Since Ben has been living apart from his ex-wife Mira and his children, his life has fallen apart. But unexpectedly, he gets a second chance: when Mira, pregnant to the teeth, has to be hospitalized, his children live with him again. This time, everything will be fine - he thinks! But his son Oskar brings a small problem: he wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off.

Groot sets out to paint a family portrait of himself and the Guardians, only to discover just how messy the artistic process can be.

Desde os seus 16 anos que Geórgia ambiciona ser bombeira como o seu pai, Shawn Nolan, um capitão reformado da Corporação de Bombeiros de Nova Iorque, só que infelizmente em 1928 as mulheres não podiam ser bombeiras. Mas quando um incêndio começa a destruir os teatros da Broadway, com chamas coloridas, todos os bombeiros da cidade desaparecem misteriosamente! O Presidente da Câmara de Nova Iorque convence Shawn a liderar uma equipa de voluntários desajeitados para investigar os fogos mágicos. Geórgia vê uma oportunidade para seguir o seu sonho! Se ela conseguir ajudar o seu pai a parar com os incêndios, vai poder cumprir o seu destino!

In 1961, a 60-year-old taxi driver stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. It was the first (and remains the only) theft in the Gallery’s history. What happened next became the stuff of legend.

Pacific Coast Academy alumni return to Malibu for an over-the-top wedding that turns into a high school reunion for the books.

Two unmarried women who have become pregnant by accident and are about to give birth meet in a hospital room: Janis, in her late-thirties, unrepentant and happy; Ana, a teenager, remorseful and frightened.

Insatisfeito com a própria arma, Jigen parte em busca do melhor armeiro. Ele descobre que Chiharu, a quem pertence uma relojoaria, é justo quem ele procura. Nessa loja, Jigen conhece a menina Oto, que procura por Chiharu pedindo ajuda, e descobre sobre seus segredos bem como os da organização que a persegue. Após o sequestro de Oto, Jigen se envolve numa batalha frenética para salvá-la.

The story of how social networks and instant messengers are changing the life of a modern person. It has been several years since a 16-year-old teenager posted a photo of his girlfriend in the general chat, hoping to boast to friends. Now he has a happy adult life: work, friends, fiance Katya, who is about to become his wife. But the Internet makes you remember teenage love, after which a chain of inexplicable mystical events occurs with the future wife of a young man. The girl receives mysterious messages from her fiance's past. Because of them, her life turns into a nightmare.

Follows Callie and Joseph one year after they fell in love, now running a dairy farm and winery, but their romance is threatened when business and family obligations call Joseph back to the city.

A empresa de biotecnologia mais famosa do mundo descobriu que pode clonar dos mortos as pessoas mais influentes da história. Agora, eles estão leiloando clones de Michelangelo, Galileu, Vivaldi e outros por dezenas de milhões de dólares para os ultra-ricos do mundo. Mas quando eles roubam o Sudário de Turim e clonam o DNA de Jesus Cristo, o inferno começa.

Lucy Skinner herda do pai uma seleta editora, mas a ambiciosa aspirante a diretora quase afunda a empresa com uma série de péssimos livros que recebem críticas negativas. Quando descobre que Harris Shaw, um escritor recluso, rabugento e entorpecido pelo álcool, que inicialmente pôs a editora no mapa, lhe deve um livro, vê nele a tábua de salvação, tanto comercial como crítica. E o momento não podia ser mais perfeito. Harris deve dinheiro e tem um novo livro que ele próprio odeia. Lucy fica eufórica, até descobrir que o antigo contrato de Harris estipula que ninguém pode rever o seu trabalho. Porém, em troca, tem de fazer uma digressão para promover o livro. E assim nasce a digressão literária do inferno, onde a fama não é igual a fortuna, os seguidores do Twitter valem zero e o legado que se tenta defender pode ter nascido de mentiras que não poderão ficar guardadas no passado.

The roguishly charming and endlessly troublesome Fletch becomes the prime suspect in a murder case while searching for a stolen art collection. The only way to prove his innocence? Find out which of the long list of suspects is the culprit - from the eccentric art dealer and a missing playboy to a crazy neighbor and Fletch’s Italian girlfriend. Crime, in fact, has never been this disorganized.

Convinced the tragic deaths of her loved ones were orchestrated by a famous novelist she worked for, Luciana turns to a journalist to expose her truth.

A Capuchinho Vermelho vai com a Cinderela ao baile e acaba por se envolver num mistério. Conseguirá a astuta jovem resolver o caso antes das 12 badaladas da meia-noite?

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

When Simon brings his twelve year-old son, Finn, to rural Vermont to help flip an old farmhouse, they encounter the malicious spirit of Lydia, a previous owner. And now with every repair they make – she's getting stronger.

After a teacher dies, his best friend — a former cop — takes a job at the school where he worked to confront the gang he thinks was responsible.

Os Morel são uma família francesa em que os filhos, dois adolescentes e uma criança, fazem a vida negra aos pais. Certo dia, acordam e estão todos trocados: o pai no corpo do filho, o irmão no corpo da irmã, a irmã no corpo da mãe, etc. É o início de uma enorme confusão que é o mote para esta comédia à francesa de Jean-Patrick Benes, que começou como argumentista nos anos 1990 e se estreou na realização em 1997.

Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.

In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, Le Parfum vert, that seems to have ordered the murder.