Former Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza's journey as a person with top secret clearance and total access to the President.
Spike Lee a Talking Heads 2019-es Broadway-show-jának mozzanatait dokumentálja.
Mark Gatiss, who co-created "Sherlock" and plays Mycroft Holmes, discusses the show with Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, and others in the cast.
Juan Manuel Fangio a Forma-1 királya volt: az 50-es években öt világbajnoki címet nyert – jóval a biztonsági előírások és védőfelszerelések bevezetése előtt.
At a certain park, there is a mysterious man, who has red eyes and a black suit, that people can go to and request him to kill someone. His assassinations can never be blamed on him because he takes no illegal action. His strength is in the power of suggestion and the arrangement of events. He accepts these requests, all the while privately mocking the foolishness of those whose unwise wishes he grants.
This film tells the story of three defeats: Berlusconi’s political and human defeat in his “twilight”, the one of Ciccio Mirra, Berlusconi’s unconditional supporter, deeply rooted in an ancient culture that dies hard, and the director’s artistic defeat in an Italy that recognised itself in this “Berlusconian culture” for a long time, and probably still does.
A világhírű színész, Tim Roth rendezőként jegyzi ezt a filmet, melyben a háború nem a csatamezőkön, hanem a családon belül zajlik. A 15 éves Tom az egyik nap borzalmas titokra jön rá. Apja és nővére vérfertőző viszonyt folytat. A félénk kamasz fiú teljesen összezavarodik, ami szörnyű következményekkel jár. Tim Roth filmje brutálisan őszinte módon tárja elénk a családon belüli szexuális erőszak sokkoló részleteit. A történethez az angliai Devon eső áztatta, nyomasztó partjai adják a hátteret.
Dr. Anne Innis Dagg re-traces the steps of her groundbreaking 1956 journey to South Africa to study giraffes in the wild. Now, at 85 years old, Anne sees a startling contrast between the world of giraffes she once knew and the one it has become. Weaving through the past and present, her harrowing journey gives us an intimate look into the factors that destroyed her career and the forces that brought her back.
Pontypool csendes kisváros Kanadában, ahol soha nem történik semmi szörnyűség. Grant Mazzy (Stephen McHattie), az egykor nagymenő rádiós műsorvezető is csak eltűnt macskákról vagy az Arábiai Lawrence helyiek által előadott musical változatáról tud beszámolni a helyi adó reggeli adásában. Aztán hirtelen minden megváltozik. Az addig nyugodt, békés emberek egyszerre csak megőrülnek, vadul támadnak egymásra, miközben értelmetlen mondatokat kiabálnak. A katonaság lezárja a várost, a világ döbbenten figyeli az eseményeket, miközben Grant Mazzy és munkatársai a rádióstúdióban rekednek, a megőrült emberekkel körülvéve, hogy egyenes adásban tudósítsanak a világvégéről... Bruce McDonald egy helyszínen játszódó, kevés szereplőt mozgató filmje feszültségben Orson Welles legendás, 1938-ban adásba került rádiójátékát idézi, amelyet rengeteg hallgató valós eseménynek hitt, és halálra rémült...
In an attempt to move on from the death of Paul, the love of her life, Korine leaves Paris to undertake a project in Mongolia. But after meeting the shaman, Oyun, her trip takes a different direction. Korine has a rare gift that Oyun intends to unveil. She agrees to initiate herself in the practice of Shamanism, leading her to discover an ancient and forgotten culture, but most importantly herself.
Eve, a young chambermaid at a luxurious Mexico City hotel, confronts the monotony of long workdays with quiet examinations of forgotten belongings and budding friendships that nourish her newfound and determined dream for a better life.
Paul és Emilia mindig is boldog házasságban éltek, életük egy új szakaszában azonban valami megváltozott, így mindkettőjüknek változtatni kell a dolgokon, ha továbbra is boldogok szeretnének maradni.
Josh and Danielle have found the perfect surrogate, Kailee, to bear their child. But when Kailee gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, the happy couple learns how deep and dark a mother's love can go. But is it really Kailee whom they need to fear, or is she just a pawn in someone else's game? Someone who will stop at nothing to take what she views as hers.
Before entering the witness protection program, bank robber Mikael demands 3 things from the police. 3 things that cast a whole new light on the robbery he and his partners have been jailed for.
Regina, a 15-year-old girl who lost her mother years earlier, dreams of becoming a singer. Her father, Luigi, her only family at that point, firmly believes in his daughter's talent and supports her unceasingly. After all, Luigi had given up his own musical career to be near his daughter. Their relationship seems rock-solid, indissoluble, until one day an unexpected event changes their lives..
Eli has four children, an unemployed husband and a job with an almost impossible commute. Vale is single and makes ends meet by working in clubs as a dancer. Tied by a profound emotional bond of true sisterhood, the two women's lives are two sides of the same coin, but their mutual solidarity isn’t always enough to lighten the load of their difficult circumstances.
Sascha, the young and beautiful trophy girlfriend of a Danish drug lord, arrives at his holiday villa in the seaside town of Bodrum, on the Turkish Riviera, where she is welcomed into his inner circle. Under the summer sun, she lives a carefree dream of luxury and fun until she meets Tomas, a Dutch traveler trying to discover himself.
Sir James Brooke kalandjai, aki szembeszállt a brit gyarmati terjeszkedéssel Borneóban, majd a rabszolgakereskedelem ellen küzdött.
Saint Charles County, Missouri, December 1863. Edmond, a prosperous French perfume merchant, decides to flee to a safer place when the storms of the American Civil War start knocking at his door, threatening the life and fortune of his family.