At an elite, old-fashioned boarding school in New England, a passionate English teacher inspires his students to rebel against convention and seize the potential of every day, courting the disdain of the stern headmaster.

Še nikoli videno filmsko potovanje, ki je nastajalo deset let in zajema celoten Marvel Cinematic Universe. Na velika platna nam prinaša končni, najsmrtonosnejši obračun vseh časov. Maščevalci in njihovi zavezniki superjunaki morajo biti pripravljeni žrtvovati vse, da bi lahko premagali mogočnega Thanosa, preden ta s svojim rušenjem in uničenjem pokonča celotno vesolje.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

Portret slehernika v boju proti absurdnemu sistemu podeljevanja socialnih podpor v Veliki Britaniji. Tesar Daniel po srčnem infarktu zaprosi za socialno pomoč, vendar se znajde v neusmiljenem birokratskem labirintu. Med izpolnjevanjem dolgotrajnih postopkov se njegovo življenje preplete z mlado mamo Katie, ki se je znašla v podobni brezizhodni stiski. Z medsebojno pomočjo v njuna življenja spet posije kanček upanja, toda surovi sistem v njiju vidi zgolj številki na papirju.

Med odpravo s človeško posadko na Mars astronavta Watneyja po hudem viharju, ki je zahteval takojšnjo evakuacijo, kolegi pustijo za seboj, prepričani, da je mrtev. Toda Whatney je preživel in se zapuščen in sam znajde na sovražnem planetu. Poškodovan je, a če hoče ostati živ, mora takoj ukrepati. Ob pičlih zalogah se mora zanesti na lastno iznajdljivost in razsodnost duha, da preživi in se domisli, kako tiste na Zemlji opozoriti, da je še živ.

In Montauban in 1944, Julien Dandieu in a surgeon in the local hospital. Frightened by the German army entering Montauban, he asks his friend Francois to drive his wife and his daughter in the back country village where Julien has an old castle. One week later, Julien decided to meet then for the week end, but the Germans are already occupying the village.

An Iranian family survives the shah and the ayatollah and moves to France. This story follows the family through it all. Despite the politics, revolution, prison, beatings, assassinations and suicides this is a comedy.

Neutrudno moštvo herojskih Maščevalcev vedno znova rešuje svet pred uničenjem, toda škoda, ki jo pri tem povzročijo, gre v nos številnim politikom. Vlada naposled sklene, da morajo Maščevalci odgovarjati za svoja dejanja, toda nadzor, ki ga želijo vzpostaviti, ogrozi življenje Stotnika Amerike. Ta se sklene upreti politikom, vendar pri tem naleti na nepričakovan odpor pri Iron Manu. Nepredstavljivi spor med Maščevalci ustvari dva tabora, ki se neusmiljeno spopadeta med seboj, nastali kaos pa izkoristi temačna sila, ki v zakulisju načrtuje prevzem sveta.

Štiričlanska družina je prisiljena živeti v popolni tišini, da jih ne bi napadle skrivnostne sile, ki jih lahko najdejo samo, če jih tudi slišijo. Njihovo gibanje je omejeno, sporazumevajo se v znakovnem jeziku, tudi otroka sta prisiljena v igro, ki se odvija v čisti tišini. Čeprav so dobro organizirani in življenju v tišini posvečajo vso svojo pozornost in energijo, se kmalu zaplete.

Using the interrogation of a US counterinsurgency agent as a backdrop, the film explores the consequences of the struggle between Uruguay's government and the leftist Tupamaro guerrillas.

A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.

Shy, straight-A student Ellie is hired by sweet but inarticulate jock Paul, who needs help wooing the most popular girl in school. But their new and unlikely friendship gets tricky when Ellie discovers she has feelings for the same girl.

Spoznajte privlačnost in skrivnosti starega Zahoda ter kako je bil le ta pridobljen in poseljen – s krvjo, znojem in solzami mnogih. Ambiciozna pustolovščina, ki zajema tudi štiri leta državljanske vojne, od leta 1861 do 1865 vas bo popeljala na čustveno potovanje po državi, ki je v vojni sama s sabo, skozi pogled družin, zaveznikov in sovražnikov, ki poskušajo odkriti, kaj v resnici pomeni biti Združene države Amerike.

Frank Leone is nearing the end of his prison term for a relatively minor crime. Just before he is paroled, however, Warden Drumgoole takes charge. Drumgoole was assigned to a hell-hole prison after his administration was publicly humiliated by Leone, and has now arrived on the scene to ensure that Leone never sees the light of day.

A teenage girl is raised underground by a robot "Mother", designed to repopulate the earth following an extinction event. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news.

Jack Spade returns from the army in his old ghetto neighbourhood when his brother, June Bug, dies. Jack declares war on Mr. Big, powerful local crimelord. His army is led by John Slade, his childhood idol who used to fight bad guys in the 70s.

In a small town in post-WWII France, 16-year-old Janine tries to improve her conditions by any means necessary. Three people—Michel, a married lover; Raoul, a fellow thief; Mauricette, a photographer she meets in prison—will help her learn from her mistakes.

Stephen, an international trader, tracks down his ex-wife Patricia in some Amazonian backwater. He needs her consent to a divorce so that he can marry Charlotte. Unfortunately, he discovers a son he didn’t know he had – Mimi-Siku. The young jungle boy yearns to see Paris so Stephen reluctantly agrees to take him back home with him for a few days. How will Mimi-Siku react to life in the great metropolis?

Lea and her husband Marc have known Francis and his wife Karine for a very long time. Over the years, each one of them has been assigned a specific role. The balance and dynamic of the group is blown up when Lea decides to write a novel, which turns into an immediate bestseller…

A young man meets his soon-to-be in-laws but discovers behind their proud and wealthy appearances some deep issues and lies.