Ghyslain Raza, better known as the “Star Wars Kid,” breaks his silence to reflect on our hunger for content and the right to be forgotten in the digital age.

One morning, Lily and Ben wake up side by side in bodies that are not theirs. And Magalie, a little girl in the body of a tall, bearded, awaits them in the guest room. This is the beginning of an incredible adventure, sometimes initiatory, where the bodies and identities will be reversed at the option of a simple hug.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

Pee-Wee is excited when Jambi the genie grants him a wish. He wishes to fly but gets upset when he sees Captain Carl and Miss Yvonne on a romantic date with each other.

Odważna i daleko idąca fantazja science-fiction, filmowy debiut Williama Hurta. Grany przez niego dr Jessup postanawia przeprowadzić paramedyczny eksperyment, którego obiektem jest nie kto inny, jak on sam. Zafascynowany środkami chemicznymi stosowanymi przez dawne plemiona, postanawia zażyć je, zamykając się jednocześnie w specjalnej komorze.

It all starts with a bang. The car breaks through the crash barrier and falls off the bridge. The lights go out. After that, he is not able to see anymore. His optic nerve is severed, from now on the young stage-director Jakob is blind. His life will change and nothing will ever be the same. Jakob cannot handle the idea of never being able to see again and screams at the only woman who is able and willing to help him, Lily. A rehabilitation teacher, she helps the blind deal with the darkness. Lily has been living with it since birth, she too is blind.

Najdroższy film w dziejach rosyjskiej kinematografii. Ponad 7-godzinna epopeja wojenna, zrealizowana z niespotykanym rozmachem. Wielka Wojna Ojczyźniana pokazana została z uderzającym realizmem i dbałością o szczegóły, a sceny ostatecznego tryumfu wojsk radzieckich nad III Rzeszą, czyli upadek Berlina, uznawane są do dziś za jedne z najlepszych w historii kina. Unikalne materiały dokumentalne z archiwów radzieckich w połączeniu ze fragmentami kronik filmowych koproducenta epopei - NRD - i nieomal nieograniczonym budżetem sprawiają, że efekt końcowy nie ma sobie równych. Na uwagę zasługuje międzynarodowa obsada, w tym udział wybitnych polskich aktorów - Jana Englerta, Barbary Brylskiej, Daniela Olbrychskiego, Franciszka Pieczki.

Tom łowi Jerry'ego na pyszny ser. Kiedy mysz znajduje ratunek u Spike'a, kot bardzo wysila się, by upolować obiad.

At thirteen-years-old, with an unusually high IQ and a knack for observing things about other people, Lou Bertignac is not only the youngest in her class at school; she is also the most unusual. Painfully shy, she has few friends, save for Lucas, whose company helps her get through each day. At home, Lou's life is also difficult: Her mother hasn't left the house in years and her father spends his days crying in the bathroom. Lou's world is dark and sad... That is, until she meets No.

A vibrant look at the frailty of a boy moving through life in all its colors.

After he's shot during a heist in East L.A., an armored truck driver wrestles with rehabilitation and tracking down the man who committed the crime.

Canadian scientist, Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden in order to contribute to their most important project—a human regeneration gene—that also has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal tragedy that has haunted him for years.

"Maintenance by any Means" is about two maintenance men vying for the position of maintenance supervisor in an apartment complex. The maintenance men must compete with each other in order to get the job left open by the former Maintenance Supervisor. They need evaluations by the people who live at the apartments for every work order they finish. The problem is the renters themselves. Each one they run into has their own set of interesting problems. The maintenance men soon discover that a positive review may be hard to come by. Fixing broken down items in the apartments is the least of their worries. Finally one of the maintenance men must win the contest, by any means.

The paths of a couple who'd dated for more than a decade diverge when Juan decides he wants to raise a family and Elizabeth focuses on her career.

A short student-made documentary that details the creation and operation of the Cornish underground event management business "Pakt Events"

A young woman loses her umbrella in a café altering her perception of the world forever.