At the beginning of the 1940s, in a France occupied by Nazi forces, lived the Jewish Joffo family. Happy and tight-knit, she sees her future darken when all members of the family are forced to wear the yellow star. Fearing the worst, the parents organized their family to flee to the free zone in the south of the country. Maurice, twelve years old, and Joseph, ten years old, will therefore leave alone in order to maximize their chances of finding their older brothers already settled in Nice. The brothers left to their own devices demonstrate an incredible amount of cleverness, courage, and ingenuity to escape the enemy invasion and to try to reunite their family once again.
Viktoras – talentingas pradedantis rašytojas, Sara – intelektualė, klasikinės literatūros magistrė, o jų bendra silpnybė – Džoisas ir Dostojevskis. Jie buvo laisvi ir nerūpestingi, kol atsitiktinai susitiko bare ir įsimylėjo vienas kitą. Pasiturinti tradicinė Viktoro šeima nepritaria jo gyvenimo pasirinkimui ir vieną dieną nusprendžia nutraukti su juo santykius, kartu ir neremti finansiškai. Tačiau jaunuoliai pasiryžę pasipriešinti likimui ir bet kokia kaina kovoti už savo meilę ir nepriklausomybę. Jų santykiai tęsėsi ilgus 45 metus ir dažnai susidurdavo su dar didesniais iššūkiais. Kaip jie susidoros su sėkme, turtais ir banaliu nuoboduliu? Kas viską gaus, o kas liks šešėlyje? Vienos šeimos istorija apie didelę meilę saulės nutviekstų Paryžiaus bulvarų fone.
Vincent, a wealthy real estate agent, is invited to dinner by his sister Elizabeth and her husband Peter, both professors in Paris. Claude, a childhood friend and trombonist in a symphony orchestra, is also present. Vincent brings news from the prenatal examination of his and his wife Anna's unborn son. The name chosen by the soon-to-be parents strongly offends the others for many reasons. The dispute between the guests quickly escalates and before long the resurgence of old grudges and hidden secrets is unavoidable ...
She is almost deaf and she lip-reads. He is an ex-convict. She wants to help him. He thinks no one can help except himself.
Filme "Žmona" aktorė Glenn Close vaidina talentingą rašytoją Džoaną Kastelman, apie kurios sugebėjimus literatūriniame pasaulyje nėra žinoma, mat jau 40 metų moteris savo talentą ir ambicijas aukojo charizmatiškojo sutuoktinio naudai. Tačiau dieną prieš ilgai lauktos Nobelio premijos įteikimą Džoana nusprendžia atskleisti savo vyro paslaptis.
Maksas dirba pobūvių organizatoriumi jau daugiau nei trisdešimt metų. Ir jis tikrai pats geriausias! Suorganizavo šimtus švenčių, tačiau jau kyla noras nuo viso to pailsėti. Visgi, reikia išpildyti dar vieną užsakymą – surengti prabangias Pjero ir Elenos vestuves XVII amžiaus dvare. Kaip visada, Maksas suplanavo kruopščiai: pasamdė padavėjų komandą, virėjus, indų plovėjus, davė nurodymus fotografui, užsakė muzikantus, gėlių dekoracijas – visus reikalingus tobulos šventės ingredientus… Bet, kaip tyčia, viena paskui kitą pasipila klaidos, kurios gali sugadinti pačias gražiausias šventės akimirkas, ir nepriekaištingą planą paversti chaosu, katastrofa.
Louise, a widow with two children, almost crushes a stranger with her car. She takes care of him, even if he's not really wounded. It turns out that he has mental disorders and that they can help each other much more than they thought.
An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.
1861-ųjų sausį septynios pietinės Amerikos valstijos atsisakė panaikinti vergovę ir paskelbė nepriklausomybę. Šis sprendimas išprovokavo ketverius metus trukusį pilietinį karą, kurio metu žuvo apie 600 tūkst. žmonių ir buvo išlaisvinta apie 4 milijonai vergų. Šioje juostoje pasakojama tikra pilietinio karo dalyvio, paprasto Misisipės fermerio Niutono Naito istorija. 1862 m. Korinto mūšyje sužeistas N. Naitas (vaidina Matthew McConaughey) aplink save netrukus ėmė telkti tokius pat neturtingus Misisipės fermerius ir vietinius vergus. Jo vedami, žmonės priešinosi vergovę išsaugoti norinčios Konfederacijos pajėgoms ir kovojo už lygias visų žmonių teises. Pasiaukojančiai besikovusiems sukilėliams galų gale pavyko išstumti Federacijos pajėgas iš Džounso apskrities ir paskelbti ją Laisvąja Džounso valstija.
When Jonas was 14 he met the charismatic but mysterious Nathan. In addition to guiding him in his sexuality, Jonas soon confronts something dark and even dangerous about his new friend. Now an attractive, sexually assured adult, memories still haunt him. Trying frantically to put the missing pieces together, Jonas becomes determined to break the shackles of the past and finally set himself free.
A fictionalized biopic of Aline Dieu, a multitalented singer from a musically inclined family.
Viena garsiausių ir populiariausių Amerikos virėjų, pirmoji pristačiusi amerikiečiams prancūzų virtuvę 1961 - aisiais išleistoje knygoje apie metus, praleistus besimokant Paryžiaus kulinarijos mokykloje. Julie Powell - šiuolaikinė amerikietė, taip pat parašiusi memuarus - tik šiek tiek kitokius - apie prancūzų virtuvę ir taip pat sulaukusi šlovės. O režisierė Nora Ephron, jums pažįstama kaip filmų „Nemiga Sietle" ir „Jums žinutė", nusprendė papasakoti nuostabią dviejų skirtingų, bet kartu ir labai panašių moterų istoriją.
When a workaholic young executive, is left at the altar, she ends up on her Caribbean honeymoon cruise with the last person she ever expected: her estranged and equally workaholic father. The two depart as strangers, but over the course of a few hilarious adventures, a couple of umbrella-clad cocktails and a whole lot of soul-searching, they return with a renewed appreciation for family and life.
Following the breakdown of his marriage, a self-involved man begins to embrace fatherhood.
Nicolas has a happy existence, parents who love him, a great group of friends with whom he has great fun, and all he wants is that nothing changes. However, one day, he overhears a conversation that leads him to believe that his life might change forever, his mother is pregnant! He panics and envisions the worst.
Kim Hak-cheol is a trashy husband who sends his wife Jin Joo-hee to his friend Kang Min-hyeok as a housekeeper due to gambling debts. He visits his wife once in a while and steals money. He borrows money from Min-hyeok, a golden spooner who is Hak-cheol's friend, on the condition that Joo-hee is sent as a housekeeper. Min-hyeok is kind to his friend's wife, Joo-hee. Over time, the true colors begin to emerge. Meanwhile, Min-hyeok's wife, Nam Gyoo-ri, lives together with them without knowing anything about Joo-hee.
A wannabe surfer parties on the French Riviera while awaiting the perfect wave.
Stéphane, Cathy and Thierry are the best employees of the Employment Agency of their city. But their results are so good that the agency will have to close because of a lack of unemployed. The three colleagues then have the crazy idea of creating unemployment to save their job.
A new boss for dad; a new schoolmate for Boule. New problems in sight.
16 years later, Tanguy, now 44, returns to his parents' house with his daughter Zhu under his arm because Meï Lin left him. Disappointed to see their "little one" in this state, Paul and Edith do everything to give him a taste for life, without realizing that by doing so, they braid the rope to hang themselves. Because Tanguy is starting to feel good with his parents.