When a precious little girl dies tragically of a rare heart condition, her grieving parents are left to pick up the pieces of their once perfect life. In a sequence of events influenced by faith (and perhaps miracles), they are guided to a homeless girl on the streets, and a battle ensues to reunite as a family and heal their broken hearts.


During President Obama's terms extreme energy extraction grew faster than anyone could have predicted, putting the 17 million people in America who live within one mile of a new gas or oil rig in harm's way.

Fernando and Gabriel are two brothers living in a broken home. The anger and sadness that fill the house forces them to escape for a weekend into the woods. Gabriel will witness his eldest brother's self-destruction.

Dr. Satish travels from the big city to a small village, where he can serve the poor who cannot afford to go to the city for medical treatment. Once in the village, he meets with Shanti, who lives with her dad, Radhekiran, a watchman. Both Shanti and Satish fall in love, and exchange vows to be married. Radhekiran has an accident, and dies, leaving Shanti to re-locate, without notifying Satish. Satish is devastated at losing Shanti, and tries to locate her, to no avail. His parents want him to marry Kamini, and he agrees to do so. It is then he comes across Shanti, and he is shocked to see that Shanti has given birth to baby-boy, but will not disclose who the father is.

Fatma is kidnapped several times by a wild man because she cannot be persuaded to marry. A third attempt at forced submission ends tragically for both, due to the young girl's fatal rebellion.

A documentary overview of the career of silent cinema pioneer Edwin S. Porter.

Giordano is a young man from Milan who accepts a ride from a trio of Americans (an "open" couple and a homosexual) sightseeing in Italy. The husband is an older and worldly professor of archaeology while his wife is interested in exploring living things. The young hitchhiker is seduced by the beautiful wife, while her husband continues to gaze at ancient ruins.

30年代,中国正式第一次组队参加世运会,将派出69人的运动代表团及9名中国武术表演团。这个消息在武林掀起轩然大波,各门派为名额私下决斗。为了避免内耗,中央国术馆馆长张之江(于荣光 饰)决定海选世运会队员。其门下弟子张凤(张卫健 饰)和关树宝(谢苗 饰)苦练螳螂拳多年,渴望为国出战。同时,张凤希望通过拿到代表资格,打动心仪的女运动员雁羚(黄翠如 饰)。为了筹集旅费,世运队在街头义卖,却遭遇群雄踢馆,波折不断。在世运会选拔赛场上,张凤却要对阵关树宝,同室操戈,最终败下阵来,正当他闹情绪时,是雁翎的话语让他释怀,师兄弟重归于好。此时,河北鹰爪王安勇(徐向东 饰)来袭,鹰爪与螳螂之战即将上演……   与此同时,在女子长跑比赛中,雁翎为了证明中国人的实力,拼劲全力,虽然力压洋人夺魁,却倒在了血泊之中。最终,张凤见到了奄奄一息的雁翎…

По мотивам пьесы Юрия Германа «Сын народа». Молодой врач после окончания института, оставив в городе любимую девушку, возвращается в родной поселок и энергично берется за дело. Больница в полном запустении. Но герой не отчаивается, и даже делает научное открытие, которое помогает вернуть зрение старому учителю и сестренке бывшей невесты.

Poetic biography of author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

The strongest unit "COMPLEX" that combines two major artists, Tomoyasu Hotei and Koji Kikkawa. In just two and a half years, two valuable video works of COMPLEX, which completely burned and shone like a comet, were released! On November 8, 1990, the enthusiasm of the special live at Tokyo Dome, which was the disbandment concert, was recorded in full. - Song Order: 01) BE MY BABY 02) PRETTY DOLL 03) NO MORE LIES 04) LOVE CHARADE 05) 2人のAnother Twilight 06) MODERN VISION 07) BLUE 08) DRAGON CRIME(East&West) 09) PROPAGANDA 10) IMAGINE HEROES 11) GOOD SAVAGE 12) 恋をとめないで 13) MAJESTIC BABY 14) 1990 15) RAMBLING MAN 16) AFTER THE RAIN(朱いChina)

The crew from Outkast Paranormal dive deep into Myakka City, Florida, to investigate the mystery of the skunk ape like no one has before.