A veritable feast awaits fans of Ian Anderson's Jethro Tull on this elaborate DVD package, which boasts extensive concert footage and a load of extras. The focal point is nearly two hours of performances, filmed in late 2001 (primarily in London, with additional material from several other locations) and featuring material from the band's entire lengthy career, including such staples as "Aqualung" and "Bouree." The current Tull incarnation (featuring, as always, Anderson on vocals, flute, and sundry other instruments) takes center stage; there are also a couple of numbers with a string quartet, and even a small-club reunion of the lineup that made the group's very first album back in 1968. Interviews with band members, testimonials from rabid fans, photos, and even an option for viewing a Tull performance from three different audience points of view are among the generous helping of extra features.
Delves deep into the anxiety, thrill and uncertainty of six aspiring animation artists as they are plunged into the twelve-week trial-by-fire that is the NFB's Hothouse for animation filmmakers.
While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.
With dazzling nature photography, Academy Award®–nominated director Markus Imhoof (The Boat Is Full) takes a global examination of endangered honeybees — spanning California, Switzerland, China and Australia — more ambitious than any previous work on the topic.
Adults share their most embarrassing teenage writings and art in front of total strangers at Mortified stage shows across the country, as the filmmakers explore what the show's popularity says about all of us.
Ishihara Kiyoshi plans to marry the woman he loves, Chiee, a coffee shop girl. After an accident, Chiee loses her memory. A romance movie whose original work by Ayako Sono was made into a melodrama by a combination of Shinoda Masahiro and Terayama Shuji.
Main Characters/Performers: 1. Xiao Mei - first appearing as new star dancer in lavish Peony Pavilion brothel, Mei is believed to be the blind daughter of a rebel group's recently assassinated leader- played by Zhang Ziyi . 2. Jin - police captain in the ruling Tang emperor's service, enlisted by his superior Leo to play the role of double agent by helping Mei escape and getting her to lead him - and government troops - to the rebel stronghold - played by Takeshi Kaneshiro. 3. Leo - introduced as a high ranking policeman in the Tang emperor's service, Leo turns out to a mole planted years earlier by the rebels working to overthrow the corrupt ruling Tang government - played by Andy Lau.
While waiting for the brain surgery of his daughter Angela, victim of a motorcycle accident, the surgeon Timoteo recalls his torrid affair with and passion for Italia, a simple woman from slums in the periphery of the big city where he lives. The ghost of the beloved and sexual object of desire Italia chases him in his memories.
Relive the magic of Thongchai "Bird" McIntyre's captivating performance at Bangkok Youth Center in 1988
Internet sensation and old family friend of Aurora Teagarden, Poppy Wilson, has returned to Lawrenceton to start her new embroidery business. But not everyone is happy with Poppy's success when she turns up dead. To find the killer, Roe must follow the unsettling truths that lead her—into the path of the killer.
Kika ponúka kričiaco netradičný "prepletenec", v ktorom vystupujú hlavné postavy Kika, kozmetička, podivný spisovateľ kriminálnych románov, v ktorých možno opisuje svoje vlastné činy, jeho pôvodne mŕtvy syn Ramón, takmer chorobne erotická moderátorka talk show a Kikova lesbická domáca, ktorá
Po tom, čo sa Bella zotaví z útoku upíra, ktorý ju takmer pripavil o život, chystá sa s Edwardom a jeho rodinou osláviť svoje 18. narodeniny. Nešťastnou náhodou sa však Bella na večierku poraní a pohľad na čerstvú krv je pre rodinu Cullenovcov až príliš lákavý. Pre Bellino bezpečie sa preto upírska rodina rozhodne opustiť mestečko Forks. To však Belle zlomí srdce. Keď sa zdá, že zo svojho smútku sa už nikdy nevylieči, nový zmysel života prekvapivo nachádza vo vzťahu k nezodpovednúmu indiánskemu mladíkovi a vlkolakovi Jacobovi Blackovi. Ale aj v tomto prípade číha na Bellu nebezpečenstvo v rôznych nečakaných podobách. Jacob je totiž vlkolak a nepriateľ upírov.
Keloglan (Bald Boy) is a poor villager, one day he learns the Sultan's Daughter is sick and can't wake up since a long time and the Sultan gave a word he will marry his daughter with whoever wakes her up but people who fails will be executed, so Keloglan decides to try his luck because he has a feeling about he will be succeed.
Sú síce sestry, ale rozdielne ako noc a deň. Pragmatická Nora Dominguezová práve začína so svojou právnickou kariérou, rozmaznanú Mary zaujímajú predovšetkým šaty a muži. Ich pohodlný život v bohatom Beverly Hills sa však veľmi nečakane skončí. Ich otec zomrie v deň svojich 55. narodenín, a tak sa obe sestry ocitnú vo finančnej núdzi. Musia opustiť svoj domov, presťahovať sa k tete a prispôsobiť sa životu uprostred mexickej komunity vo východnom Los Angeles, ktorému bol ich doterajší svet vzdialený svetelné roky. Zhýčkaná Mary má zo všetkého strach a nevie si zvyknúť. Nora ju presvedčí, aby dokončila vysokú školu a naučila sa po španielsky. Nový život má však aj svoje svetlé stránky, a to predovšetkým vďaka pohostinnej tetinej rodine, ochotnému susedovi a sympatickému Edwardovi Ferrisovi, Norinmu nadriadenému...
In Christmastime Miami, heartbroken divorcée Giorgio invites himself to stay at his best friend Mario's — unaware that the latter is having an affair with his ex-wife — and ends up pursued by Mario's barely-of-age daughter; nosy and out-of-touch Ranuccio crashes his son's sex-themed holidays before ending up in a series of mishaps with Giorgio.
Saxána žije so svojím manželom Honzom Bláhom normálny život vo svete ľudí a jej čarodejnícka minulosť je ukrytá na povale v starej truhlici. Bol by v tom však čert, keby jej dcéra, malá Saxánka, presne ako jej mama kedysi, nevypátrala všetky tajomstvá. Keď Saxánka tajomstvo odhalí, tak ako každá zvedavá školáčka, so zatajeným dychom číta Lexikon a kúzla sa akoby zázrakom začínajú diať. Dostáva sa do čarodejníckej školy, kde stretáva čarodejníkov a čarodejnice, škriatkov, víly a ďalšie tajomné príšery. Keď spoznáte tetu Irmu, vôbec vás neprekvapí, že dokáže veci pekne skomplikovať. Omylom totiž dostane do ríše rozprávok komiksového zlosyna Crashmana, ktorý nenechá kameň na kameni v snahe stať sa vládcom celej ríše. Našťastie je tu Saxánka, spolu s kamarátmi - malým neposlušným čertíkom Krakavousom, trpaslíkom Řehořom, kostlivcom Vinckom sa spoločne postavia proti Crashmanovi. Nebude to však jednoduché. Podarí sa im zachrániť svet kúziel?
Codzilla wrecks havoc in a city, only Ultrachad can save the day! An Ultraman spoof created in 20 minutes