يجد اثنان من الغرباء أنفسهم مرتبطين بطريقة غريبة. عندما يتشكل اتصال ، هل ستكون المسافة هي الشيء الوحيد الذي يجعلهم منفصلين؟

An abandoned tumbledown theater in the outback of Paraíba state is the initial setting of a film about cinema, which explores the testimonials of the novelist and playwright Ariano Suassuna and other filmmakers such as Ruy Guerra, Julio Bressane, Ken Loach, Andrzej Wajda, Karim Ainouz, José Padilha, Hector Babenco, Vilmos Zsigmond, Béla Tarr, Gus Van Sant and Jia Zhangke. They all respond to two basic questions: why do they make movies and why do they serve the seventh art. The filmmakers share their thoughts about time, narrative, rhythm, light, movement, the meaning of tragedy, the audience‘s desires and the boundaries with other forms of art.

A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations.

يستخدم المارق الأيرلندي ماكره وذكائه ليشق طريقه نحو الطبقات الاجتماعية في إنجلترا في القرن الثامن عشر ، ليحول نفسه من ريدموند باري المتواضع إلى النبيل باري ليندون.

فتاة بلدة صغيرة عالقة بين وظائف مسدودة. يصبح رجل ناجح رفيع المستوى مقيدًا على كرسي متحرك بعد وقوع حادث. يقرر الرجل أن حياته لا تستحق العيش حتى يتم تعيين الفتاة لمدة ستة أشهر لتكون القائم بأعماله الجديدة. عالمان منفصلان ومحاصران بسبب الظروف ، بدأ الاثنان بداية صعبة. لكن الفتاة مصممة على أن تثبت للرجل أن الحياة تستحق العيش ، وبينما يشرعان في سلسلة من المغامرات معًا ، يجد كل منهما عالمه يتغير بطرق لا يمكن لأي منهما أن يتخيلها.

Mi-so, a 12 years old girl who transferred from Seoul to Jeju island, meets Ha-eun. They promise never to seperate. At the age of 18, Ha-eun's boyfriend, Jin-woo breaks two girls's friendship. Few years later, they come apart as their lives go seperate ways. Now they are 27, and they finally meet again. They've missed each other. After 15 years, will they truly understand each other?

A youth inspirational film, about how a group of high school students try to revive Chinese orchestra ensemble. They face many challenges along the way to compete nationally, including a rivalry with the more popular Western orchestra club.

عند اكتشاف وجود نفط في "أوكلاهوما" خلال العشرينيات على أرض أمة "أوساج"، يتعرض قوم "أوساج" إلى التقتيل واحداً تلو الآخر، حتى يتدخل "إف بي آي" لحلّ اللغز.

After failing his university entrance exam, Yuki Hirano sets his eyes on the role of a forestry trainee. Setting off for training he doubts his decision many times, but eventually after passing the training course, he is sent to Kamusari Village for a year of work experience - where he becomes assimilated with the beauty of nature and the warm-hearted people of the village.

College student Danielle must cover her tracks when she unexpectedly runs into her sugar daddy at a shiva - with her parents, ex-girlfriend and family friends also in attendance.

A visit to the photographer's returns the physical looks of a 70-year-old grandmother back to her 20s. Things get even stranger when his grandson asks her to join his band, and his best friend begins to fall for her.

After his mother's death, Chan Kai-yuk feels so alone that he leaves Guangzhou for Hong Kong to look up the father who abandoned him and his mom. But Yuk's hopes are dashed on finding his dad has a new family and considers him a burden. Alone and homeless, Yuk is taken in by Auntie Fen, a middle-aged recluse who leads a solitary existence. At first, their different habits and personalities lead to numerous squabbles, intensified by Yuk's self-centeredness and Fen's odd temperament. As time goes on, Yuk learns Fen is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. The discovery unexpectedly serves as a catalyst for the young man's growth as a caring friend. For the first time in her life, Fen feels truly blessed. But it is a situation rife with irony due to the nature of her disease and the accelerating elusiveness of feelings and memories.

Mory, a cowherd, and Anta, a university student, try to make money in order to go to Paris and leave their boring past behind.

In 1561, Mary Stuart, widow of the King of France, returns to Scotland, reclaims her rightful throne and menaces the future of Queen Elizabeth I as ruler of England, because she has a legitimate claim to the English throne. Betrayals, rebellions, conspiracies and their own life choices imperil both Queens. They experience the bitter cost of power, until their tragic fate is finally fulfilled.

Teacher in the most prestigious highschool in the country, François enjoys the life he’s always known, in the intellectual and bourgeois society of Paris. Trapped in a situation where he’s forced to accept a job in a school of a tough underprivileged suburb, he finds himself confronted to his own limits and to the upheaval of his values and certainties.

Eun-yi is hired as a maid in a mansion owned by a wealthy businessman. He quickly starts seducing his employee who seemingly has little choice but to comply with his sexual advances. Soon the women of the family plot against Eun-yi who must fight an equally devious battle to protect herself.

لوسيا ، راقصة ناد هاربة ، تلجأ إلى مبنى شرير في ضواحي مدريد حيث تعيش أختها روسيو مع ابنتها ألبا.

تأخذ صداقة المرأة مع زميلتها الجديدة في السجن الذي تعمل فيه منعطفًا شريرًا.

يتورط المرتزقة الأوروبيون الذين يبحثون عن مسحوق أسود في الدفاع عن سور الصين العظيم ضد حشد من المخلوقات الوحشية.

Wu Renyao, who is good at motorcycle stunts, meets his father Wu Renteng, whom he has not seen for many years, and embarks on a road trip to the big city along with a girl named Huan Song and her brother's motorcade.