott) a rodina v kríze (John C. McGinley, Leila Kenzleová, Bret Loehr) nachádzajú útočisko v opustenom hoteli, ktorý prevádzkuje nervózny nočný správca (John Hawkes). Keď však návštevníci začnú jeden po druhom umierať, úľavu z nájdenia prístrešia rýchlo vystrieda strach. Všetci si vzápätí uvedomia, že ak chcú prežiť, musia odhaliť tajomstvo, ktoré ich spojilo.

Pio Amato, a 14 year-old member of a small Romani community in southern Italian town of Gioia Tauro in Calabria, is in a hurry to grow up. Pio follows his older brother Cosimo everywhere and from him he learns how to hustle and how to navigate the streets of his hometown. One night Pio sets out to prove to his brother that he is as good or better than him but, when things go wrong, a series of events will forever change the way he sees the world.

A young tomboy, Watts, finds her feelings for her best friend, Keith, run deeper than just friendship when he gets a date with the most popular girl in school.

19-year-old Ben Burns unexpectedly returns home to his family's suburban home on Christmas Eve morning. Ben's mother, Holly, is relieved and welcoming but wary of her son staying clean. Over a turbulent 24 hours, new truths are revealed, and a mother's undying love for her son is tested as she does everything in her power to keep him safe.

Námorný seržant Mike Stevens dostane rozkaz zlikvidovať v púšti vodcu teroristickej bunky. Mike je dobrý sniper, ale v rozhodujúcej chvíli zaváha a situácia sa osudovo zvráti. Spolu s kolegom Tommym sa musia dať na útek a bežia priamo do mínového poľa, kde Mike stúpi ľavou nohou na mínu. Úplne sám a bez možnosti pohybu musí prežiť najbližších 52 hodín. Tak dlho totiž trvá záchranná misia, ktorý by mu mohla zachrániť život. Ide len o to, či to psychicky a fyzicky vydrží. Pátrajú po ňom teroristi, ohrozujú predátori, slnko, smäd a blíži sa piesočná búrka.

Turin, 1969. Nine-year-old Massimo’s idyllic childhood is shattered by the mysterious death of his mother. The young boy refuses to accept this brutal loss, even if the priest says she is now in Heaven. Years later in the 90s, adult Massimo has become an accomplished journalist. After reporting on the war in Sarajevo, he begins to suffer from panic attacks. As he prepares to sell his parents’ apartment, Massimo is forced to relive his traumatic past. Compassionate doctor Elisa could help tormented Massimo open up and confront his childhood wounds…

Neapol. Ciro je obávaným zabijakom v službách dona Vincenza a jeho prefíkanej ženy donny Marie. Fatima je mladá, zasnívaná zdravotná sestra. Dva zdanlivo odlišné svety sú však predurčené na to, aby sa opätovne stretli. V jednu noc sa Fatima nachádza v nesprávnu chvíľu na nesprávnom mieste. Ciro dostane úlohu zbaviť sa dievčaťa, ktoré toho príliš veľa videlo. Udalosti sa však začnú vyvíjať inak, akoby sa očakávalo. Títo dvaja sa ocitnú zoči-voči, spoznajú sa a znovuobjavia jeden v druhom, nájdu stále pretrvávajúcu lásku ich mladosti. Začína tak nemilosrdný boj v magických uličkách Neapola a jeho zálivu. Uprostred hudby, naháňačiek, lásky a guliek z pištolí.

This Oscar-winning short tells of a bull who preferred to sit under trees and smell flowers to clashing horns with his fellow animals. As luck would have it, an untimely bee reveals Ferdinand's ferocious side via pained howls and wild stomping. This lands him in the bull-fighting arena amidst characters based on Walt's animators with a matador reportedly modeled after Walt himself.

Summer 1943, Piedmont, Italy. Milton loves Fulvia who plays with his love: she only likes the depth of his thought and the letters he writes to her. One year later, Milton has joined the Resistance and fights beside other partisans. He learns during a conversation that Fulvia was secretly in love with his best friend Giorgio, a partisan like him. Milton decides to go find Giorgio in the Langhe region of Italy with all its misty hills...But Giorgio has just been arrested by the Fascists.

A man develops an attraction to the daughter of his father's fiancee.

In the middle of a routine patrol, officer Daniel Carter happens upon a blood-soaked figure limping down a deserted stretch of road. He rushes the young man to a nearby rural hospital staffed by a skeleton crew, only to discover that patients and personnel are transforming into something inhuman. As the horror intensifies, Carter leads the other survivors on a hellish voyage into the subterranean depths of the hospital in a desperate bid to end the nightmare before it's too late.

Enrico Giusti works for a big corporation: his job is to save dying companies by persuading young scions to sell. However, his latest assignment is proving more difficult than anticipated, since it concerns two teens whose parents just died in a car accident.

Prevented from using mobile phones due to the non-existent reception of the location, a school trip to a rural town becomes a life-changing experience of friendship and love for a group of Italian kids and their teacher.

V tejto modernej love story odohrávajúcej sa v Texase, dva páry - pretĺkajúci sa skladatelia Faye (Rooney Mara) a BV (Ryan Gosling) a hudobný magnát Cook (Michael Fassbender) a servírka (Natalie Portman) hľadajú cestu k úspechu v prostredí rock 'n' rollu cez zvádzanie a zrady.

21.augusta 2015 si celý svet v ohromení vydýchol, keď médiá ohlásili zmarený teroristický útok na vlak 9364 smerujúci do Paríža. Za obdivuhodným hrdinským činom stála trojica mladých Američanov cestujúcich po Európe, ktorí premohli ťažko ozbrojeného Maročana pripraveného zabíjať...

Panicked after finding out that his teenage daughter wants to lose her virginity, an overprotective father comes up with a plan to dissuade her.