The movie covers the events which occurred in between the downfall of The Company and the finale of the TV series (SEASON 4). It details the arrest and incarceration of Sara Tancredi, the final escape plan which Michael devises for Sara, and reveals the ultimate fate of Gretchen Morgan.

Two men wake up to find themselves shackled in a grimy, abandoned bathroom. As they struggle to comprehend their predicament, they discover a disturbing tape left behind by the sadistic mastermind known as Jigsaw. With a chilling voice and cryptic instructions, Jigsaw informs them that they must partake in a gruesome game in order to secure their freedom.

Veteran homicide cop Fermanand his hot-headed partner İdris team up with rookie cop and anthropology major Hasan to investigate the murder of a young woman. The suspects include her conservative family, who might have killed her for honor, her drug-dealing boyfriend and aged billionaire Battal who had taken the victim as his second wife.

David, an orderly at a hospital, tells his horrific story of being kidnapped and forced to play a vile game of survival.

An aging, down-on-his-luck ex-minor leaguer coaches a team of misfits in an ultra-competitive California little league.

Successful at work, Fernanda is an example of women of the third millennium, free to make their choices and independent. Yet in her personal life she finds herself struggling to find a husband. Like other women of her generation, Fernanda put her personal life on hold to devote herself to her career and now suddenly feels her love life situation has become an emergency. Being single at 39 is quite different from being single at 29, after all "the fertile egg has an expiration date"!

The chilling and relentless Jigsaw killer returns to terrorize the city once again. When a gruesome murder victim emerges with unmistakable traces of Jigsaw's sinister methods, Detective Eric Matthews is thrust into a high-stakes investigation. To his surprise, apprehending Jigsaw seems almost too easy, but what he doesn't realize is that being caught is merely another piece of Jigsaw's intricate puzzle.

A biography of the Belgian nun Jeannine Deckers, who became a popular singer in the early 1960s and struggled with the contradiction between the church and her true self.

Jigsaw has disappeared. Along with his new apprentice Amanda, the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detective scrambles to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart are unaware that they are about to become the latest pawns on his vicious chessboard.

Suffering from a severe case of depression, toy company CEO Walter Black begins using a beaver hand puppet to help him open up to his family. With his father seemingly going insane, adolescent son Porter pushes for his parents to get a divorce.

Special Agent Strahm is dead, and Detective Hoffman has emerged as the unchallenged successor to Jigsaw's legacy. However, when the FBI draws closer to Hoffman, he is forced to set a game into motion, and Jigsaw's grand scheme is finally understood.

La un deceniu de la moartea sadicului criminal Jigsaw, mai multe cadavre încep să apară în diferite părți ale orașului. Toate au ceva în comun: o moarte unică și înspăimântătoare. Într-un oraș împânzit de cadavre, se desfășoară o nouă anchetă asupra recentei succesiuni de crime care se potrivește cu modul de operare al ucigașului Jigsaw. Pe măsură ce ancheta avansează, toate dovezile indică același om: John Kramer. Dar cum este posibil acest lucru, dacă Jigsaw este mort de mai mult de un deceniu? Concluzia debusolează și este pusă sub semnul întrebării. Există oare un ucenic care a preluat „rolul” lui Jigsaw, poate chiar cineva dintre cei implicați în investigarea cazului?

Despite Jigsaw's death, and in order to save the lives of two of his colleagues, Lieutenant Rigg is forced to take part in a new game, which promises to test him to the limit.

Following Jigsaw's grisly demise, Detective Mark Hoffman is commended as a hero, but Agent Strahm is suspicious, and delves into Hoffman's past. Meanwhile, another group of people are put through a series of gruesome tests.

Un detectiv nonconformist și noul său partener investighează o serie de crime oribile care amintesc de opera criminalului Jigsaw și care capătă o tentă foarte personală.

Three American college students studying abroad are lured to a Slovakian hostel, and discover the grim reality behind it.

Just as Daniel and Kristi welcome a newborn baby into their home, a demonic presence begins terrorizing them, tearing apart their perfect world and turning it into an inescapable nightmare.

A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.

În anul 2033, întreaga scoarță terestră este un imens deșert, unde nu a mai plouat de 11 ani. În aceste condiții trăiesc Rebecca și prietenii ei, toată rezerva de apă fiind controlată de Water and Power. Dar aceasta nu este cel mai rău lucru care se poate întâmplă, după cum va afla Rebecca, atunci când angajații de la Water and Power îi omoară prietenul, iar pe ea o forțează să lucreze la conductele lor. Cel mai rău lucru este că șeful acestora, egocentric și crud, este hotărât să îi frângă spiritul combinativ, folosindu-se de ea pentru a-i atrage și pe alții în cursă...

An ancient urn is found in a cemetery outside Rome. Once opened, it triggers a series of violent incidents: robberies, rapes and murders increase dramatically, while several mysterious, evil-looking young women coming from all over the world are gathering in the city. All these events are caused by the return of Mater Lacrimarum, the last of three powerful witches who have been spreading terror and death for centuries. Alone against an army of psychos and demons, Sarah Mandy, an art student who seems to have supernatural abilities of her own, is the only person left to prevent the Mother of Tears from destroying Rome.