After a wonderful time in Hungary Sissi falls extremely ill and must retreat to a Mediterranean climate to rest. The young empress’ mother takes her from Austria to recover in Madeira.

Peterostruki pobjednik natjecanja Mr. Olympia, buduća filmska zvijezda i guverner Kalifornije, Arnold Schwarzenegger, središnji je lik ovog dokumentarca iz 1977. koji prati napredak tada 28-godišnjeg bildera dok se natječe za šestu titulu.

Pljačka u Riu osigurala je 100 milijona $ za ekipu Doma i Briana, pa su se naši junaci rasuli svijetom, ali nemogućnost povratka kući i stalni bijeg učinili su njihove živote nepotpunima. U međuvremenu Hobbs kroz 12 zemalja prati ubojite vozače plaćenike. Ispostavlja se da njihovom vođi pomaže Letty, ljubav za koju je Dom mislio da je mrtva. Zaustaviti ih se može jedino na ulici pa Hobbs poziva Doma da okupi svoj elitni tim u Londonu. Plata? Potpuni oprost za sve kako bi se mogli vratiti kućama i ponovno biti uz svoje obitelji.

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

Unaprjeđenje im je donijelo više posla u uredu, sada nisu toliko na ulici i čini se da više neće imati priliku upadati u nevolje i dizati u zrak sve na što naiđu. Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh pokušavaju se u svojim ozbiljnim godinama smiriti, no problemi kao da ih traže. Trijadi su se zamjerili jer pokušavaju u Ameriku spriječiti krijumčarenje Kineza koji bi se trebali baviti falsificiranjem novca potrebnog za kupnju čelnika kriminalne organizacije iz ruku kineske vojske. I ovoga puta Martinu i Rogeru pomaže Lorna Cole, Leo Getz, koji je u međuvremenu postao privatni detektiv, ali i novak u ekipi, Lee Butters.

A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community - The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are unlucky enough to survive into Reapers themselves. Blade is asked by the Vampire Nation for his help in preventing a nightmare plague that would wipe out both humans and vampires.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

An 11-year-old aspiring wrestler enters a competition to become the next WWE superstar by using special powers from a magical mask.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

Prošle su godine od kada smo posljednji put vidjeli grupu East Great Falls High. Sad će se Jim i Michelle vjenčati, a prije vjenčanja moraju organizirati prvostupnicu, koju, naravno, vodi Stifler. Da bi ga učinili savršenim, pokušat će ponovno spojiti grupu.

After Gordon Bombay's hockey comeback is cut short he is named coach of Team USA Hockey for the Junior Goodwill Games. Bombay reunites the Mighty Ducks and introduces a few new players, however, he finds himself distracted by his newfound fame and must regather if the Ducks are to defeat tournament favourites Iceland.

A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Ovaj nastavak prati tinejdžera koji izbjegne pogibiju na trkalištu, no dozna da smrt ne može izbjeći tako lako. Glume Shantel VanSanten, Bobby Campo i Hayley Webb. Ako nekako uspijete prevariti smrt, budite sigurni da će vas ona pratiti do kraja. Ovoga puta predosjećaj spašava Nicka O'Bannona (Bobby Campo) koji uspijeva, uz nekolicinu sretnika, izbjeći smrti na utrci. No smrt ne odustaje lako. Vizije ne prestaju, a preživjeli s trkališta, jedan po jedan pogibaju na sve gore načine. Sada Nick mora shvatiti kako izbjeći smrt jedanput za svagda prije negoli i on stigne na posljednje odredište.

Freddy Krueger vraća se u remakeu jednog od najpoznatijih i najkultnijih horor klasika svih vremena. Grupu tinejdžera spaja ista stvar: u njihovim snovima proganja ih zloglasni Freddy Krueger, okrutni izopačeni ubojica zastrašujućeg fizičkog izgleda koji im dolazi u snove i ubija ih. Ako ostanu budni – preživjet će. Ali ako ih san pobijedi… Više im neće biti spasa.

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?