Una dintre cele mai emotionante povesti de razboi,din toate timpurile. Doi copii ramasi orfani dupa moartea mamei, in timpul unui bombardament american din timpul Celui de Al Doilea Razboi Mondial, incearca sa supravietuiasca singuri. Ei isi improvizeaza o locuinta la marginea orasului,pe malul unui lac. Scenariul dupa care a fost realizat filmul a primit cea mai inalta distinctie a criticilor japonezi, echivalentul premiului Pulizer.

After leaving her daughter Jessica in a small town in Pernambuco to be raised by relatives, Val spends the next 13 years working as a nanny to Fabinho in São Paulo. She has financial stability but has to live with the guilt of having not raised Jessica herself. As Fabinho’s university entrance exams approach, Jessica reappears in her life and seems to want to give her mother a second chance. However, Jessica has not been raised to be a servant and her very existence will turn Val’s routine on its head. With precision and humour, the subtle and powerful forces that keep rigid class structures in place and how the youth may just be the ones to shake it all up.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

Four men decided to enter in the oldest Fight Club of the History, The Florentine Football tournament. A father and son, a black guy, an old champion and outsider clerk will enter in an arena of the time to win their fears, to go over their limits, to be heroes for a day.

Drama descends upon two tennis-obsessed women as the tension moves from off the court and into the café.

Țiganul Matko, care locuiește pe malul Dunării făcând afaceri mărunte cu rușii, are nevoie de bani pentru a face o afacere mare. Îl roagă pe Grga Pitic, naș al comunității de țigani și vechi prieten al familiei, să o finanțeze. Grga acceptă, dar Matko nu este la înălțime și este depășit de periculosul Dadan. Pentru a-și plăti datoria, Dadan îi sugerează să-l căsătorească pe fiul său Zare cu Ladybird, sora lui mai mică. Dar Zane o iubește pe alta, blonda Ida. Nunta are loc. Mireasa profită de un moment de neatenție și fuge...

Într-o familie cel mai bine e ca toată lumea să spună adevărul. Cynthia a născut la 15 ani o fetiță, pe care nu a văzut-o și a dat-o spre adopție. Ea e alba fetiță de culoare, dar mama nu a știut pană în momentul în care, ajunsă la vârsta majoratului, fata o caută. Se dovedește a fi o tânără ce a reușit în viață, înțeleaptă și cu bun simț.

A young street hustler attempts to escape the rigors and temptations of the ghetto in a quest for a better life.

Doi foști îndrăgostiți din liceu se întâlnesc când se întorc acasă la o înmormântare, dar amintirile dureroase i-ar putea împiedica să aibă un viitor împreună.

Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines. The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated.

Francis is a young gay man, Marie is a young straight woman and the two of them are best friends -- until the day the gorgeous Nicolas walks into a Montreal coffee shop. The two friends, instantly and equally infatuated, compete for Nicolas' indeterminate affections, a conflict that climaxes when the trio visit the vacation home of Nicolas' mother. The frothy comedy unfolds through narrative, fantasy sequences and confessional monologues.

Aflat ani de zile în contact limitat cu Pământul, un adolescent care trăiește pe Marte face o călătorie interplanetară pentru a-și descoperi originile.

Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed ‘The Wolfpack’, the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films using elaborate home-made props and costumes. Their world is shaken up when one of the brothers escapes and everything changes.

Two Minions are busy at work in the mailroom. One of them, bored, decides to throw a box of expired PX-41 samples into its designated chute.

A look at the life of French designer Yves Saint Laurent from the beginning of his career in 1958 when he met his lover and business partner, Pierre Berge.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

9th century China. Ten year old general’s daughter Nie Yinniang is abducted by a nun who initiates her into the martial arts, transforming her into an exceptional assassin charged with eliminating cruel and corrupt local governors. One day, having failed in a task, she is sent back by her mistress to the land of her birth, with orders to kill the man to whom she was promised – a cousin who now leads the largest military region in North China. After 13 years of exile, the young woman must confront her parents, her memories and her long-repressed feelings.

Deloris Van Cartier este din nou rugată să reintre în rasă (veșmântul bisericesc) pentru a ajuta o școală catolică luată la vale, condusă de maica stareță. Și dacă încercarea de a se apropia de o clasă plină de studenți neinteresați nu a fost suficient de rea, măicuțele descoperă că școala urmează să fie închisă de șeful fără scrupule al autorității locale, dl. Crisp.

After finding an ad online for “video work,” Sara, a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men, thinks she may have found the subject of her dreams. She drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a man claiming to be a serial killer. Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him. However, as the day goes on, she discovers she may have dug herself into a hole from which she can’t escape.

The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University. His victim is a beautiful, innocent and studious teenage girl named Diana Collins who accidentally opened up the Djinn's tomb and released him.