Notorious – kohtalon avain (Notorious, Suomessa myös nimellä Kohtalon avain) on Alfred Hitchcockin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen jännityselokuvan mestariteos vuodelta 1946. Notorious lukeutuu Hitchcockin parhaimpiin elokuviin ja sen kuvaus ja visuaalinen tyyli on monien mielestä parasta, mitä Hitchcock on tehnyt – Roger Ebertin mielestä jopa parasta, mitä Hitchcock tai kukaan muu ohjaaja on tehnyt.Notorious on myös Casablancan ohella Ingrid Bergmanin parhaimpia – ja tunnetuimpia – roolisuorituksia.

Nainen katoaa (The Lady Vanishes) on Alfred Hitchcockin ohjaama brittiläinen jännityselokuvan klassikko vuodelta 1938. Se oli niin yleisö- kuin arvostelumenestys. Se on myös yksi Hitchcockin kaikkein humoristisimmista jännityselokuvista – vain Mutta kuka murhasi Harryn? (1955) pääsee huumorin määrässä sen tasolle. Elokuvan edetessä huumori vaihtuu perinteisen jännityselokuvaan.Nainen katoaa -elokuvan perusidea on yksinkertainen: nainen katoaa junassa ja vain yksi henkilö muistaa hänet. Kaikki muut matkustajat väittävät omista syistään, ettei kyseistä naista ole junassa ollutkaan. Samaa aihetta on sittemmin matkittu lukuisia kertoja, mutta yksikään ei ole yltänyt Hitchcockin elokuvan tasolle.Nainen katoaa oli Britanniassa ja Yhdysvalloissa Hitchcockin siihen astisista elokuvista menestynein. Sen ansiosta hän sai neuvotelluksi David O. Selznickin kanssa hyvän sopimuksen ja muutti Yhdysvaltoihin.

During World War II, a small group of survivors is stranded in a lifeboat together after the ship they were traveling on is destroyed by a German U-boat.

It's snowy and cold outside, and warm inside where Jerry squeezes past a mousetrap to cavort under a present-laden Christmas tree. Mistaking the sleeping Tom for a plush toy, Jerry wakes him and a mad chase ensues.

Wealthy, sheltered Lina McLaidlaw is swept off her feet by charming ne'er-do-well Johnnie Aysgarth. Though warned that Johnnie is little more than a fortune hunter, Lina marries him anyway and remains loyal to her irresponsible husband as he plows his way from one disreputable business scheme to another. Gradually Lina comes to the conclusion that Johnnie intends to kill her in order to collect her inheritance.

Three childhood friends, Martha, Walter and Sam, share a terrible secret. Over time, the ambitious Martha and the pusillanimous Walter have married. She is a cold businesswoman; he is the district attorney: a perfect combination to dominate the corrupt city of Iverstown at will. But the unexpected return of Sam, after years of absence, deeply disturbs the life of the odd couple.

A love story that follows the maneuverings of a society lady as she connives to initiate a scandalous affair between her aristocratic ex-lover and a prostitute.

An orchestra assembles for a rehearsal in an ancient chapel under the inquisitive eyes of a TV documentary crew, but an uprising breaks out.

Among others, Ernesto returns to Turin after the war from a German POW camp; his household destroyed and family deceased, he tries making an honest living.

Mike Hagan is a pilot in passenger service and candidate for the honor "Best Pilot of the Year". Nobody knows that he's got private sorrows - he's an alcoholic. A stewardess notices his regular visits of the toilet and reports it.

After a demonstration of new PT boats, navy brass are still unconvinced of their viability in combat, leaving Lt. "Rusty" Ryan frustrated. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, however, Ryan and his buddy Lt. Brickley are told they can finally take their squadron into battle. The PT boats quickly prove their worth, successfully shooting down Japanese planes, relaying messages between islands, and picking off a multitude of enemy ships.

While watching from her train window, Nikki Collins witnesses a murder in a nearby building. When she alerts the police, they think she has read one too many mystery novels. She then enlists a popular mystery writer to help her solve the crime on her own, but her sleuthing attracts the attentions of suitors and killers.

Attorney Anthony Keane agrees to represent Londonite Mrs. Paradine, who has been fingered in her husband's murder. From the start, the married lawyer is drawn to the enigmatic beauty, and he begins to cast about for a way to exonerate his client. Keane puts the Paradine household servant on the stand, suggesting he is the killer. But Keane soon loses his way in the courtroom, and his half-baked plan sets off a stunning chain of events.

Two obsessive-compulsives, a chef and an anorexic writer, are neighbors in an apartment building. The chef (301) tries to entice her neighbor to eat with fabulous meals. The writer (302) refuses to eat, and this refusal begins a turbulent relationship that forces both women to delve into their pasts of torment.

Anthony Richmond schemes to get the fortune of his tyrannical, wheelchair-using tycoon uncle Charles Richmond by persuading Maria, a nurse he employs, to marry him.

The story involves Arbuckle coming to the western town of Mad Dog Gulch after being thrown off a train and chased by Indians. He teams up with gambler/saloon owner Bill Bullhum, in trying to keep the evil Wild Bill Hickup away from Salvation Army girl, Salvation Sue. Fatty and Buster have a series of adventures trying to beat St. John, until they discover his one weakness: his ticklishness.

A young naval officer becomes a corsair to make enough money to marry a pretty girl, and fights injustice and snobbery to reach home safely.

Believing that an unexpected inheritance will bring them happiness, a married couple instead finds their relationship strained to the breaking point.

An old traditional family and a modern family battle over land in a small English village.

Clara (Karin Viard) is a stripper with a high-strung, jealous boyfriend with the curious name of Loockeed (Antoine Chappey). The couple are friends with the even-temperred, almost saintly Max (Gerald Laroche), an auto mechanic. The three of them set out from their home in the north to journey to the Alpine mountains near Switzerland and Italy, where they will help a fourth friend take care of his pleasure boat business at Lake Annecy while he is in military service. As the trio attempt to establish some sort of equilibrium in their new lives, Max must constantly deal with Loockeed's testy, jealous barbs. Despite this, the three of them remain friends.