Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.

Uma Thurman je morilka, ki jo na njen poročni dan napadejo člani bande njenega šefa Billa (David Carradine). Uspeva preživeti napad, čeprav ostaja v komi. Pet let pozneje se zbudi s koščkom kovine na glavi in veliko željo po maščevanju v srcu.

Semi-retired Michigan lawyer Paul Biegler takes the case of Army Lt. Manion, who murdered a local innkeeper after his wife claimed that he raped her. Over the course of an extensive trial, Biegler parries with District Attorney Lodwick and out-of-town prosecutor Claude Dancer to set his client free, but his case rests on the victim's mysterious business partner, who's hiding a dark secret.

When a zombie virus pushes Korea into a state of emergency, those trapped on an express train to Busan must fight for their own survival.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

Lucas is a young man who lives with his religious aunt Lourdes in a quiet country town. He helps his aunt by holding religious meetings with the ladies of the area, in the living room, playing biblical songs on the keyboard. This quiet life will end as soon as the charitable aunt communicates the arrival of another nephew, Mario, just out of jail. The clash of reality between the cousins ends up causing unusual situations, and an unexpected attraction among the boys.

When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!

Film je umeščen deset let po dogodkih iz prvega dela in se začne z zgodbo o družini Sully. Odkar se je odločil trajno prenesti človeško zavest v telo Avatarja in postati novi vodja naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully s svojo družino živi na Pandori. Z Neytiri sta ustvarila družino in dobila otroke. Kolonizacijske sile se vrnejo na Pandoro, da bi oživile prvotno iskanje, zaradi česar Jake in Neytiri pobegneta iz svojega doma in raziskujeta doslej še neznane dele Pandore, da bi srečala ljudstvo Metkayine, klan domorodcev, ki živijo obdani z morjem.

The dialogue-less film follows the major life stages of a castaway on a deserted tropical island populated by turtles, crabs and birds.

Nanni Moretti recalls in his diary three slice of life stories characterized by a sharply ironic look: in the first one he wanders through a deserted Rome, in the second he visits a reclusive friend on an island, and in the last he has to grapple with an unknown illness.

Za najboljši prijateljici Becky in Hunter je smisel življenja v premikanju mej in premagovanju strahu. Ko se povzpneta na več kot 600 metrov visok radijski stolp, se zgodi nepričakovano - na vrhu obtičita brez možnosti poti navzdol. Njune plezalske sposobnost so s tem postavljene pred največjo preizkušnjo, saj se morata na vrtoglavi višini boriti za preživetje v nemogočih vremenskih razmerah in pomanjkanju zalog.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Franz Jägerstätter je mlad moški, ki z ženo in tremi hčerami živi v nemški vasici St. Radegund. Ko izbruhne druga svetovna vojna, Franza vpokličejo v vojsko. Potem ko je zdoma že več mesecev, družino postane strah, da bi lahko tudi njega poslali v boj. Nacistične oblasti od Franza zahtevajo, da zapriseže zvestobo Adolfu Hitlerju in tretjemu rajhu. Sovaščani ga prepričujejo, naj se tej zahtevi ne upira, a Jägerstätter se zateče k ugovoru vesti in zavrne odhod na fronto, pa čeprav se zaveda, da ga bo to privedlo v zapor ali celo v smrt. Mladenič najde moč za soočenje z dolgim sodnim procesom v ljubezni do svoje družine in upa predvsem na to, da bi se vojna morija čim prej končala.

A woman who is unfairly institutionalized at a Paris asylum plots to escape with the help of one of its nurses. Based on the novel 'Le bal des folles' by Victoria Mas.

Prečastiti Toller je pastor v mali, skromno obiskani muzejski cerkvici. Nekega dne se k njemu po nasvet zateče noseča faranka Mary, zaskrbljena zaradi moža, radikalnega okoljevarstvenika Michaela, ki vse bolj tone v obup. Toller skuša Michaelu pomagati, a ob mladeničevem srdu tudi v njem vznikne seme upora …

Kriminalna drama o obubožanem veteranu korejske vojne, ki postane tihotapec drog za mehiški kartel, je prvi režijski in hkrati igralski projekt Clinta Eastwooda po Gran Torinu iz leta 2008, igralsko zasedbo filma pa dopolnjujejo številni zvezdniki z Bradleyjem Cooperjem na čelu.

When a bestselling celebrity biographer is no longer able to get published because she has fallen out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception.

San Jose, California, 1906. Isolated in her labyrinthine mansion, eccentric firearm heiress Sarah Winchester believes that she is being haunted by the souls of those killed by the guns manufactured by her company.

Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.

On honeymoon on the island of Lesbos, a woman falls for the daughter of a Russian archaeologist.