In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.
A documentary on BNP Paribas
In a Danish village in the early 1600s, a young woman named Anne, whose mother was thought to be a witch, develops sympathy toward an old woman, Marte, who is accused of witchcraft. The intervention of Anne's older but kindly husband, Pastor Absalon saved her mother -- but now, urged on by his overbearing mother, he refuses to help Marte. When Absalon's son returns home and is attracted to Anne, it's a matter of time before her family destiny catches up with her.
Děj původního Shakespearova dramatu "Macbeth" je přemístěn do středověkého Japonska. Při návratu z boje pánové Washizu a Miki zabloudí ve zdánlivě neproniknutelném lese. Potkávají zde kouzelnou stařenku, která jim prozradí záhadné proroctví jejich budoucnosti. Jakmile velitelé opustí les, začíná se postupně tajemná věštba naplňovat… Drama o touze po moci, svědomí, zradě a nevyhnutelnosti trestu.
The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people
Co by se stalo, kdyby žil Ježíš v současnosti? Lidé by jím opovrhovali možná ještě více, než před 2000 lety. Stal by se předmětem klepů, protože tráví svůj čas s Máří Magdalenou? Byl by pronásledován novodobými farizeji? Nepochybně ano. A jak by se teprve k člověku hlásajícímu dobro ke všem lidem bez rozdílu postavila katolická církev? To ve svém filmu ukazuje Luis Buñuel. Příběh se odehrává kolem roku 1900 v chudinské čtvrti Mexika. Tam bydlí obklopen děvkami, chudáky a zloději kněz Nazarín, člověk vysokých mravních ideálů. Jeho snaha pomoci každému, obzvláště pokud je v nouzi, už z titulu svého přesvědčení vyvolává nechuť jeho církevních nadřízených. Pokrytecká církev a pokrytecká společnost. Nazarín končí v okovech.
A director faces creative block while working on his latest film - a reimagination of his adolescence growing up in a mountain village in rural Japan.
One day in the life of Anders, a young recovering drug addict, who takes a brief leave from his treatment center to interview for a job and catch up with old friends in Oslo.
Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.
Ve svém raném filmu Bergman pokračuje v soustředěném zkoumání citových vztahů, tentokrát nezralé lásky sotva dospělých mladých lidí ze sociálně nižší vrstvy na předměstí Stockholmu. Temperamentní přidrzlá Monika okouzlí a svede plachého, nesmělého Harryho a podniknou spolu romantický únik lodí z města na ostrov. Rajské opojení brzy pomine a dvojice, zbavena iluzorních snů, je vržena zpět do tvrdé reality.
The study of a youth on the edge of adulthood and his aunt, ten years older. Fabrizio is passionate, idealistic, influenced by Cesare, a teacher and Marxist, engaged to the lovely but bourgeois Clelia, and stung by the drowning of his mercurial friend Agostino, a possible suicide. Gina is herself a bundle of nervous energy, alternately sweet, seductive, poetic, distracted, and unhinged. They begin a love affair after Agostino's funeral, then Gina confuses Fabrizio by sleeping with a stranger. Their visits to Cesare and then to Puck, one of Gina's older friends, a landowner losing his land, dramatize contrasting images of Italy's future. Their own futures are bleak.
Norbert je mladý muž, který rychle potřebuje peníze a získá od přítele Matriala padělanou pětisetfrankovou bankovku. Poté, co ji utratí ve fotografickém obchodě, jeho bezskrupulózní majitel se rozhodne ji poslat dál...Něšťastnou obětí se stává dobrosrdečný poslíček Yvon Targe, který nepozná, že je bankovka falešná. Je zatčen ve chvíli, kdy s ní chce zaplatit jídlo. Snaží se zažalovat fotografa, ale ten podplatí prodavače Luciena, aby o transakci s falešnou bankovku mlčel. Kvůli tomuto skandálu ztratí Yvon práci. Ve snaze uživit rodinu se zaplete jako řidič auta, kterým chtějí uprchnout zločinci. Bohužel, loupež se nepovede a on skončí na tři roky ve vězení. V momentě, kdy je zatčen, jeho dítě umírá na záškrt a opustí ho manželka. Pod vlivem děsivých událostí se Yvon stane zlodějem, násilníkem a klidně i chladnokrevným vrahem...
In order to come up with new music, a girl music group has to go to live in the countryside. By putting aside their city lives, perhaps life in the countryside can prove inspirational and help the girl band to produce a fresh, new sound.
At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.
Research chemist Barnaby Fulton works on a fountain of youth pill for a chemical company. One of the labs chimps gets loose in the laboratory and mixes chemicals, but then pours the mix into the water cooler. When trying one of his own samples, washed down with water from the cooler, Fulton begins to act just like a twenty-year-old and believes his potion is working. Soon his wife and boss are also behaving like children.
The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.
Commissioned to mark the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival, "To Each His Own Cinema" brought together 33 of the world's pre-eminent filmmakers to produce short pieces exploring the multifarious facets of cinema and their perspective on the state of their chosen artform in the early 21st century.
Grafický umělec David Parson spatří Auru Petrescu na mostním sloupu. Domnívá se, že má v úmyslu skočit do vody v sebevražedném úmyslu. Statečně se pokusí jí v tom zabránit. Zjistí však, že chtěla zachránit rodinný šperk, který jí sklouzl z tenkého zápěstí. Všimne si, že dívka je poněkud zvláštní. Davidova zvědavost se zvýší v okamžiku kdy si všimne jejího skrývaného strachu z něčeho neznámého.
Tommie is the absolute loser in his home district of Cologne-Kalk: no money, no apartment of his own, no girlfriend. In the exhaust workshop where he toils, the foreman is constantly angry with him. But Tommie is in a great mood: The video freak dreams enthusiastically through the fantasy world of film art, preferably with the bust sex star Gianna S. in the leading role. Tommie collects exhaust pipes. When he steals a particularly capital specimen from Jupp's swank Mercedes, he gets into real trouble. He has no choice but to return the exhaust to Jupp, but his deadly ultimatum of procuring a case of the rare beer brand "Ramsdorfer Kölsch" by seven o'clock in the evening proves to be insanely difficult. Because at the very same time, "Gianna S." is expected in town...
A young woman's hunt for her missing sister ends at a rundown bed and breakfast in the Hollywood Hills run by an ill-tempered woman called Mommy. Disturbing messages left by former guests suggest unsettling secrets lay buried there.