Young Cedric Errol and his widowed mother live in genteel poverty in 1880s Brooklyn after the death of his father. Cedric's grandfather, the Earl of Dorincourt, has long ago disowned his son for marrying an American. But after the death of the Earl's remaining son, he decides to accept Cedric as his heir.

Enzo and Monica, after a brief moment of popularity for having participated in a reality show, decide to marry. Monica dreams a perfect marriage: everything has to be special. But special things are often the most expensive ones.

为了切断所有相冲突的科学观点,也为了即将到来的为人之父做准备,Damon Gameau决定找出糖对人体健康的真正作用。Damon Gameau是一名澳大利亚演员兼导演,他几年来坚持食用无糖食品,亲自试验一项关于糖的实验。曾经有一段时间,60天内Damon Gameau每天吃40匙的糖,这是正常人平均每天的糖摄入量。食品中自身含有的糖份通常被认为是健康的。因此,甜品、巧克力、冰淇淋和苏打水是不健康的,而果汁、格兰诺拉麦片酸奶以及大量的“光”产品却是无害的。随着实验的进行,Damon Gameau和...

在一个西西里岛的小镇,镇长的竞选临近。这个小镇由充满欺诈的Gaetano Patanè领导了多年,他现在准备用各种欺骗的方式再次赢得选举,并保留他的权力。人们已经习惯了政治漩涡和政治交易,只想随波逐流。但是这次镇长竞选的对手是Pierpaolo Natoli,一个50岁诚实正直的教授,这是他的第一次政治经历,充满了信心和理想。当战胜各种逆境后他赢得了选举,立即开小镇法制的新纪元,开始尊敬小镇的新次序。但是Pietrammare的人们是否准备好接受新次序了吗?

Checco, an uneducated but self-satisfied fellow from Milan, who has always dreamed of becoming a police officer, fails his entrance exam for the third time. It must be said that at the oral examination Checco said that the reason why he wanted to join the police was benefits in kind and cronyism! But the young man has connections and he soon finds himself a security agent at the Milan Cathedral. Of course the bumbling idiot proves a living catastrophe! Spotted by Sufien, an Arab terrorist who is preparing an attack against the cathedral, Checco appears as the perfect sucker. To manipulate him, he sends his charming sister Farah to him, with the mission to seduce him...


有抱负的纽约艺术家John Hollar回到他的家乡在美国中部的母亲的脑部手术前夕。他的女朋友加入,怀孕八个月,他们的第一个孩子,约翰被迫在疯狂的世界里他留下他不健全的家庭,高中的好朋友,和热情过度的前洪水提前回到他的生活他的母亲动手术。



The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.

  美丽干练的玛丽·菲奥里(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰)是一名来自西西里的婚礼策划者,她凭借机敏的头脑和十二万分的热情打出一片天地,成为整个旧金山业内的佼佼者。不过,虽然经受无数的婚礼,她自己的爱情之花却迟迟未能绽放。而且此时玛丽即将迎来事业生涯中最重要的时刻,更加无暇他顾。她准备承办网络女强人弗兰·多诺利(Bridgette Wilson 饰)的婚礼,一旦成功,玛丽将有望成为老板的合伙人。   一场意外,让她邂逅了英俊帅气的医生史蒂夫·爱迪生(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰),两人渐渐萌生爱意,玛丽更加坚信真爱终于降临。但是,某天她却发现,史蒂夫竟是弗兰的未婚夫。事业和爱情面前,她该如何选择?

Fired from his HR job in the big city, Fulvio returns home and sees a leaky pipe in his brother's church as the way to save the crumbling town.

A couple of honest workers takes revenge on the corrupt politician that ruined them.

  每年的夏天,一所名气最响的大学棒球队的选手们白天都会从科德角来到雷恩的家乡寻求他们的棒球梦,晚上则到小镇上去渲泄自我。今年夏天对于一心想成为职业联盟棒球队球员的小伙子雷恩来说是个不寻常的季节,一心想成为大联盟球员的他,跟随着学校校队来到鳕鱼角,过着白天练球、晚上狂欢作乐的生活。但是,他忽然发现来自球场外的诱惑,妨碍了他对赛事的承诺。   阳光,沙滩,碧海,青天——风景如画的鳕鱼角,爱情发生的理想之地。漂亮的富家女滕妮·帕瑞诗和父母一起来到这里度假,结识了为她家割草的男孩瑞恩·雷恩,他们很快坠入了爱河。而雷恩作为波士顿学院棒球队的一名明星投手,刚刚开始在“鳕鱼角棒球联盟巡回赛”中崭露头角,前途无量。但可惜的是,他出身一个蓝领家庭,配不上帕瑞诗那高贵的身份,两人的交往受到了帕瑞诗家人强烈的反对。雷恩非常苦恼,他与帕瑞诗的爱情也几次濒临结束。   为了得到自己的爱人,雷恩唯有抓住仅有的一线希望——以出色的表现赢得与联盟正式签约的机会,成为一名职业球员而不是一个穷学生。恰巧,此时一位大联盟球探看上他的潜力,有意引荐他到职业球队比赛。但条件是他必须将儿女情长及球队中的勾心斗角搁置一旁,因为这将是他唯一的机会,他必须赢得比赛。在比赛中,雷恩充分发挥实力,在女友的鼓励下,终于赢得比赛,成为赛场上最亮的一颗新星。

Brooklyn, New York. After the sudden death of their aunt Isabelle, Vivien and Chloe inherit her historic bakery. Vivien wants to keep up the tradition; Chloe feels that the business needs to be modernized. But when notified that they are about to be evicted, the two do not hesitate to work together to preserve the family legacy.

Lillo (Christian De Sica) married Milena, one of the richest women in Europe. The marriage contract provides that Lillo undertakes to never cheat on her, under penalty of divorce and not even a penny of alimony. But one day he meets Barbara (Sabrina Ferilli) and it's immediately irresistible passion... Filippo Vessato (Fabio De Luigi) is a young surgeon who, to make a career, is forced to suffer the harassment of his head, Professor Benci (Claudio Bisio). Filippo is about to go to New York to get married and Benci does not miss an opportunity to further harass him by asking him to bring a gift to his son, a "model" student at Riverside College.

  约翰•布朗(马修•布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)是某机器人实验室的保安,他的梦想就是有朝一日成为一名真正的警察。某日,实验室的一项计划被人盗窃,德高望重的博士也遭杀害。约翰追踪凶手,结果却遭遇了严重的车祸,命悬一线。此前老博士正和女儿布兰达(Joely Fisher 饰)进行一项名为“加杰特程序”的研究,借此机会,布兰达将约翰改造成一个功能强大的半机器人。死而复生并更名为加杰特的约翰表面上与一般人类别无二致,而身体内却装有超过一万个精密机关,他因此实现梦想,成为协助警方抓捕罪犯的得力助手。   与此同时,罪恶的科学家克劳博士(鲁伯特•艾弗莱特 Rupert Everett 饰)利用布兰达父女的研究制造出机器人用于犯罪,并将罪行栽赃加杰特。为了维护正义、洗刷罪名,加杰特与克劳展开了一场警匪大战……

Old and forgotten, comedian Aldo is brought by his sons into a nursing home called Reuma Park where he finds his old friends and partners Giovanni and Giacomo.