INVASION is a documentary about the collective memory of a country. The invasion of Panama by the U.S in 1989 serves as an excuse to explore how a people remember, transform, and often forget their past in order to re-define their identity and become who they are today.

This documentary charts 20 years of the French national soccer team, Les Bleus, whose ups and downs have mirrored those of French society.

Enrico, Fabrizio and Stefano are three left-winged friends.

A violinist looks to inspire his students at a challenging music school.

The balance of power between man and animal is reversed. In a remote countryside, any encounter with the dominant can become hostile. At the crossroads of fantastic and suspense kind, Anonymous Animals questions the place of animals in our societies.

Anna is stuck: she’s approaching 30 and has just moved back to her rural home-town, and into a shed in her mother’s backyard. She spends her time working a menial job at a local boating center and hides in the depths of her imagination, making movies with her thumbs. Irritated by her childish behavior, Anna's mother insists that she move out of her shed and on with her life. When a troubled young boy starts hanging around, the two form an unlikely bond. Through their strange yet mutually beneficial friendship, Anna slowly begins to confront her perpetual state of arrested development.

Číšník Antoine je zosobněná laskavost a nikomu nedokáže nic odmítnout. Jednoho dnes narazí v parku na zoufalého Louise, který se chce oběsit. Antoine mu jeho úmysl rozmluví a rozhodne se mu pomoci. Do té doby žil Antoine jistým, radostným životem a vše se mu dařilo. Ale příchodem Louise, který se nějak nemá k odchodu, je v jeho životě najednou všechno jinak. Dokonce i v lásce ztrácí svou jistotu. V hlavních rolích této milostné komedie se objeví francouzské herecké hvězdy - Daniel Auteuil a José Garcia.

Diane Kramer is led by one obsession: to find the driver of the mocha color Mercedes which hit her son and devastated her life. With a few belongings, some money and a gun, she goes to Evian, where she's learned the driver lives.

Hranolky nebo salát? Přátelé nebo milenci? Vpravo či vlevo? Život se skládá z malých i velkých rozhodnutí. Problém Juliette tkví v tom, že je naprosto neschopná učinit i tu nejjednodušší volbu. Dokonce i ve čtyřiceti letech žádá svého otce a dvě nejlepší kamarádky, aby všechno rozhodovali za ni. Když do jejího milostného života vstoupí Paul a poté i Étienne – dva okouzlující a jedineční muži – není divu, že Julietteino srdce váhá. Tentokrát si však bude muset vybrat sama.

Five kids wake up in a world where everybody has disappeared.

Nové zpracování pohádky o Ali Bábovy a čtyřiceti loupežnících. Ali Baba je dobrácký člověk, jehož život není jednoduchý. Neustále musí snášet svého bratra Kasim, který je sice bohatý, avšak jeho chamtivost nezná hranic. To se má ale brzy změnit. Ali Baba natrefí na jeskyni pokladů. Netuší však, že jeskyně patří čtyřiceti nemilosrdným zbojníkům ... Známý příběh je osvěžen z pohádky neznámými postavami jako například franský mnich či dcera mocného čaroděje.

A group of travelers, including a monk, stay in a lonely inn in the mountains. The host confesses the monk his habit of serving poisoned soup to the guests, to rob their possessions and to bury them in the backyard. The story unfolds as the monk tries to save the guest's lives without violating the holy secrecy of the confession.

Jeanne (Audrey Danaová) si s muži prožila takové peklo, že už o nich nechce nikdy ani slyšet. Jednoho rána se ale probudí… s penisem! To si možná někdy představovala každá žena, ale Jeanne tedy rozhodně ne! Kdo si nikdy nepředstavoval, jaké by to bylo ocitnout se aspoň na jediný den v kůži opačného pohlaví? Jeanne tedy rozhodně ne! Čerstvě rozvedená matka, která své děti každý druhý týden nevidí, se zapřisáhla, že s muži nadobro skončila a už o nich nechce nikdy ani slyšet. Jednoho krásného rána se však její život začne ubírat nečekaným směrem. Na první pohled se nic nezměnilo… až na jednu maličkost! Od bizarních situací po záchvaty smíchu s její nejlepší kamarádkou, od záchvatů úzkosti až po samovyšetření u jejího zmateného gynekologa, Jeanne se snaží zvládnout tuhle nevídanou situaci jak nejlépe dokáže.

40-year-old foreman Vital is chosen by Alix (25) as a guinea pig in the anonymous study she is carrying out in her father's factory. The boss's daughter soon finds herself falling under the spell of this reserved, enigmatic worker as he begins to open up to her, revealing his dreams of another life.

A wannabe actress follows her dreams and moves to Paris.

Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada, to return to Marseilles at the bedside of his rugged father. He left, therefore, with his son under his arm, determined not to linger in that city which he had fled years before, after a tragedy. He does not imagine that the affection of his newfound family, his love affair with a young woman and the joyful and simple solidarity of the Marseillais will reconcile him with this city he would never have wanted to leave...Marseillle.

Arnaud Dubois may be the heir to a bank, but he prefers to call himself Mohamed. Having fallen out with his father, he turns his back on the family residence. On his travels, he meets Mustafa, who introduces him to his sister Sabrina. Having fallen in love with the attractive young woman, Arnaud decides to pass himself off as an ordinary street guy named...Mohamed.

On a Saturday night during lock down, a group of very good friends go online to share a virtual aperitif. Suddenly, one of them is attacked and kidnapped live by an unknown man in front of his friends who watch helplessly from behind their screens. They soon discover that this mysterious stranger knows all their worst secrets, which he intends to bring to light one after the other.