Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Dom Cobb on kurjategija, kes varastab teiste saladusi alateadvusest nende magamise ajal. Cobb on spetsialist kaasaegse tööstusspionaaži vallas. Samas on see teinud temast põgeniku. Nüüd pakutakse mehele võimalust lunastuseks. Viimane töö võib anda talle tagasi elu, kuid selle saavutamiseks peab ta tegema võimatut. Uue röövi asemel peab Cobb tegema vastupidist. Tema ülesandeks on uue idee istutamine. Kui neid saadab edu, on see ideaalne kuritegu.

On olemas kaks reaalsust: see, milles me päevast päeva elame, ja teine, mis asub selle taga. Neo otsib tõde Matrixi kohta, millest ta on kuulnud vaid arglikke sosinaid ja kuulujutte. See on midagi salapärast ja ohtlikku ning Neo on kindel, et see kontrollib kõigi inimeste elusid. Ta usub, et Morpheus, keda peetakse kõige ohtlikumaks meheks maailmas, on just see, kes suudaks anda vastuse küsimusele: mis on Matrix?

Ühiskonnast kõrvale heidetud Arthur Fleck luusib mööda Gothami tänavaid, et tunda inimeste lähedust. Päeval klounina raha teenides, lootes nii olla osake ühiskonnast, võõrdub mees ühiskonnast veelgi. Hüljatu ja kiusatuna, hakkab Arthuri sees kasvama viha. Algab aeglane muutus, mille käigus saab heidikust geniaalne kurikael, keda inimesed saavad tundma Jokkerina.

The story of August Pullman – a boy with facial differences – who enters fifth grade, attending a mainstream elementary school for the first time.

A story of love and life among the landed English gentry during the Georgian era. Mr. Bennet is a gentleman living in Hertfordshire with his overbearing wife and five daughters, but if he dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependent on the daughters making good marriages.

At a tiny Parisian café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amélie accidentally discovers a gift for helping others. Soon Amelie is spending her days as a matchmaker, guardian angel, and all-around do-gooder. But when she bumps into a handsome stranger, will she find the courage to become the star of her very own love story?

Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.

101-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story of her life aboard the Titanic, 84 years later. A young Rose boards the ship with her mother and fiancé. Meanwhile, Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets aboard the ship. Rose tells the whole story from Titanic's departure through to its death—on its first and last voyage—on April 15, 1912.

Oscarile kandideerinud lavastaja Damien Chazelle'i ("Whiplash") uus film "La La Land: California unistused" jutustab loo algajast näitlejannast Miast ja pühendunud džässmuusikust Sebastianist, kes näevad vaeva, et saada hakkama linnas, mis on kuulus lootuste purustamise ja südamete murdmise poolest. See tänapäeva Los Angeleses aset leidev ja igapäevaelust pajatav originaalmuusikal vaatleb rõõmu ja valu, mis oma unistuste poole püüdlemisega kaasas käivad.

In the not so distant future, Theodore, a lonely writer, purchases a newly developed operating system designed to meet the user's every need. To Theodore's surprise, a romantic relationship develops between him and his operating system. This unconventional love story blends science fiction and romance in a sweet tale that explores the nature of love and the ways that technology isolates and connects us all.

After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail.

A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.

Boxer "Irish" Micky Ward's unlikely road to the world light welterweight title. His Rocky-like rise was shepherded by half-brother Dicky, a boxer-turned-trainer who rebounded in life after nearly being KO'd by drugs and crime.

Expecting the usual tedium that accompanies a summer in the Catskills with her family, 17-year-old Frances 'Baby' Houseman is surprised to find herself stepping into the shoes of a professional hoofer—and unexpectedly falling in love.

A teenager finds himself transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures intent on destroying them.

Heasüdamlik Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) võtab vastu töö muuseumi öövalvurina, ega aima, et igavana näiv töö võib muutuda uskumatuks seikluseks, sest muuseum, mis päeval inimesi täis, on öösel palju rohkem elus, kui külalised läinud. Muuseumieksponaadid ärkavad ellu, et pidada eepilisi lahinguid omavahel ja kogu selle kaose keskel peab Larry kurja vaeva nägema, et muuseumit ühes tükis hoida.

For five men, the opportunity to share a penthouse in the city -- in which to carry on extramarital affairs -- is a dream come true, until the dead body of an unknown woman turns up. Realizing that her killer must be one of their group, the men are gripped by paranoia as each one suspects another. Friendships are tested, loyalties are questioned, and marriages crumble while fear and suspicion run rampant.

When her child goes missing, a mother looks to unravel the legend of the Tall Man, an entity who allegedly abducts children.

An elusive serial killer known as the Zodiac terrorizes the San Francisco Bay in the late 1960s, while detectives aim to stop him before he claims more victims. Based on a true story.