Interstellar handler om eventyrene til en gruppe oppdagelsesreisende som benytter seg av en nylig oppdaget ormehull å overgå begrensninger på menneskelig romfart og erobre store avstander er involvert i en interstellar reise.

After running away from his negligent parents, committing a violent crime and being sentenced to five years in jail, a hardened, streetwise 12-year-old Lebanese boy sues his parents in protest of the life they have given him.

Den mislykkede komikeren Arthur Fleck er langsomt på vei inn i galskapen, når han forvandler seg til den kriminelle mesterhjernen Joker.

Aging wrestler Randy "The Ram" Robinson is long past his prime but still ready and rarin' to go on the pro-wrestling circuit. After a particularly brutal beating, however, Randy hangs up his tights, pursues a serious relationship with a long-in-the-tooth stripper, and tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter. But he can't resist the lure of the ring and readies himself for a comeback.

En ung fluktbilsjåfør har blitt tvunget til å jobbe for en fargerik forbryterliga, og må gi full gass når livet, kjærligheten og friheten hans trues av et kupp som er dømt til å mislykkes.

Han har fast bord på de mest fancy restauranter og ikke minst et utsøkt designet visittkort. Han er vennlig og imøtekommende, priviligert, beundret og ikke minst begjært. På overflaten en perfekt mann med et perfekt liv. Men Patrick Bateman er også en følelsesløs, psykotisk seriemorder. Og i en verden der ingen egentlig kjenner hverandre, der venners verdi måles i penger og kokain og det ytre er alt som teller, er han det perfekte monster. Han er både den amerikanske drøm og det amerikanske mareritt i en og samme person.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Russia, 1936: revolutionary hero Colonel Kotov is spending an idyllic summer in his dacha with his young wife and six-year-old daughter Nadia and other assorted family and friends. Things change dramatically with the unheralded arrival of Cousin Dmitri from Moscow, who charms the women and little Nadia with his games and pianistic bravura. But Kotov isn't fooled: this is the time of Stalin's repression, with telephone calls in the middle of the night spelling doom - and he knows that Dmitri isn't paying a social call...

In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where her older sister also studies. There, she gets no time to settle: hazing starts right away. Justine is forced to eat raw meat for the first time in her life. Unexpected consequences emerge as her true self begins to form.

I fremtiden drives det en intens jakt på single mennesker. De har 45 dager på seg til å finne en partner, ellers forvandles de til dyr og tvinges ut i villmarken.

To passasjerer reiser til en ny planet. Situasjonen blir livsfarlig når de på mystisk vis våkner i romkapslene sine 90 år før ankomsttid. Det blir problemer med romskipet og de må redde de 5000 passasjerene som fremdeles sover.

Med et kameralag i hælene, og bevæpnet med et glass sigøynertårer ”som beskyttelse”, reiser Kasakhstans fjerde største kjendis til ”US og A” for å lage en dokumentarfilm. Der han reiser på kryss og tvers i landet, støter den elskverdige Borat på virkelige mennesker i virkelige situasjoner, noe som får hysteriske følger.

Career con man Roy sets his sights on his latest mark: recently widowed Betty, worth millions. And he means to take it all. But as the two draw closer, what should have been another simple swindle takes on the ultimate stakes.

Hunter, a newly pregnant housewife, finds herself increasingly compelled to consume dangerous objects. As her husband and his family tighten their control over her life, she must confront the dark secret behind her new obsession.

Mary is a good Christian girl who goes to a good Christian high school where she has good Christian friends and a perfect Christian boyfriend. Her life seems perfect, until the day that she finds out that her boyfriend may be gay — and that she’s pregnant.

A group of families on a tropical holiday discover that the secluded beach where they are staying is somehow causing them to age rapidly – reducing their entire lives into a single day.

A young woman moves with her mother to her mother's hometown and is haunted by the ghost of a dead teenager.

Story of a man whose pride in being the head of his family won't let him accept help from his sick daughters doctor. He has to prove to his kids that even with the death of his wife and the loss of his job that they can and will survive. After hitting brick wall after brick wall comes a glimmer of hope.

After witnessing a grotesque murder at a party in her new town, a teenager starts having strange visions and bizarre desires.

What happens when six lucky strangers, three handsome young guys and three beautiful sexy young women, from all over the world, win a random contest-- an all expenses paid trip to an amazing beach house in glamorous Malibu, California, thanks to a big Internet company--only to discover they have to share it with each other.