Režisieriaus Christopher Nolan epinis trileris pasakoja apie amerikiečių fiziką J. Robertą Openheimerį, vadovavusį atominės bombos kūrimo programoje „Manheteno projektas“. R. Openheimeriui priklauso idėja suburti visus fizikus, dirbančius atominės bombos srityje, į vieningą mokslinį centrą Los Alamose, JAV.

Horrified by the new girlfriends of their respective sons, three sisters-in-law – Clara, a socialite, Matis, a widowed professional, and Nena, a naive housewife – make an alliance to get rid of their undesirable daughters-in-law.

Haroldas turi magišką purpurinę kreidelę: kad ir ką ja nupiešia, viskas tampa realybe. Metai bėgo ir Haroldas pamažu užaugo. Vieną dieną jis nusprendžia nusipiešti duris į tikrąjį pasaulį. Rankoje tvirtai laikydamas savo stebuklingąją kreidelę, Haroldas giliai įkvepia ir žengia pro duris. O čia ir prasideda Haroldo, jo draugų ir magiškosios kreidelės nuotykiai mūsų pasaulyje, kuriame viskas nauja ir dar neatrasta.

Phineas and Ferb turn the city of Danville into a giant thank you card for Santa Claus because they feel nobody ever thanks him for all the joy he brings to the world. Doofenshmirtz uses a device called the "Naughty-inator" to put the city of Danville on Santa's naughty list.

Adrenalino kupinas filmas „Pilietinis karas“ vyksta netolimoje ateityje JAV įsiplieskus pilietiniam karui, po Kalifornijos ir Teksaso valstijų mėginimo atsiskirti nuo šalies. Filmas seka ant skustuvo ašmenų balansuojančią žurnalistų grupę, kuri dokumentuoja žiaurius įvykius suskilusioje Amerikoje.

Kai paslaptingos jėgos ėmė mažinti populiaciją žemėje, tik viena taisyklė ėmė galioti: jei tai pamatai, paaukoji gyvybę. Taip nutiko ir Malorie, kuri yra atskiriama nuo savo dviejų vaikų ir vienintelis būdas jiems išgyventi – įveikti paslaptingus miškus bei visai šeimai susitikti vienoje vietoje, kurioje galima tikėtis aukštesnių jėgų malonės. Bėda ta, kad tai jie turi atlikti visiškai aklai.

1945 metų gegužės 8-osios vakarą visa Europa išeina į gatves švęsti pergalės Antrajame pasauliniame kare. Didžiosios Britanijos sostinėje tarp džiūgaujančios minios neatpažintos linksminasi ir Vindzorų seserys: būsimoji karalienė, devyniolikmetė Elžbieta, ir jos keturiolikmetė sesuo Margaret. Jaunosios princesės išsmunka iš Bakingamo rūmų ir iki vidurnakčio šoka viešbutyje „Ritz“. Princesės, įsimaišiusios į švenčiančių žmonių minią, išgyvena beprotiškiausią, svaigiausią ir pačią nuostabiausią savo gyvenimo naktį.

Lizzie is a young piano teacher working at a music school while trying to save enough money for a Steinway piano. The school is gearing up for their major Christmas fundraiser and she has committed much of her time to plan the event. One afternoon, she meets Brad who takes an interest in her playing and asks if she will teach his uninterested teenage daughter. She begins to break through to the young girl, and sparks begin to fly with Brad, but she is shocked to find out that his interest is not solely in her playing, but in the property that houses the music school. She sets out to save the school and the event, but can she work things out with Brad?

Merginos iš Niujorko Renė gyvenimas – nuolatiniai bandymai laikytis dietos arba užsiimti treniruotėmis. „Bandymas užskaitytas“, — pamanė Visata ir švysteli vargšelę nuo treniruoklio. Mergina krenta, stipriai susitrenkia galvą ir staiga patiki, jog yra neprilygstama gražuolė. Tarsi iš naujo gimusi, Renė užtikrintai „kabina“ vaikiną, dalyvauja bikinių konkurse ir netgi nepasikuklina užsukti į modelių agentūrą! Tik mažytė problema — kitų žmonių akyse ji nei trupučio nepasikeitė. Išoriškai. O viduje? Gal pasitikėjimas savimi iš tikrųjų pakeitė merginą?

Crystal, a rich party girl, finds a little girl's letter to Santa asking for a new mother, and she vows to win over the father and daughter before the holidays.

A hopeless romantic who can’t ever seem to give a guy a real chance begins receiving each of the "12 Days of Christmas” as gifts anonymously at her door. As she tries to figure out who is sending the gifts, she begins to believe that the mystery suitor could finally live up to her expectations.

Aunt Sally's Christmas Cookie Company is sold to a large conglomerate and executive Hannah must seal the deal and shut down the factory, which is the small town of Cookie Jar's lifeblood. What was supposed to be a simple assignment for Hannah becomes complicated when she meets Jake, the factory owner who's determined to keep the factory in town. Despite not being a fan of the holiday, the Christmas spirit in this small town is infectious and she gets swept up in the joy of the season while also falling in love with Jake.

Duncan Mayor decides the perfect Christmas present for his terminally ill wife, Suzy, is a ride on a real Ferris wheel, set up in their very own back yard. As a young man, it was the perfect place for a wedding proposal. Now, years later, in order to relive the experience with his wife, Duncan will go to any length to make their fantasy become a reality.

In a futuristic dystopia with enforced beauty standards, a teen awaiting mandatory cosmetic surgery embarks on a journey to find her missing friend.

When a driven doctor doesn't get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town. While she meets the locals and even starts a new romance, she has to learn to let the life she planned for give way to a love she never could have imagined, and finds this festive small town is hiding one big holiday secret.

As a little girl, Melanie Hogan wished to find her own prince charming just like her parents found true love. Now an adult, Melanie is running her own bakery and dating a handsome CEO, Justin. Although things seem perfect when Justin asks Melanie to spend the holidays together at his beautiful lake house upstate—and meet his mother. Melanie finds herself spending more time with Justin’s best friend and loyal assistant, Dean, who just might be harboring a secret crush on her. When complications arise that throw Melanie and Dean together over the holiday, will the two realize they're meant to be?

Siblings Ethan and Hallie O'Fallon plot to get their divorced parents back together in time for Christmas.

When Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early, crashes into the Fox family's house, ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents, he needs help! But the Fox family are a modern and broken family. Can they help him? The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids aren't very festive. But it's up to them to help Santa find his magical bag of toys and the clock is ticking or Christmas will be ruined. Forced to set their own problems aside and work together the Fox family rediscover how much they enjoy being together and realise that maybe they need to reprioritise their lives. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas is a crazy Christmas fantasy for all the family, brimming with festive spirit.

Becca and Robby are a married couple having a hard time connecting with each other as the holidays approach. Just before Christmas, they head to a cozy Vermont inn at the advice of their marriage coach so they can recharge. Their weekend away gets unexpectedly extended when a mishap puts their car out of commission and just may put them on the road to a very happily married Christmas.

A unique horror film told from the first-person perspective of Grace - a naive, virginal college freshman trying to deal with campus culture and her outgoing roommate as an evil entity takes over her body and unleashes chaos.