Kanji Watanabe is a middle-aged man who has worked in the same monotonous bureaucratic position for decades. Learning he has cancer, he starts to look for the meaning of his life.
Filmo pasakojimas dėliojamas iš pagrindinio herojaus Aleksejaus, kurio prototipas yra pats Andrejus Tarkovskis, prisiminimų ir sapnų, į kuriuos sugrįžta jo motina, kaimo pievos, vaikystės namas, taip pat žmona Natalija ir sūnus Ignatas. Filmas apima tris laiko atkarpas – prieškarį, karą ir pokarį. Tačiau esminis įvykis, palikęs Aleksejaus gyvenime įspaudą – tėvų skyrybos. Filme herojaus nematome, tik girdime. Tačiau tai, kas matoma, yra jo atspindys.
A woman returning home falls asleep and has vivid dreams that may or may not be happening in reality. Through repetitive images and complete mismatching of the objective view of time and space, her dark inner desires play out on-screen.
Paskutiniai komunizmo metai Rumunijoje. Dvi studentės draugės Otilija (akt. Anamaria Marinca) ir Gabita (akt. Laura Vasiliu) rengiasi vienai nakčiai pasprukti iš bendrabučio. Gabija ruošiasi abortui, kuris jų šalyje uždraustas ir griežtai baudžiamas. Merginos turi sugalvojusios planą, tačiau vos pradėjusios veikti susiduria su neplanuotais sunkumais. Nežinia, baimė, pažeminimas, nuolatinis slapstymasis ir melas artimiesiems – Otilija su Gabita turi ištverti viską, kad tyliai ir greitai išspręstų šią problemą. Ir tai, kas iš pradžių atrodė tik nelegali paslauga už nemažus pinigus, pasirodo, nėra taip paprasta... Naujausias režisieriaus Christiano Mungiu filmas, kuriam jis pats sukūrė scenarijų, - tai moderni, šokiruojanti ir skaudi istorija, atskleidžianti, kokią įtaką paprasto žmogaus likimui gali padaryti sausas įstatymo sprendimas.
Murakawa, an aging Tokyo yakuza tiring of gangster life, is sent by his boss to Okinawa along with a few of his henchmen to help end a gang war, supposedly as mediators between two warring clans. He finds that the dispute between the clans is insignificant and whilst wondering why he was sent to Okinawa at all, his group is attacked in an ambush. The survivors flee and make a decision to lay low at the beach while they await further instructions.
Čarli – vyresniųjų klasių moksleivė iš nedidelio Kalifornijos miestelio. Ji nuobodžiauja, nes jos gyvenimas atrodo pilkas ir be jokių įdomesnių įvykių. Mintyse ji bando prisikviesti savo klajūną dėdę, kurio garbei pavadinta. Ir jos norai išsipildo – paslaptingas dėdė Čarlis artimiausiu traukiniu atvyksta į Kaliforniją. Iš pradžių labai apsidžiaugusi mergina atidžiai klausosi dėdės pasakojimų apie keliones po pasaulį. Tačiau giminaičio paslaptingumas ir keistas domėjimasis turtingomis našlėmis kelia įtarimų. Ypač kai šis pabando pabėgti nuo dviejų žurnalistų, atėjusių daryti interviu su jos motina. Rytų pakrantėje policijos pajėgos ieško nusikaltėlio, praminto „Linksmųjų našlių žudiku“. O Čarli galvoje vis skamba valso iš operetės „Linksmoji našlė“ motyvas. Ar tai ir vėl telepatija? Nejaugi ji gyvena po vienu stogu su žudiku maniaku?
Walter Burns is an irresistibly conniving newspaper publisher desperate to woo back his paper’s star reporter, who also happens to be his estranged wife. She’s threatening to quit and settle down with a new beau, but, as Walter knows, she has a weakness: she can’t resist a juicy scoop.
An enthralling and fast-paced four-part documentary feature that covers the making of one of the last major Hollywood epics; Titanic. Cast and crew speak on setting the sinking of the ship against a classic romance. The feature also examines casting and the young couple headlining the film, DiCaprio's and Winslet's on-set friendship and their differing acting styles, the expansive sets and filming locations, the authenticity of the recreated ship, James Cameron's work and dedication, and budgeting. And many more aspects of the film are overviewed.
A French housekeeper with a mysterious past brings quiet revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of starkly pious villagers in late 19th century Denmark.
A son in denial of a serious illness. A mother facing the unbearable. And between them a doctor fighting to do his job and bring them to acceptance. The three of them have one year and four seasons to come together and understand what it means to die while living.
In France, before WWI. As every Sunday, an old painter living in the country is visited by his son Gonzague, coming with his wife and his three children. Then his daugther Irene arrives. She is always in a hurry, she lives alone and does not come so often... An intimist chronicle in which what is not shown, what is guessed, is more important than how it looks, dealing with what each character expects of life.
Ex-safecracker Gal Dove has served his time behind bars and is blissfully retired to a Spanish villa paradise with a wife he adores. The idyll is shattered by the arrival of his nemesis Don Logan, intent on persuading Gal to return to London for one last big job.
Tris metus (1764 - 1767 m.) visą Prancūziją drebino mistinis monstras, nužudęs daugiau nei 100-ą žmonių (dauguma iš jų moterys ir vaikai). Karaliaus įsakymu buvo suburta kariuomenė, tačiau niekas nesugebėjo deramai pasipriešinti bjaurios išvaizdos žudikui. Gevaudano provincijos karalius du geriausius savo žmones - ševaljė de Fronsac'ą ir jo draugą Mani - siunčia ištirti paslaptingų žmogžudysčių ir išsiaiškinti, kas yra tas mistiškas žvėris - žudikas...
An unflinching, fragmentary look at a handful of self-destructive, marginalized people, but taking as main focus the heroin-addicted Vanda Duarte.
A Latin palindrome is the title of Guy Debord's last film, in which he, as narrator, explains that he will make neither concessions to the tastes of his viewers nor to the dominant ideas of his day. After extensively insulting the audience that goes to the cinema to forget its heteronomous life, the film becomes autobiographical, using images from the world of spectacle: advertising brochures, clips from feature films (Les enfants du paradis), comics, aerial footage of Paris, tracking shots through Venice, photographs of friends – all commented on by Debord, with an at times melancholy undertone: "This Paris no longer exists." His assessment is that one of the great pleasures of his life has been the sensation of the passage of time, and as a witness to the disintegration of social order, he has loved his epoch.
Little magic and plenty of imagination turns a young man's room into a hub where various adventures await him.
A vampiric doctoral student tries to follow the philosophy of a nocturnal comrade and control her thirst for blood.
A Polish vehicle traverses the roads of Ukraine. On board, people are evacuated following the Russian invasion. This van becomes a fragile and transitory refuge, a zone of confidences and confessions of exiles who have only one objective, to escape the war.
Born with their immune systems damaged, Tom and Lola are doomed to live their lives in isolation, sealed in separate plastic bubbles. However, neither cold urethane nor chillier hospital technicians can keep down the beguiling spirit of these indomitable siblings.