Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

A man is sent back and forth and in and out of time in an experiment that attempts to unravel the fate and the solution to the problems of a post-apocalyptic world during the aftermath of WW3. The experiment results in him getting caught up in a perpetual reminiscence of past events that are recreated on an airport’s viewing pier.

A police detective falls in love with the woman whose murder he's investigating.

Subtilna, poetična grozljivka govori o krutih zločinih, ki jih motivira mešanica ljubezni, krivde in žrtvovanja. Zgodba se začne z najdbo trupla mlade ženske z izmaličenim obrazom. Dr. Génessier ga identificira kot truplo svoje hčere Christiane, ki je izginila po avtomobilski nesreči, v kateri je bil njen obraz iznakažen do neprepoznavnosti. Po njenem pogrebu se izkaže, da je Christiane živa, vendar zaradi pokvečenega obraza nosi masko in se skriva pred svetom. Oče, ki ne more trpeti hčerinega tragičnega položaja, se zaradi občutka krivde zateka k sprevrženim ukrepom. Mrtva ženska je bila le ena izmed žrtev spodletele operacije presaditve obraza, ki jo obupano poskušata izpeljati Christianin oče in njegova zvesta asistentka Louise - ženska, ki ji je dr. Génessier popravil obraz in rešil življenje...

Tragična ljubezenska zgodba je postavljena v represivno religiozno skupnost na severu Škotske. Naivna in verna mlada ženska Bess, ki trpi za duševnimi težavami, se nepričakovano poroči z Janom, danskim ateistom, ki dela na naftni ploščadi. Z možem užijeta kratko obdobje sreče. Ko se Jan pri delu poškoduje in ohromi, ženo spodbuja, naj se vda drugim moškim in mu o tem pripoveduje. Bess, ki jo razžirajo občutki krivde, ker si je zaželela moževe vrnitve domov, misli, da ga bo rešila, če njegovi perverzni želji ugodi.

Komična drama prinaša portret ljudi v glasbenem poslu countryja in gospela v Nashvillu v Tennesseeju. Barbara Jean je nesporna kraljica country glasbe, vendar je tudi na robu živčnega zloma. Linnea in Delbert Reese imata majav zakon ter invalidnega otroka. Opal je britanska novinarka, ki poroča z glasbenih nastopov. Skupno štiriindvajset osrednjih likov, ena ura glasbenih nastopov in množica zgodb se prepletejo v dramatičnem vrhuncu zgodbe, ki jo je režiral sedemkratni nominiranec za oskarja ter dobitnik zlate palme Robert Altman. Film, v katerem igrajo David Arkin, Keith Carradine, Geraldine Chaplin, Jeff Goldblum in drugi, je za fantastično glasbeno podlago prejel oskarja, bafto in zlati globus.

Billy is released after five years in prison. In the next moment, he kidnaps teenage student Layla and visits his parents with her, pretending she is his girlfriend and they will soon marry.

Medtem ko si prizadeva hitro kaj zaslužiti, dobi mladi Norbert od svojega prijatelja Matriala ponarejeni bankovec za 500 frankov. Denar porabi v trgovini s fotografskim materialom, lastnik pa se odloči bankovec spet posredovati nekomu drugemu. Nič hudega sluteči lastnik je pošteni dostavljavec Yvon Targe, ki ne sluti, da je bankovec ponarejen. Ko skuša kupiti hrano, ga aretirajo. Pozneje skuša ovaditi in tožiti fotografa, vendar so pomočnika v trgovini Luciena že podkupili, da molči glede tiste transakcije. Zaradi škandala je Yvon slednjič ob službo. Da bi lahko vzdrževal družino, se kot voznik avtomobila udeleži nekega ropa. Podvig pa se na žalost izjalovi in Yvon mora za tri leta v ječo. Med služenjem kazni njegov otrok umre za davico, žena pa ga zapusti. Poblazneli Yvon se preda tatvinam in nasilnemu kriminalu, nazadnje pa zagreši še hladnokrvni umor.

Reckless playboy Bob Merrick crashes his speedboat, requiring emergency attention from the town’s only resuscitator while a local hero, Dr. Phillips, dies waiting for the life-saving device. Merrick then tries to right his wrongs with the doctor’s widow, Helen, falling in love with her in the process.

A group of graduate students and scientists uncover an ancient canister in an abandoned church, but when they open it, they inadvertently unleash a strange liquid and an evil force on all of humanity.

Ray Eddy, an upstate New York trailer mom, is lured into the world of illegal immigrant smuggling. Broke after her husband takes off with the down payment for their new doublewide, Ray reluctantly teams up with Lila, a smuggler, and the two begin making runs across the frozen St. Lawrence River carrying illegal Chinese and Pakistani immigrants in the trunk of Ray's Dodge Spirit.

Margaret Fish is planning a surprise party for her dentist husband, Bob. Meanwhile, at the office, Bob is having a mid-life crisis while insects munch on what's left of his plants. When Bob returns home, Margaret has a terrible time getting him into the room where everyone's hidden until he's halfway through changing clothes and talking about how horrid all their nebbishy friends are (the same friends hidden all over the room).

Soon after a veteran's return from war his cheating wife is found dead. He evades police in an attempt to find the real murderer.

Irene, a workaholic, is forced to re-evaluate her priorities after the suicide of her two best friends.

Jim (Jason Biggs) in njegovi prijatelji se po prvem letu na univerzi zberejo v počitniški hiši ob plaži. Tam Jim skuša izboljšati svoje spolne veščine ob pomoči Michelle (Alyson Hannigan), svoje nekdanje spremljevalke s plesa ob koncu šolanja. Medtem Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) poskuša ponovno osvojiti Vicky (Tara Reid), Oz (Chris Klein) vzdržuje razmerje na daljavo s Heather (Mena Suvari), Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) se uči taoistično spolnost, Stifler (Seann William Scott) pa se po svoje zabava s svojimi šalami. Med smehom, zmedo in nepričakovanimi situacijami prijatelji načrtujejo največjo zabavo svojega življenja.

Cristina lives a peaceful life until her older brother Ciro, who has to attend a trial, asks to spend house arrests at Cristina’s home.

Junior and his father, Ben, move from Cold River to Mortville. Junior becomes threatened by Ben's desire to date again and find a new mother for Junior, and sabotages each of his dates.

The hilarity begins when professor Sherman Klump finds romance with fellow DNA specialist, Denise Gaines, and discovers a brilliant formula that reverses aging. But Sherman's thin and obnoxious alter ego, Buddy Love, wants out...and a big piece of the action. And when Buddy gets loose, things get seriously nutty.

An adventurer (Hamilton) decides to go in search of the Lost City in the Amazon jungle. A motley crew of other people decide to join him for the wealth of the city, for reasons of their own. But to their horror they find out that they have bitten off more than they can chew, what with a Nazi doctor still using the place for his human experiments.

An American secret agent is sent to Europe to track down a ring of counterfeiters. His investigation takes him from Rome to Albania, where he gets involved with a sexy Albanian police commissioner.