In Big Time Movie, the guys must tap their inner spy as their adventure finds them driving exotic cars and jumping out of helicopters, while trying to make it to their first world tour concert on time. Hot on their trail are evil henchmen named Maxwell, British secret agents and Swedish spies as well as billionaire businessman, Sir Atticus Moon who wants back his precious device code named: “The Beetle,” an anti-gravitational device with enormous power. Once they learn they’re carrying this precious cargo, the guys get pulled into a madcap mission throughout London, which threatens the onset of their world tour. With the help of teen spy Penny Lane, the guys set out to save Penny’s father MI6 Agent Simon Lane and stop Sir Atticus Moon’s plot to use “The Beetle” to gain world domination.

A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life...


伽罗华(阿雷胡·苏拉斯 Alejo Sauras 饰)、奥莉薇娅(伊莲娜·巴雷斯特罗斯 Elena Ballesteros 饰)、帕斯卡(桑提·米兰 Santi Millán 饰)和希尔伯特(路易斯·霍马 Lluís Homar 饰)分别是各自学术行业里的佼佼者,某一日,一封神秘的邀请函和一道诡异的谜题将四人聚集到了同一个房间之中。   然而,被困住的四人很快就发现,他们陷入了某人精心设计的“游戏”之中,如果不能正确回答一道又一道的谜题,他们终将被不断逼近的墙壁压成肉泥。在紧张的解题过程中,四人还必须相互试探彼此的真实身份以及找到其中的关联,紧张的氛围之中,高智商的四人组最终能够逃出生天吗?之后等待着他们的又会是什么呢?


一个是才华洋溢的逗比女建筑师,一个是魅力四射的餐厅暖男老板。她喜欢男人,而他也是,女的近来人生坎坷 命途多舛,男的离婚出柜 不敢把真相告诉孩子,女的狗血的喜欢上男的 男的说我们是BFF...

拳击手大卫•科登(Jamie Smith 饰)独自住在一间简陋的公寓出租房内,窗户对面住着一个美丽的舞女格萝蕾拉(Irene Kane 饰),大卫渐渐为之所吸引。某晚大卫比赛归来,突然发现格萝蕾拉正要被人强暴,他冲进去拯救了心上人。原来强暴者是格萝蕾拉所在夜总会的老板(Frank Silvera 饰),为了生计不得不忍辱负重。两个失意之人情谊相合,遂约定离开伤心地,寻找他们的幸福。大卫外出筹集旅费,而夜总会老板在得知格萝蕾拉即将离开的消息时勃然大怒,派出打手绑架了她……

Seven days before his wedding, a man must contend with a series of never-ending disasters.

影片由意大利畅销作家费德瑞克•莫洽执导,执导过不少电影的莫洽,这次首度将自己的小说搬上银幕。   电影原著小说在义大利卖出110万册,电影上映10天就以1500万美金成绩刷新意大利近年票房纪录。   37岁的亚力(雷欧·波瓦 Raoul Bova 饰)事业有成,长相英俊,最近却刚被女友给甩了。失意的亚力开车上班途中,竟不小心撞到了正要赶去上学的妮奇(米琪拉·奎阿托希欧奇 Michela Quattrociocche 饰),还将她的机车给撞烂了。17岁的妮奇刁蛮难缠,她不但坚持要亚力送她上学,还不忘跟亚力要了电话。之后妮奇没事就打电话让亚力带她去兜风,让她班上同学都看傻了眼。大家纷纷揣测:妮奇对成熟男人的兴趣,似乎还高过学校的男生。正当大家怀疑她是否只是一阵新鲜感时,妮奇却突然决定要带亚力回家,介绍给她年龄相仿的爸妈……

Giada is a overachieving student who works to pay for college. Riccardo is a spoiled brat who answers her tutoring ad in order to improve his abysmal grades. She's shy and homely. He's handsome and brazen. As they say, opposites attract.

Mariano has been married for 10 years with Miranda, a woman way out of his league. Their small-town life is disrupted by womanizing photographer Andrea, who — struck by her good looks — offers Miranda a one-time modelling job. Albeit hesitant, the couple eventually accepts his invitation to the Seychelles...

When a producer refuses to cut Massimo and his band a record unless they hire an "ethnic" singer to spice up the act, he tries to seduce Jing, a Chinese girl with a beautiful voice disinterested in both him and rock, to get her on board. She pretends to cave in in order to escape an arranged marriage, but in the weeks preceding the concert the two begin to grow closer, complicating the secretly fake nature of their relationship.

A princess from a Nordic European country is obligated to marry the boy her family chose. She escapes and discovers love in the arms of a beautiful swimming teacher.


Francesco Falaschi's comedy I Am Emma stars Cecilia Dazzi as a woman who suffers from an unusual disorder. Emma is a town councilwoman whose husband (Marco Giallini) has taken a mistress because he dislikes her repressed behavior. Her demeanor changes radically when the town pharmacist runs out of Emma's daily dose of depressants. Emma has a disorder in which she is naturally outgoing and upbeat. Her marriage gets rocky as she expresses her true self. The town responds poorly to a woman being so brazen, but Emma's best friend (Elda Alvigini) is inspired by Emma to make a major life change.

Friedberg/Seltzer-like spoof about popular Italian teen romance movies of the aughts (such as Tre metri sopra il cielo, Come tu mi vuoi, Ho voglia di te, Notte prima degli esami, Melissa P., etc).

A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.

卡萝丽娜(维洛妮卡·奥莉维亚 饰)是个正值豆蔻年华的少女,情窦正初开,对她来说,性与爱,是最感到好奇的事物。然而她也和一般女孩子,和同学一起上课、嬉戏,甚至同男生无伤大雅的打闹。可是,周遭的男生,却没一个让她有想要谈恋爱的感觉,看着部份女同学已交起男朋友,她心中不禁感到彷徨,担心是不是自己冷感了。本该充满阳光的青春期,在她眼中,却是充满困惑。直到九月,一个美好的下午,卡萝丽娜晃逛书店之时,遇上了马希米(吉赛贝·马吉欧 饰),他谈吐幽默、又有才华,她与他,相偕来到罗马的街头,他们谈天说地,也分享彼此的心事,突然,一景一物,都变得那么可爱可亲……卡萝丽娜从来没有这么快乐过,心中并认定,马希米就是她此生的真爱。然而造化弄人,两人分开后,竟一个阴错阳差,就此失联,不论怎么穷尽心力,就是苦寻不着马希米的踪迹,难道,世上最美好的事物,都是这么不长久吗?年仅14岁的卡萝丽娜,一筹莫展,看着天空,她心中的温度也慢慢流失……